Update on Carlie

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mar66rus2, Oct 7, 2007.

  1. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    I ended up having to call the ER to find out how she was. DH had his phone on silent and didn't realize their were phones in the room. After x-rays of her belly and b/w, they said she had ALOT of gas bubbles in her bowels. So they consulted with our Pedi, and said to give her nothing but Pedilyte for 24-36hrs to get the gas bubbles out and allow her to have bowel movements...they also perscribed suppositories and gave her one there. So she pretty much pooped a gazillion times last night. However, our pedi called and said to not give her the Pedialyte and just put a teaspoon of brown sugar in her bottle once a day. Well, we decided to keep her on the Pedialyte for the night so the gas would go away. She is now back on the formula. I am not overly thrilled about giving her brown sugar. I would of thought they would rather have her get prune juice.

    They go to the doctor for their 2 month check up on Tues. I am soooo frustrated on this whole gas/AR/colic thing. I just feel like it is all a super big mess with AR medicine, formula types, etc... We need to get this panned out Tuesday before I go crazy.

    I actually did go a little nuts at 5am. I had Carlie for the night. I don't look forward to having her cause she never just goes back to sleep....Claire always does. So she got up at 3 to eat. She had 6ozs and clean diaper. I swaddled her as best as I could cause she is out grown the blankets, gave her the paci, and rocked her. She was falling asleep so I went back to our room and put her in the bouncer, put the vibrations on, and bounced her in it. She pretty much went back to sleep...I am thinking that this is great! 10 mintues later....she is up and cranking. She won't take the paci, she is thrashing her arms and legs. I tuck her arms in the blankets so she cannot grab the paci out of her mouth and bounce her. Nothing is working....it is now going on 5am. I finally took her out, put her in her crib, and told DH he had to take over. I thought I was going to lose it!! This weekend has been soooo horrible, and I am just so fed up with dealing with cranky babies. I get out of the house but it does no good. I don't have much interest in coming back home.

    DH is disappointed in me b/c I don't want to deal with them anymore. I asked him if he thought I was a bad mom and he didn't answer. So am I??? The colic isn't getting any better, and I pray everyday it will. I want to enjoy them so badly, but they are hard to enjoy...especially Carlie. All I keep thinking is when does the enjoyment of having twins begin because I am not enjoying this at all. I am going back on my Wellbutron though so hopefully I can deal with it better.

    I don't know what to do, but something has to change. We need to get them down to bed at a certain time and get it where they are only getting up to eat and be changed, then go right back down. How do you do this though. Claire cries from 7-10 at night, and Carlie wont go down til 11 or 12....rarely do we get them both down by 10. It is putting a huge strain on me and our marriage. If they are too young for CIO, then what?

    I am just beyond frustrated and had it. I hate that we worked so hard and went through so much crap to get them, and we cannot even enjoy them.

  2. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    April: First, I'm glad that Carlie is doing better and pooping. Hopefully she'll get past this soon and Claire will stay well.

    Second, I remember all too well those early days with twins. It is HARD work. And, no one can really understand what it's like to have a crying baby (let alone two) who cries ALL the time. Your words sounded a lot like mine when my boys were that young. They do grow out of it eventually. But...I have to suggest that you talk to your doctor or ob/gyn about how YOU are feeling. You may be dealing with postpartum depression (which a lot of moms...especially twin moms deal with). They have medication that you can take. I take Lexapro and it has saved my life, literally. You will not believe the difference that one little pill can make. It made dealing with the babies manageable. It's still hard, but at least your head is in the right place.

    I know I would come on here and a lot of ladies would say that they grow out of it...just one more month (that 12 week mark). All I could think is that I wasn't sure I was going to last THAT day, let alone a month. Keep trying to do what you can to make the girls comfortable and happy (talk with your ped about trying a new formula, maybe get a bigger blanket to swaddle the girls)...BUT...you have to take care of you as well. Your words concern me only because I can hear myself in them. You are not alone in how you are feeling. A LOT of us felt exactly the same way.

    (((HUGS))) This is the hardest part, I swear to you. It really will get better. Please talk to your doctor or even to the girls' pediatrician. Shannon
  3. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I hate that you're suffering so much right now. I really just wanted to give you a hug and say you are a good mother. You are doing the best you can. Please keep us updated.

  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am glad things are better with Carlie.

    April, hang in there, having twins is hard, especially if colic is involved. My oldest DD had colic and there were so many nights I would just cry along with her. You are not a bad Mom for feeling like you don't want to deal with it anymore. It is very hard and frustrating. :hug99:

    I have read some studies that some drs. think colic may be linked to reflux. Has reflux ever been ruled out? My oldest had colic and reflux and we noticed a BIG improvement when we started reflux meds.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    April, you are truly in a really tough spot right now. I know how you feel, I had two with reflux and colic also. It was miserable for the first 3-4 months until we finally got their meds right. Hang in there. You are a good mommy. :hug99:
  6. shelley79

    shelley79 Well-Known Member

    Oh April, :love0028: . You took the words right out of my mouth. I ask myself all the time, "Why did I try so hard to get pregnant again? Why couldn't I just be happy with the 2 kids I already had (that sleep through the night and don't spit up every 30 seconds)?" I really hope that things get better for you soon, it is so miserable feeling this way. Please try to take care of yourself.
  7. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Oh April, I know what you're going through, I could have written a very similar story. I feel like a bad mom all the time and I worry my husband thinks so as well. No wonder the babies never smile at me, probably because I look so miserable all the time. I'm sure things will get better, you are doing the best you can and that makes you a good mom no matter what. :hug99: :hug99:
  8. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    April, you are soooo not a bad mommy! :hug99: These days at the beginning are hard enough but to have all this tummy, colic problems with Carlie is just spreading your last bit of patience too thin. You are human honey. That being sad, I would get some time to myself though, away from Carlie and her crying and up all night issues. Can you get someone to come and help out for a night so both you and and DH can get some sleep? Sleep makes a world of difference. :hug99:
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