Update on my girls

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by anicosia, Feb 17, 2008.

  1. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Hi to all,
    I haven't been posting lately. Barely been able to get on the computer. Annika and Natalie have had their third b'day. They graduated from their EI programs. No more speech, OT or preschool for them. They are speaking in complete sentences now.... nonstop. They talk from the moment they wake up until they pass out. Sometimes they even talk in their sleep. What I wouldn't give for five quiet minutes. They learned how to climb out of their cribs over the last few days. We made the move to toddler beds. Naps are now non-existent. Fortunately, they stay in their beds at night. It helps that I have the room completely dark, few toys and they can't open the door. Annika has hit 30 pounds finally. Natalie is still an itty bitty 27. It's hard for the adults in this house to diet. All four of my girls are technically under weight and on full fat, high fat diets. Potty training isn't happening yet. I sometimes wish it were but for now, I'll settle with them adjusting to the big girl beds and taking a nap in them. Natalie is supposed to be wearing glasses but I can't get them on her for more than 30 minutes. She hates them. They are suddenly very territorial. They each have certain books, bears, dolls, etc... that are theirs. They know what belongs to whom and are pretty good about leaving the other's things alone. Heaven forbid you give Annika her sister's baby doll. "That's not mine. I no like it. That Natalie's baby." "I no like it," is Annika's favorite line these days. Natalie is VERY particular about dishes of all things. She must have a certain bowl, cup or spoon. She literally can NOT use a cup that she thinks belongs to Annika. They are both very demanding these days. "Momma, you hold me. Rocka baby. You sing. Momma, you sing."
    On a funny note... They have learned to tell knock knock jokes, courtesy of their 8 year old sister. All day long, I listen to,
    "Knock, knock. Momma, you say who's there. Knock, knock, say who's there. Knock, knock."
    "Orange who?"
    "Uh... Knock knock..."
    And the vicious cycle begins again... If only they could remember the punchline. (Unfortunately, this can go on for a few hours per child. Annika is particularly proud of herself with this one.)
    They LOVE their FP Loving Family Doll House, play kitchen and dress up clothes. But don't dare tell them, "You are SO beautiful." For they will respond, "No, I'm Natlie! (or Annika)"
    I've taken on babysitting a 2.5 year old boy once a week for his mom. She's in the military and has overnight duty once a week. I feel sorry for the poor guy. EVERYTHING is his fault when he is here. "He made the mess momma" "He broke my book" "He pulled sissy's hair" Mind you, the offending child is holding a wad of her sissy's hair in her hand while he plays quietly across the room.
    Looking at them or listening to them now, you would NEVER believe that these girls were 29 weekers. Aside from being a little small for their age, they have mostly caught up to their same age peers.
    Three can be SO much fun. And SO exhausting. At least I can say that there is rarely, if ever, a dull moment in this house.
    I'll try to be better about popping on.
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update!! It sounds like your girls are doing wonderful!! :Clap:
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for letting us know how they are doing!!! they are truly miracles!!!

    and oh my goodness the knock knock joke thing is priceless!! :rotflmbo:
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    April, it's good to see you back on! I'm glad to hear your girls are doing so well.
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update! It sounds like they are doing great :) So glad to see you back!
  6. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    LOL @ knock knock jokes!

    Great update!!!
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