Update from doc appointment

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mdleyva, May 15, 2008.

  1. mdleyva

    mdleyva Well-Known Member

    So I went to doc yesterday. We were checking on growth of baby B since it was measuring more than 2 weeks behind A. Backing up a bit.. As you all know i did my test(can't remember name) that tells you if you have an increase risk for down ect.. Mine came back with an increase risk. I was really upset about this and freaked out. I opted to do an amnio because i wanted to prepare for what was to come. I did the test and had lots of cramping that night and the next day. It really was uncomfortable. While they were doing to test the tech said she thought Baby b was a girl which is why i first posted i was having b/g twins. Well about 10 days later i got the results and they said everything looked fine. NO chromosone defects and we were expecting 2 boys. I was shocked as i had already told everyone it was a boy and a girl. SO fast forward to yesterday.. As they were measuring Baby b they said it had only grown 2 more weeks so it is still really behind. Peri decides to do some more looking and said did they tell you the sexes of the babies. I say yes they are both boys. He says what.. Something isn't right. i about **** my pants. I said what. He said clearly Baby B is a girl. I said no i have the results from the amnio and it says Male Keriotype(sp) on both. He than leaves and goes back to his office to look at the computer. he says you are right it says both are boys but that isn't right B is clearly a girl. He put the wand back on B and got a clear shot of her legs and said see there this is a girl.. I seen it, it is a girl no boy parts there. I than tell him please look around and make sure there isn't a third cause at one point there was a 3rd sack and i was told it was re-absorbed. They looked and looked and he says no i only see 2. He than asks me if i want to do and amnio to see if B has chromosone defects. I say well how the **** does this type of error happen. I watched them poke both sacs at the amnio. He says 2 things could have happened, they poked one sac twice or the laboratory mixed one sample up with someone else. I did not want to do another amnio so now i am stressed out that my baby girl has chromosone defects and worried she isn't growing. I was so upset after leaving there. I thought i was over reacting, but the more i think about it, this is a huge mistake. Amnio's aren't taken ligthly and now i feel i did it for nothing. I have had so many worries with this pregnancy it is unreal..So i don't even know if i should just say that now i am pg with b/g twins or just wait for delievery. I am so frustrated . Deep down i think it is b/g. What do you all think? Am i over reacting? Please pray for B that she grows some. baby A weighed about 1 pound 4oz and baby B measured 13oz(i think). Thoughts comments are appreciated(along with prayers)
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Momma. Your baby is definately in my prayers. :hug99: I would be frustrated too. Amnios are not simple procedures and for this to happen is upsetting. I'm so sorry it did happen to you. I don't know what to say, because I know as a mother, we worry. All I can tell you is that I'm praying that Baby B catches up and doesn't have any chromosone defects. We're all here for you anytime.
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I'm not a doc or any kind of medical person, but this is what I think. #1 If Baby B is a girl, then she is just growing smaller than her brother. You have a petite baby. #2 Baby B may have IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). My Baby B had this and was in the less than 3rd percentile at 20 weeks. He now weighs two pounds more than his brother. I wouldn't worry too much about the chromosome defects. I refused that first test because having twins skews the results. Amnio's are so risky. I think you may have a law suit on your hands...if it's the lab's mistake. I can see how it would be easy to accidentally poke the same sac twice since they move so much.

    The best thing you can do for your babies right now is to take a deep breath and think of all the smiles those babies are going to give you in a few short months. Lie on your left side and drink some Boost (or milkshakes). This really helped my Baby B.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I will keep your baby in my thoughts and prayers. I am sorry about the mistake. :hug99: Hopefully things will turn out okay.
  5. Terrebeth1

    Terrebeth1 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry to hear the stress you are going through. It does sound like they took two samples from you baby boy. I also have the problem of one small baby. From the beginning I did not do the amnio due to the risk of miscarriage. She is still way behind and has blood flow issues. My best advice is for you to pray and stay calm. How far along are you? When you are not working, can you lay down on your left side? Also, a lot of people suggested the Boost drinks with extra protein. I will see tomorrow morning if it is helping my little girl or not.

    Take care and keep us updated. There are a lot of people going through similar situations. We are here for you! :hug99:
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    how frustrating!! Bless your heart!! I don't know exactly what to say - I would be tempted not to repeat the amnio since they can be risky - chances are they got 2 samples from your son. I will tell you that my baby A measured way behind her sister starting at 30 weeks her fluid level was also low. they put me on bed rest and I drank Boost and ate good - she ended up weighing a little more than her sister - (we suspected fraternal twins in my case because we did IVF but because they were same sex could not be 100%) but with b/g - they are no more alike than any other 2 siblings - your daughter is more than likely just a smaller baby than your son. are you seeing a peri??? if not maybe you should ask to -you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    :hug99: ,
  7. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Oh you poor thing, this is very traumatic and, no, I dont think you are over-reacting.

    Im inclined to agree with Heather and wouldnt repeat the amnio. I was lucky enough to not to have to do it but I wasnt keen on the idea as the risk is higher. I would want an answer from the lab though, they shouldnt be making those type of mistakes. I think they got 2 samples from your son too, very careless.

    I hope you get some answers asap. Im sure your babies are just fine.

