unexplained fever- both girls

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by melslp13, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    I'm getting a bit mystified here, as both of my girls have run a low grade fever (about 99 to 100.5) for about a week now. I've had my PA friend check their ears, and there is no evidence of an ear infection. They're both in the process of cutting molars, but geesh, a week!? I'm also wondering about the possibility of bladder infections, as I've heard that when they hold themselves and do the pee pee dance at this age it could be a bladder infection, and my DD Sarah does this once or twice a day (but not all the time, in fact, it's rare and lasts a couple seconds at worst); however, don't their diapers smell a bit worse than normal if there's an infection? or wouldn't the urine change color? Sorry, probably TMI, but I haven't seen any other things to make me suspicious. I would call the doc, but they ALWAYS say come in, and I'm already sched'd for a reg. checkup next Tues (the 17th) and I want to avoid two huge copays back to back if there's any way I possibly can (SAHM on a TIGHT budget already). Anyone else have an experience with any of these issues that could shed some light on what's going on? Am I overreacting and this is normal for cutting teeth, or am I a horrible mom for not running to the doc? p.s. My PA friend is not avail. since checking their ears d/t personal issues. THanks all, and sorry this is so long...God Bless you all!
  2. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    p.s, I forgot to mention that my DD Hannah has shown no symptoms of anything other than teething; however, she never seems to show symptoms of pain or discomfort in general... I think she's one of those tough kids who would have to fall over half-dead before anyone realizes she's been very ill. For example, I've taken her in to see the doc and he's looked at me mystified b/c she has a raging ear infection in both ears, but I had no idea that she was in any discomfort. She always seems content and easygoing!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Trevor just had a fever for about 4 days (about 2 weeks ago) and no other symptoms either except cutting both his bottom molars. His top ones didn't seem to bother him a few months ago, but these bottom ones did. It lasted about 4 days and then was gone. I chalked it up to teething.
  4. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    But 9 days? It's actually been 9, so a little more than a week. Does teething fever last that long?
  5. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    Last spring Brooke had a fever on and off for several months. She would have it, and for 3-4 days, then it would leave, then be back 2 days later. It was always low grade, and she never exhibited any other sympoms except the couple times it peeked pretty high and then she got lethargic. I took her to the Ped several time, and they kept checking for ear infections and resp. infections. Finally they gave me paperwork to have a bunch of blood work drawn while she had the fever. Wouldn't you know it, it stopped that night, and didn't return. Ped said she probably had a small infection, and had trouble fighting it off (her body would get the uppehand for a while, and then lose it again to the infection). Since it never happened again, he said not to worry about it unless it started up again.

    Maybe your DD are fighting on a small infection too. I would keep an eye on them, and call the ped ASAP if they all of a sudden get worse. Hopefully it is just a nasy=ty bout of teething.
  6. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    My daughter is cutting here back teeth and has had a fever for almost two weeks.
    I am having the same issue right now.
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    If they don't seem unhappy, I would wait till the checkup, but bring them in if the fever goes up or if they start acting cranky.
  8. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    A few weeks ago one of my girls had a 103.5 degree fever that I could only get down to about 102.5 with Tylenol and Motrin. It lasted close to three days on and off. She didn't have a runny nose or a cough, no diarrhea, no vomiting, nothing. But she was cutting her two top molars. The doctor wanted to get a urine sample to see if she had a urinary tract infection, but I decided against putting her through that. The fever went away on its own, but it sure had me worried. I didn't think it was possible to run that high of a fever with teething, but I don't have any other explanation for it.
  9. micmose

    micmose Well-Known Member

    All three of mine had fevers lasting 4 days but each a week or so apart. The highest for the babies were 102 and the older one was a high of 104. None of them had anything wrong, no runny nose or cough or vomiting. They just slumped around the house for 4 days with fever. Finally on the third child I called the doc's and spoke with his nurse and told her what was going on. I asked her if something was going around and she said lots of children are coming in with low grade fevers and no other symptoms. She said all you can do is Tylenol and Motrin and after a few days it should be gone. Luckily our ped. is good about answering q's over the phone. I spoke with my G'ma and she had the same thing happening in Oregon. I guess it's just something that was going around.
    Maybe you could call and see if anything illness is going around?
    Get well soon!
  10. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Trevor just had a fever for about 4 days (about 2 weeks ago) and no other symptoms either except cutting both his bottom molars.

    Add us to the list! My guys have had low fevers for 3 days, no other symptoms.
  11. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Martin's felt hot to me for a few days but I think it was because he had been in the sun. He wasn't sunburned, but I think he was just retaining heat from the day....he's not acting weird and not getting molars or anything either. It's not a great example, but just thought I would throw that out. If you really think it's a bladder thing, it's really better not to wait. I thought Ali had one once because she cried at random times about nothing. I don't think I ever had it checked (bad me). But if you really think so.... maybe check it!
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