Umbilical cord presenting at cervix before baby on u/s

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by [email protected], Jun 12, 2008.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    At my BPP sonogram yesterday, I saw a round thing at the opening of my cervix, between my cervix and Baby A. I asked the sonogram tech what it was, thinking it was a cross section of a leg or arm (baby A is transverse) and she told me it was the umbilical cord. I knew from watching the shows on TV about emergency deliveries that a prolapsed cord, where the cord comes out ahead of the baby, is extremely serious and can suffocate the baby.

    My doctor didn't seem too worried as he said the baby would move it away as quickly as it appeared, but then he told me to "fly" to the ER if my water broke. Well, I'm half an hour away, so that won't work.

    Has anyone else run in to this scenario, and did the cord move away from the cervix?

    I do have a follow up sonogram tomorrow morning, so I'll know more then.
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I had that exact scenario, it was the reason they delivered me versus trying to keep my babies in longer. My water broke at 30w5d (baby A) and she had her cord down by her feet, down at my cervix. But keep in mind, I had PROM'd and so there was no fluid cushion keeping the cord in. They monitored me continuously for 48 hours to give my rescue dose of steroids a chance to kick in, then delivered, as it was safer for baby A to be out than to keep her in. Grace had to come along for the ride though.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Thank you for sharing your experience with this. I read that it happens in 1/1000 births, so it is very uncommon. I'm praying Baby A moved the cord and it won't be there tomorrow. If it is, I'm going to insist that I get checked in to the hospital so they can perform a c/s right away if my water breaks as I've read the baby only has minutes if the cord gets really pinched. I've had my steroid shots, so I'm good to go there.

    I'll know more tomorrow-
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I hope she moved her cord!! keep us posted!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!! on your babies!!!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    The cord has moved, but not totally out from underneath her. The doctor said it was now way off to the side, and it was just a small loop, so he doesn't think it would come out first if my water broke. I'm not dilated, so he doubts my water will break in the near future. I'm still a little nervous about it, but not as much as I was on Wednesday and yesterday. He said when they move to the head-down position, it prevents this, but since mine area both laying sideways, there's space for that cord to move down there.

    On another note, I had a good amount of protein in my urine on Wednesday, so they had me do a 24 hour collection yesterday that they're testing today. My sample at the office today showed a good amount of protein. He said if the 24 hour test came back bad, he'd take the babies early next week. My blood pressure readings have been erratic for a long time now, and the protein has steadily been creeping up. The babies weighed 4 lb 9 oz and 5 lb 1 oz today, so that is good and I've had my steroid shots.

    If I get a delivery date next week, I'll post that. I'm really excited about them coming, but of course want them to bake as long as they can. I thought they were coming back at 23 weeks due to a thin cervix (1.6cm) and high bp, so to be 33 weeks today is a true miracle that I am so thankful for.
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I'm glad the cord moved, and praying your BP stays in an acceptable range. That's one of the only things I did not have to deal with, BP issues. Mine was always on the low end of normal.
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I am so glad it has moved!!! keep us posted with your results and if you get a date! you are in my thoughts and prayers!!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the thoughts and prayers, they're definitely working!

    The doctor had said he would call me yesterday afternoon with my 24 hour urine results, but I didn't get a call. I guess I'll have to wait and hear on Monday - ugh!

    I'll keep y'all posted-

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
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