Update! Mono Mono Twin Girls! 26 weeks..

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Nella, May 3, 2012.

  1. Nella

    Nella Active Member

    :DHi ladies,

    I hope everyone is doing great, I have been reading up on everyone and I'm very happy to hear all the great progress us multi mommies are doing.

    So wanted to let you all in on a new update happening now in our mono mono twin journey... :D

    So as you all can guess we are having identical twin baby girls!! We are very happy and excited to meet our new little princesses, they have been wearing their crown proudly since our journey started...

    All of my prenatal visits have been going wonderful, all the blood test have come out great, pressure is of a child so no complaints on that side what so ever, a bit of swelling hear and there, and alot of pain in the hips due to weight of belly and body thinking im 4 weeks ahead of where I'm actually at.. :)

    At yesterday visit my DH got a wake up call as to we were given the warning that by my next MFM visit I will be put on inpatient bed rest, at the hospital (WPH) so he has been in shock ever since... We were seeing a midwife for a regular pre-natal visit and they are closely working with the MFM office and as I am the only mono mono during this time here, I have become quiet a "celebrity" without even knowing, that they are already preparing for our arrival.

    So my next MFM & Ultrasound visit will be on the 17th and I will be right at the 28 week mark, which is when they will be talking to us about me being taken into inpatient care for the remainder of the pregnancy. Which means no babyshower :( we were planning it for the first weekend of June, I would have been 30 weeks at that time, I thought they would take me in after not sooner.. womp womp :(

    Now I come to you wonderful ladies, for that great support and advice on what do will I need to do before I go, what can I do to entertain myself, and just some advice on how to handle all of it. I knew this would happen, I did the research I've read it all and it all said the same, but I was just not thinking it would be this soon...

    Sorry for the long post, it just feels better to have it all out.. Looking foward to your responses..

    Have a great day all!! :wavey:
  2. wvtwinmama

    wvtwinmama Well-Known Member

    Hi. Congratulations on how well everything has been going so far – that's terrific! I've been on bed rest now for 10 weeks (I'm 33 weeks with di di girl/boy twins). Granted, I'm at home, which I've heard is easier than the hospital, but I have learned a few things about getting through it. Definitely try to have a laptop, and if you subscribe to Netflix and Hulu that would be great. Try to find a rhythm for your days, so that you do approximately the same thing at the same time. It really helps the time go by. Celebrate all of the milestones – my husband and I celebrate each passing week. Try to stay off of Google, because it will only scare you, and stay on this website instead! And accept everyone's offers of help. Your husband will need support, and so will you, and you shouldn't turn down anyone who is willing to make him dinner, or clean your house, or drop by with supplies like magazines or snacks for you. Bed rest is tough, but you can do it! Well all be here to cheer you on.
    1 person likes this.
  3. Nella

    Nella Active Member

    Congrats on being 33 weeks!! That is great for you!! I wish it was at home but they have to monitor mo mo twins more closely...
    Yeah the midwife told me to start blogging... I don't even know where to start.. lol

    Thank you for your advice it is great and very helpful, I will defintely be spending a lot of time on here...

    Keep going as well.. sounds like ur doing great!!
  4. efaith

    efaith Well-Known Member

    Hi, wow, what a journey for you and your precious girls! Glad that things are going so well and hope the whole bedrest thing goes equally well. Good that they don't muck around where your welfare and that of your babies is concerned. Enjoy reaping the benefit of all the experience on here!
  5. Jillybn32

    Jillybn32 Member

    Hi Nella,

    I was on bedrest for 15 1/2 week, 7 of those were in the hospital during my pregnancy. I watched a ton of netflix and hulu, they were the best. I watched tv series so that I would have hours of entertainment, rather than just a movie for an hour and a half. I had visitors stop by, my husband spent the evenings and nights with me and would leave for work in the mornings. I would say find a routine that works for you - i.e. wake up, breakfast, get ready for the day (wash face, brush teeth, change clothes, etc.), entertain (tv, games, visitors, whatever), and so on. It really helped me to know what I would do in what order for the day. Also know that if you find certain nurses you click with you can request to have them assigned to you so that whenever they work they will be your nurse. It really helps to have your nurses be people you like and who you feel are advocating for you. You have made it so far! Not too much longer. Good luck and congrats on making it so long!
  6. Nella

    Nella Active Member

    Hi Jillybn32,

    Thank you sooooo much for all your advice.... I will try to do as much as I possibly can to get through this time... I am very appreciative of any and all advice I get for this time ahead of me... THANK YOU!!!
  7. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I was on bedrest with my mono/di boys from 24-37 weeks. I read lots, the laptop is your friend, my ipod touch was always charged and ready to go. I read lots of books, magazines, did tons of word searches, paint by numbers. Caught up and ALL soaps lol. You can do it.
  8. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Find some games to get addicted to...bubble shooter, solitaire, online sudoku, heck, try farmville lol.
  9. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I used to play Farmville I lot a couple years ago. I can definately eat up your time!!! Lol

    I hope you're doing well! I'll pray for you.
  10. Nella

    Nella Active Member

    Hi Ladies,

    I hope all is well with everyone, and that everyone is continuing is greatly as possible on their twin journey.

    Here is as quick of an update I can give to you all on our current MoMo Journey...

    - Went into inpatient care, when we went in for the ultrasound and consultation with the perinatologist.
    - Current plan of care, is NST (non stress test) 3 times a day, and vitals check every 4 hours.
    - Had only on day of more than 1 hour to 2 hour monitoring done, 7 hours in total due to bad positioning... :/
    - My DH has been AMAZINGLY supportive throughout this entire experience and staying at the hospital with me... LOVING IT!! its keeping me sane... LOL

    All in all so far its been going pretty good, then again its just the beginning and were going good so far. We just have to keep a positive mind throughout this journey and all will be well, which is what we have been doing so far.

    Also I started blogging about our journey, so please feel free to stop by and have a read... Thank you ladies!!
  11. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I'm so happy to hear you're doing well! And the babies too of course!! Please keep us updated.
  12. j-squared

    j-squared Well-Known Member

    Yes, very glad to hear things are going well. I hope it remains uneventful. How far along are you now?

    You're doing great!
  13. Nella

    Nella Active Member

    Hi Ladies,

    I hope everyone is doing well...

    I'm 30 weeks now, it has been 2 weeks now that I have been inpatient care, and it is not going as bad as I thought it would be.
    Did an U/S today and the babies are growing well, baby A is 2 lbs 6 oz and baby B is 2 lbs 12 oz, so they are growing well, moving around a lot and they always got the hiccups, which I heard is really great exercise for them. I'm on continuous monitoring and I have gotten used to being on the monitors.. LOL :p
  14. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nella- 30 weeks and still cooking is a great milestone. Keep it up!
  15. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    That's awesome news!!! Thanks for the update! :)
  16. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    Congrats! You have a great attitude and your babes are coming along so well. I wish you continued success and more baking time!
  17. Nella

    Nella Active Member

    Thank you Ladies!! We're hoping to keep them baking till at least 35 weeks... Will keep you all posted..
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