Uh, so what phase is this?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Cathmar, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    OMG! I have a huge pit in my stomach because for the first time in many months, I have no clue how to get her to nap. She's always been the high spirited one, so to speak....she battled colic and she's just a sensitive kid. But this is by far the worst.

    I hate to complain because we've done really well up to now, but this is too much right now and I just need to vent. I guess all the fesitivities and schedule changing with Christmas just threw her for a loop.

    She will not nap. Period. She just cries and yells for me. Her sister tries, but they share a room and my crying girl wakes her up, so she's getting interrupted sleep too. Their morning nap used to last 1 1/2 to 2 hours and that has stopped ever since their schedule got interrupted. Jeez I'm having trouble even posting this because I can't think with her just going on like this.

    So, instead of 2 hours of nap, she's now having two hours of crying.... And now what. I've just let her cry, but I can't be doing this everyday. And it's been going on everyday. Every single day. So now I'm at my wits end because I would use this time to get stuff done. Even just take a shower. I took a shower with her cryng in her room anyway hoping she'd be asleep by the time I got out....nope. She was crying even harder. I feel like they're 2 months old again.

    I feel so bad for her. And that's the bottom line. I keep looking at the clock and another 20 minutes go by and she's STILL crying. The thing is, before I put them down this morning they were obviously tired...not overtired, but definetly showing signs. So I know that she's exhausted, but I don't know how this is going to help her nap and feel rested.

    For just over a week now, this has been going on and her afternoon nap stinks too. She'll take 30 minutes or more to go down and then only sleep for about 45 minutes. I don't mind that one so much, but since she isn't napping at all in the morning, she's a wreck by 6:00 pm. She is still sleeping through the night, but I think it's just sheer exhaustion.

    I have no idea if this made ANY sense, but I just needed to vent before I shouted, "SHUT UP!!!' at her. I hate when I feel like this....and I hate that they are going through this.....
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Mine become non-nappers/crummy sleepers when they're in pain. Even if it doesn't seem to bother them during the day, when I put them down to sleep they have trouble. A dose of Tylenol and 20 minutes later they're back to themselves and back to sleeping. It's so hard to know what's wrong when they can't tell you but 12-14 months was a big teething stage for us. They cut their molars then and those were rough.
  3. Joyful

    Joyful Well-Known Member

    My DS started doing this after we went on vacation, they started teething and then got shots. My solution was to sit in the room with them and read a book in the rocking chair. I usually read them a book or two and then just sit quietly and let them play themselves down. It keeps me sane and from doing something I will regret. Plus its relaxing to sit in their room and read for 20 minutes without worrying about housework.
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Like a pp said-- this sounds like it could be teething or maybe she is not feeling well? I would give it a couple of more days. Hang in there. :hug99:
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    How old is she? I went through an AWFUL no-napping phase with Ainsley from about 15-18 months. Seriously, I thought I was going to lose my mind. I don't mind so much when they play and laugh instead of napping, but it was just crying and screaming the whole time. I tried just leaving her, but I couldn't let her cry that long, and she was in absolute hysterics. I ended up letting her cry for about 15-20 min while I wolfed down some lunch, and then she would sleep on me. Of course, this left me immobile during naptime. I ended up around 18 months, putting them together for naps. Not sure if you are doing that or not. We had a good period where they both took 2 hr naps. Then they started partying, and now we are at naps maybe every other day, but at least they are not upset.
  6. txsweetie

    txsweetie Well-Known Member

    I could've wrote this. I just got down crying myself b/c I can't take the crying at naps anymore. I really feel like you said like we are back in time. I was so glad that phase was over and boom here it is again!

    No advice. Just that I'm going through the exact same thing and I'm clueless. Thanks for posting this question. I will be watching to see what kind of answers you get.
  7. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TxMommieOfTwins @ Dec 31 2007, 02:11 PM) [snapback]552185[/snapback]
    I could've wrote this. I just got down crying myself b/c I can't take the crying at naps anymore. I really feel like you said like we are back in time. I was so glad that phase was over and boom here it is again!

    No advice. Just that I'm going through the exact same thing and I'm clueless. Thanks for posting this question. I will be watching to see what kind of answers you get.
    Oh, I'm so sorry, because Iknow exactly how you feel. And I hate to say it, but something about knowing that this is going on elsewhere with babies at just about the same ages makes me feel better and realize that it is just a phase. So, now that some time has passed and I'm calm and we went for a nice, long walk, I can look at the situation with a clearer head....I hope this happens for you too today. I guess we're out of practice from the newborn days!

    I'm thinking that it is teething pain, like you've all said. I don't know if I'm a true believer that teething equals bad diapers, but if the proof is in the diaper, every time she's had a tooth push through, the days leading up to it she's had bad diapers. And I've noticed that her skin on her bottom gets very irritated right before a tooth pops out too. My mother says that their poop gets acid-y with the teething (something about the saliva) and that's why the bad diapers/irritated bum.

    I checked in her mouth when we got back from our walk (and she was in a much better mood) and sure enough....red and swollen. Poor little dude. So, I'm busting out the Tylenol.

    Also, she responded excellently to gripe water when she battled colic....I'm thinking of using that again....any thoughts on that one?

    Oh, and thanks everyone. Just reading everyone's responses helped calm my nerves....
  8. txsweetie

    txsweetie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cathmar @ Dec 31 2007, 01:31 PM) [snapback]552216[/snapback]
    Oh, I'm so sorry, because Iknow exactly how you feel. And I hate to say it, but something about knowing that this is going on elsewhere with babies at just about the same ages makes me feel better and realize that it is just a phase. So, now that some time has passed and I'm calm and we went for a nice, long walk, I can look at the situation with a clearer head....I hope this happens for you too today. I guess we're out of practice from the newborn days!

    I'm thinking that it is teething pain, like you've all said. I don't know if I'm a true believer that teething equals bad diapers, but if the proof is in the diaper, every time she's had a tooth push through, the days leading up to it she's had bad diapers. And I've noticed that her skin on her bottom gets very irritated right before a tooth pops out too. My mother says that their poop gets acid-y with the teething (something about the saliva) and that's why the bad diapers/irritated bum.

    I checked in her mouth when we got back from our walk (and she was in a much better mood) and sure enough....red and swollen. Poor little dude. So, I'm busting out the Tylenol.

    Also, she responded excellently to gripe water when she battled colic....I'm thinking of using that again....any thoughts on that one?

    Oh, and thanks everyone. Just reading everyone's responses helped calm my nerves....

    Glad to hear things calmed down for you! We also went outside and played and I was able to calm down and think a bit. Hard to think in the heat of crying! I think my are teething too. Poor babies! I also was thinking the same thoughts about the gripe water. It was great when they were younger and I was wondering if I could use it again since they are older. I wouldn't see why not. Have to pick some up at the store when I make a run in a little bit. I hope she gets that tooth in real soon so she can feel better for both of your sakes!
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    It seems like 13 mos -ish is a really hard time!!! :hug99: I remember they were really clingy and harder to deal with than anything prior to 13 mos.

    It's a phase, but you might need to tweak her schedule just a bit. Try putting them down 15 min. later than normal or even earlier and see what happens. If you can, try to get her out and get her some fresh air before nap. It will help sap her energy.

    I think consistency is key. Keep at it. She'll get back to it!! :hug99:
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