    You´re in my prayers. :hug99:
  8. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    I wish I had words of advice or wisdom - or something to make you feel better. AT this point, I think it is just a matter of riding out the pregnancy and seeing what happens at the time of birth. ((((HUGS)))) I know it isn't easy and I wish there were more I could do or say to make you feel better. The key is to relax and have faith that things are going to happen the way fate (or God if you believe) planned. The more you can TRY to relax (I know, impossible task), the better off you and the babies will be. Constant worry is NOT good for you - so please, have a little faith and try your hardest to think positive thoughts.

  9. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    I also wouldn't repeat the amnio. I have known more than one mom to get back amnio results that said there were increased risks, but in the end, the tests were wrong! Also, I do not think there are many twins who keep the same exact growth habits in utero. . . just observe the babies born at this board. I think it was a fluke, and I would just have my doc (the one you trust most) to keep a close monitor on you. My nurse reminded me yesterday that medical practice is an ART, not a science. . . just hopefully informed by science.

    Y'all are in my prayers. . .
  10. jillangel

    jillangel Well-Known Member

    It is terrible you are going through this. I'm not in your position but I wouldn't do the amnio because most likely they accidently hit the same sac twice and you have a perfectly healthy little girl in there just a little tiny. I know it will be impossible for you not to worry though. I am wishing for the best for you and your babies.
  11. Vero

    Vero Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm so sorry about the error they made and no, you're not over reacting. BUT try to relax - all this worrying and getting upset is not good for you nor the babies.

    I hope Baby B catches up and if SHE :D continues to be a bit behind HER brother - as long as she's healthy, it's okay.
    Hang in there!!! :hug99:
  12. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mommymeg @ May 15 2008, 12:55 PM) [snapback]775031[/snapback]
    I'm not a doc or any kind of medical person, but this is what I think. #1 If Baby B is a girl, then she is just growing smaller than her brother. You have a petite baby. #2 Baby B may have IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). My Baby B had this and was in the less than 3rd percentile at 20 weeks. He now weighs two pounds more than his brother. I wouldn't worry too much about the chromosome defects. I refused that first test because having twins skews the results. Amnio's are so risky. I think you may have a law suit on your hands...if it's the lab's mistake. I can see how it would be easy to accidentally poke the same sac twice since they move so much.

    The best thing you can do for your babies right now is to take a deep breath and think of all the smiles those babies are going to give you in a few short months. Lie on your left side and drink some Boost (or milkshakes). This really helped my Baby B.

    I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think she has a lawsuit unless she suffered damages from the amnio, or SEVERE (like not being able to leave the house) mental distress as a result. Sadly, just because something is 'wrong' doesn't mean you can get a lawsuit- no damages = no $ and often no cause.

    IMO I think she should definitely talk to or write the manager of the lab, or if they are with the BB business bureau write a complaint. It might get the person who messed up in trouble or ensure they don't make the same mistake again with someone else.
  13. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had the same problem as you...well almost the same.

    I was pg with quads. We had to reduce to twins (another issue...not looking to start at debate), We did a CVS test before the reduction. I was told I was having two chromosomely perfect boys. We had the reduction and all went fine.

    I had my 18 week sono and asked them to check the sexes bc I just really didn't believe that they were two boys. She checked baby A...cleary a boy. Baby B had legs closed so we couldn' tell. The dr had to go back in to look and see something about baby b's heart and while they were looking the legs opened and....CLEARLY a girl. My b/g twins are now 3 and perfectly healthy.

    They warned me that it may be a genetic issue and I could do further testing if I would like. I choose not too. I was told there was a 1% chance of cross contamination and I fell into that 1%. Since it was reduction, they said they could have reduced the "wrong one" but either way it doesn't matter....the fact is, it DOES happen.
    As for the growth difference, I have seen it on here many times. I would just demand they keep a close eye on it and maybe its nothing at all....just two babies growing at two different rates!

  14. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would try to get a level 2 U/S - not sure if that was the recent u/s - but i would not do a repeat amino. I believe they can rule out some stuff - depending on how many weeks you are - via a high resolution u/s.

    Jake (my baby B) was IUGR - so I was put on bedrest to help him grow, if you can, maybe put yourself on modified bedrest until you get more information from the dr.

    We did do an amino at 17 weeks and my dr. injected dye into the first sac (after taking the fluid) so we would know if she hit the same sac twice. Did they do that w/your amino?
  15. cmccarthy

    cmccarthy Well-Known Member

    Nothing to add but hugs and support.
  16. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry you've been through all this, what a horrible thing that you went through the amnio which is supposed to make things so clear and things are so unclear! Do you see a peri? Is the growth being monitored regularly? There is quite a range of error on the growth scans, I don't know how that might factor in in your case. By 32 weeks or so my baby girl wasn't growing at the same rate as her brother, but she was still growing, so they assured me she was okay as long as NSTs/AFIs looked good. I was still a nervous wreck and wasn't sure we should wait til 38 weeks to deliver her, but we did, with lots of NSTs and AFIs and she was fine, but smaller than her bro. Now she's a total chub! I hope you are in good hands with specialists who will closely monitor her growth. If not, be sure to advocate for yourself. Your babies deserve lots of special attention :)
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