Update on our camping trip!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rheamay, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    I asked a week or so ago I asked if I was crazy for taking my 6 mo old twins camping and I wanted to let ya'll know how it went...It was great!!

    The weather was beautiful but a bit chilly at night (as is expected in the desert this time of year). But it wasn't unbearable cold. The packnplays did not fit in the tent (the ceiling is too low) so I spread several big blankets out on the floor of the babys tent. Our tent is actually 3 tents (1 big and 2 small) that connect with tunnels or can be seperated individually. So I spread out blankets and bundeled them up like the michellean tire man! [​IMG] They just slept on the ground at opposite ends of the tent. The first night, I put warm bottles in these insulated bottle bags...that did not work! I was up at 3am trying to get warm water out of my moms trailer while DH delt with crying baby in the tent. Not fun! But the next nite we put boiled water in bottles in a small cooler and then they kept warmer all night.

    Nathan ended up sleeping with us because he just wouldn't sleep. But he is not a good sleeper anyways so it wasn't that big of a deal. Gabe woke up one time each night just like normal and went back to sleep.

    My 2Yo is quite the camper! He loved playing in the dirt and riding on the quads. My DH took his first ever quad ride (at 51 yo!) and had a blast!

    I am only bummed because I forgot my digi camera so I can't post pics until I get the disposable developed. [​IMG]

    So if you have babies and are thinking of going camping with them....GO! It was a blast and now we are planning a new years eve trip. wwwweeeeeeeeee!!!!! [​IMG]
  2. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    I asked a week or so ago I asked if I was crazy for taking my 6 mo old twins camping and I wanted to let ya'll know how it went...It was great!!

    The weather was beautiful but a bit chilly at night (as is expected in the desert this time of year). But it wasn't unbearable cold. The packnplays did not fit in the tent (the ceiling is too low) so I spread several big blankets out on the floor of the babys tent. Our tent is actually 3 tents (1 big and 2 small) that connect with tunnels or can be seperated individually. So I spread out blankets and bundeled them up like the michellean tire man! [​IMG] They just slept on the ground at opposite ends of the tent. The first night, I put warm bottles in these insulated bottle bags...that did not work! I was up at 3am trying to get warm water out of my moms trailer while DH delt with crying baby in the tent. Not fun! But the next nite we put boiled water in bottles in a small cooler and then they kept warmer all night.

    Nathan ended up sleeping with us because he just wouldn't sleep. But he is not a good sleeper anyways so it wasn't that big of a deal. Gabe woke up one time each night just like normal and went back to sleep.

    My 2Yo is quite the camper! He loved playing in the dirt and riding on the quads. My DH took his first ever quad ride (at 51 yo!) and had a blast!

    I am only bummed because I forgot my digi camera so I can't post pics until I get the disposable developed. [​IMG]

    So if you have babies and are thinking of going camping with them....GO! It was a blast and now we are planning a new years eve trip. wwwweeeeeeeeee!!!!! [​IMG]
  3. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Wow! That sounded like fun! My DH wants to take us (all 6 of us!) camping next summer. You gave some hope that it could be fun and only slightly stressful!
  4. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    That's great Rhea! I am glad it was such a success!!!! [​IMG]
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I'm glad it went well!!! [​IMG]
  6. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Yay!!! I'm so glad it went well & you all had fun!! [​IMG]
  7. Pookeysue

    Pookeysue Well-Known Member

    That is SO great. We have been camping with our twins since they were 4 weeks old. Granted I made dh buy a pop up camper because my babies were not going to sleep on the ground. We have so much fun everytime we go and the kids just love the outdoors. We have friends who did not take their dd camping until she was 15 months old and she hates it, they think that they waited too long. I really believe that if you want to do something like that and it wont harm your kids.. go for it!!

    Happy Camping!!
  8. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    That's great that it went so well! [​IMG] I'm glad that you all had a wonderful time. All of our camping trips have been successful as well. [​IMG]
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