Update on my mono/di IUGR twins - week 31

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by hrm17, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. hrm17

    hrm17 Well-Known Member

    We finally ran out of time! Had an emergency C-section on Friday evening after going for a routine NST at the doctor's office!

    I'd been having once-weekly umbilical artery dopplers, and bi-weekly non-stress tests up until this past week. My doc was about to start me on 2x/week dopplers and 3x/week NST's beginning this week. We never had absent or reverse end-diastolic flow, which were the two signs we were expecting to see before I had to deliver.

    At Friday's NST, my IUGR baby (B) started having heart rate decelerations about halfway through the test. I also had an ultrasound scheduled for that afternoon. While we were waiting for the ultrasound room to be ready, they kept me on the NST monitors. During that time, there were two more decels, and I was sent to L&D instead of ultrasound.

    I had to beg the docs to wait until my husband got there before starting the c-section. They had the babies on a monitor and told me that they would wait as long as they could without endangering them. I think it was only about an hour but felt like forever. The procedure went smoothly and both girls were delivered within a minute of each other. The neonatologists had a tough time resuscitating baby B, but she was stabilized and by evening both girls were set up in incubators in the NICU. We've had some ups and downs, but they are still looking good and very very cute!

    Baby A: 1680 grams (3lbs, 11oz)
    Baby B: 820 grams (1lb, 13oz)

    Yes, our little one is less than half the weight of her sister. She's a fighter though and very feisty!
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Congrats on their arrival!! My "big" baby was 3lbs 11ozs at 33 weeks so Baby A is big! Lots of hugs to you as you endure the NICU time. PLEASE visit the NICU forum for support!
  3. tburke75

    tburke75 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on the birth of your twins. My little one (although not as tiny as yours) was and still is the feisty one! She ended up hitting milestones before her sister! I am sure being outside will be better for the both of them and they will thrive! Good luck with the NICU stay and keep us posted! I will be thinking of you guys.
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Momma! WElcome to the first year! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. If you need support or have any questions during and after the girls NICU stay feel free to visit the NICU forum here on TS (the link is in my siggy). I hope their NICU stay is short and uneventful!!
  5. Jenn79

    Jenn79 Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the birth of your twins!! I will keep you all in my prayers for a short NICU stay. Keep us posted.

    Take care,
  6. kymbahlee

    kymbahlee Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! I have been wondering where you have been! Oh wow. 1/2 the size. That is where we are heading to, as well. I hope I get to 31 weeks but the mfm is saying unlikely.
    Please, I want lots of information on how your little ones are doing. Reading your story it is just starting to hit that that is going to be me sometime in the next 4 weeks. I am so glad that she is already showing her fighting spirit!
    Hope you are feeling well after your c-section too.
    Oh and NAMES! Don't leave us hanging!
  7. jmcnett

    jmcnett Well-Known Member

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope your babies NICU stay is short! What are their names?
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations on your angels!!! I hope that little one continues to be a fiesty little fighter!!
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :Clap: Congrats momma! :Clap:
  10. lilalyshia

    lilalyshia Well-Known Member

    Congrats momma!
  11. Vnesa2009

    Vnesa2009 Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your twins :birthday:
  12. marleen

    marleen Member

    Congratulations - so glad babies are doing well! Reading these miracle stories
    gives one hope. My daughter now 29 weeks with a dilated serviks and funneling and
    strict bedrest for 4 weeks already and being hospitalize twice already with premature labour
    makes one all stressed out.
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations! :Clap: I agree, the littlest babies are the biggest fighters! :Clap: Please visit the NICU forum for any support you need during their stay.
  14. beckylynn

    beckylynn Well-Known Member

    You are inspiration to all the rest of us who are battling IUGR! Congratulations on your little ones, I'm so happy for you!
  15. becky5

    becky5 Guest

  16. bdhtwins

    bdhtwins Active Member

    Congratulations. I had a similiar situation. My little one was 2lbs 11 oz, he did have absent diastolic flow to the placenta. Very scary. He's been the feisty one and is currently 11lbs. Doesn't sound like a lot, but he about 5 times his birth weight. He was on room air from the beginning. The NICU time was stressful but fortunately uneventful. I hope your babes have a short healthy NICU experience and they are home keeping you up at night soon.
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