until what age did your babes use the jumperoo?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by happychck, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    hi everyone,

    a few months ago we bought two jumparoos (fisher price rainforrest), w/the approval of our physical therapist. one is at home, barely being used, and the other is still in the box at my parent's (babysitter)'s house. the boys are almost 6 months adjusted, so it seems they are well past the point where they would use/enjoy it. i just realized that i have about two weeks left to return it to bru and get something else. so i just thought i'd ask all of you--

    when did your babies start/stop using their jumperoos?

    can you suggest something else that would be fun for them (and keep them busy for a few minutes so my parents can have a break?).

    also, we have an exersaucer, which they really like. we thought of getting another one, but i was just wondering until what age do most children use them? not sure if it's worth it at this point.

    thanks a bunch!
  2. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    My girls are 8.5 months old (almost!) and still LOVE their rainforest jumparoo!!!
    Don't get rid of it! (well, unless they don't have fun in it)
  3. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    As soon as mine started crawling they lost interest. I think that if you put them in it and they do not do anything or cry consistently after you put them in there it may be time for a change.

    I put a blanket done with some toys and let them explore. You can find some toys that lay flat on the floor and then you can raise them when they learn to stand (like a grow with me toy type thing)
  4. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    We started using it around 6 months and they used it everyday for 2-3 months. They loved it! Now we use it maybe every few days to once a week. They still enjoy it but not as much as before, and now that they can stand on their own they don't get as bored as they used to on the floor. I just came across the instructions a couple of days ago and it says to only use up to 25 lbs. Avery is nearing that mark so we may need to pack it up soon. My sis is having a baby in a few months so we'll just hand it over to her.

  5. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Our babies are nearly 7.5mnths and they still like the jumperoo! Just put them in it for a bit and see if they like it.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Jumperoos are the bomb!! My girls loved theirs and was in them from about 5 months until they could walk well. It was a great purchase for us.
  7. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(adia2007 @ Sep 11 2008, 03:47 AM) [snapback]974454[/snapback]
    As soon as mine started crawling they lost interest. I think that if you put them in it and they do not do anything or cry consistently after you put them in there it may be time for a change.

    I put a blanket done with some toys and let them explore. You can find some toys that lay flat on the floor and then you can raise them when they learn to stand (like a grow with me toy type thing)

    Same for us here...Once we were moblie- any type of confinement was not fun for us! I think we were about 8ish months when we were done with it!
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'd take back the one still packed... Mine still love the jumperoo at 6 months, but I limit its use (same with the exersaucer). DD never goes there because she needs to catch up on motor skills, and DS goes maybe twice a week for 20 minutes. I just put him in there when he gets fussy on the floor, but he's usually fine on the floor playing with toys for an hour, and I figure it's better for him anyway.
  9. chocomilko

    chocomilko Well-Known Member

    mine aren't really into the saucers or the roo anymore. However, if I need to walk away for a moment and do something, in they go. Since they are both on the move now, I need to have something to contain and entertain ;)
  10. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    One is completely done with the jumperoo and the other is losing interest now that he is mobile. He will still sit in it for a little while when I need to contain him, but he used to LOVE it. We used it daily from 5-7.5 months old and now just every once in awhile.
  11. jkendall

    jkendall Well-Known Member

    My DS started crawling at 6 months and then hated his jumperoo. DD still likes it, but not as much as the exersaucer.
  12. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    thanks for your input! i forgot to mention that they are both just about to crawl (on all fours, moving backwards, even using their legs one at a time--but still haven't figured out how to move arms one at a time!). they both also dislike being confined... so maybe they just are never going to fall in love w/the thing! only one has even figured out that it's for jumping;).

    we'll probably take it back. thanks again! (and if you have any suggestions of anything else fun for them to play in that my parents can use if they need a quick break, i'd love to hear!).

    :), jl
  13. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We use ours outside a lot! They get a little bored in them inside now but outside they love them and it keeps them contained while we play with older dd.
  14. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Mine lost interest around 7-7.5 months for sure. I gave it to my sister b/c her baby is do in the next five weeks!
  15. jillangel

    jillangel Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost 13 months and still use it and the exersaucer occasionally. They are 16 and 19lbs though.
  16. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    We didn't even start using it until close to 6 months old. They used it a lot until about 11 months and then for small stints until about 13 months.
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