Uh-Oh! Got a discipline report from daycare

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, May 13, 2010.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was waiting for the day that I would get a incident report that JT bit somebody and I was hoping it would be Jack. I know that sounds awful but I would feel even worse if he hurt another baby. So my problem is that I got a "discipline report" yesterday on both boys for "repeatedly slapping and biting other children". They never saw Jack bite anyone and they only saw JT bite Jack so I'm assuming Jack isn't biting (he hasn't at home yet). And they had to separate them in their cribs "multiple times".
    I personally am tired of them being in the "baby" room corralled in a corner area playing with 5 other babies! and I DEFINITELY don't like them being "punished" by being put in their cribs....not something I want them to associate with being bad. They move to the toddler room at 18 months, so in a few weeks. I'm debating calling and asking the daycare owner to just move them now bc they have a TO chair they could use for the hitting as opposed to cribs. What do you think? I feel awful but I know they aren't the only ones going through this stage...its just the other kids are younger and I don't want them to be vulnerable to my boys!
  2. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I would totally ask for them to be moved. Our daycare always does like a 2 week transition anyways to help them move into the next class at those younger ages. It is normal behavior for their age and it may continue in the next class, but as long as everyone is consistent, hopefully it's just a short lived phase. You may be able to say something along the lines of you'd like to get them adjusted to the new class before the baby comes as they will have a lot of adjustment at home as well and would like to ensure a smooth transition. That may help, who knows. Good luck! I bet they will really enjoy the toddler room with all the new toys, kids and activities.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I totally get you on the hoping one bit the other thing! Royce bit Alice twice this week already. And they're almost 3!! Definitely ask for them to be moved to the bigger kids area.
  4. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    My boys are 15 months and I have one who will bite at home. So far he bites my husband or I and on occasion his brother but hasn't done it at school (knock on wood). They attend "school" three days a week. Connor moved to the toddler room at a year and Logan at 13 1/2 months. At their daycare they move kids up based on ability and spots available. On average they move them around 14 months. Both of mine were ready at a year unfortunately there was only one open spot and we wanted them in the same room (3 toddler rooms). And they do not move two into the same classroom at the same time. We were told that moving from the infant room to the toddler room is the most stressful transition they will encounter at the school so they only move one into a room at a time so they can have extra attention while they get used to it. Logan was so ready to move from being a "baby" when a spot opened up in Connor's room. He was very bored in the infant room (although they spoiled him a lot in the infant room). I can't imagine waiting until they are 18 months. I'd ask about moving them up a bit early. It sounds like they may be bored. What do they do with the older kids in the baby room. How do they keep them busy? I know when my two are "bored" they get on each others nerves and fight and they get into trouble a lot more. Also our daycare does not use time out. They redirect. I would not be happy about them getting a "timeout" in the crib.

    Just a side note on moving them to the toddler room. We asked for them to be placed in the same toddler room (there are 3 at our daycare). However it was a complete disaster. The first day Logan moved he saw his brother and screamed until the took him back to the infant room. He did a bit better the second day. However they were constantly getting in trouble. They would cry if the other one cried. If one was doing something he shouldn't then the other one followed. They did not listen. They ignored the teacher saying their name. They were wild children. It was a mess. Connor had to stay home two days with a fever so Logan was without his brother for two days. We were told that he out performed the two year olds. He listened. He hardly cried. He behaved. He followed directions. He was a different child. We seperated them the next week. They have been angels ever since. We get nothing but good reports. They do see each other at recess and at breakfast when they get dropped off.

    We had not planned to seperate them until they were older. But seperating them has been the best thing ever. They each have their own teachers/friends and get to be independent. They re-connect after school. On the drive home they often babble to each other and giggle. I think it has improved their relationship (if you can say that at 15 months) at home.
  5. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks:) I called this morning and she said she would start the process of moving them into the toddler room full time. At our daycare they can't be in the toddler room until they can at least walk and not full time until at least 16 months. The reason is they are on cots for naps rather than cribs so if we wanted I guess we could have moved them at 16 months but the daycare can't give away their cribs until 18 months which is why they wait. They have been in the toddler room as staff and schedule allows so other than the napping on cots it should be a smooth transition. I also explained no time outs in the cribs and she was fine with that as they use the TO chair in the toddler room anyways. I'm pretty sure they try to redirect as much as possible but being home with them 4 days a week I know they sometimes just get into these moods where all they want to do is hit and push and time out is really the only answer to calm them down! Thanks again:)
  6. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I agree that they should be moved to the toddler room. My kids aren't in daycare, but they are in childcare when we go to church. DS wasn't very happy in the nursery (lots of crying). As soon as we moved them to the toddler room they are fine. They love all the fun toys!
  7. luvmytwins08

    luvmytwins08 Well-Known Member

    I am in the same boat as you! My two both bite each other, others and pinch and hit! I researched this as I am frustrated with it and our kiddos are too young for time out! They dont know why theyre being put in their crib! I understand you dont want them hurting others. I would look into doing a nanny in your home or someone to watch them. I did it because I was soooooo exhausted by the end of the day and them getting sick every week. I pay the same to have someone come over and watch them at our house. With the biting thing, you just have to tell them no and remove them. I say "no, we love brother" or whoever they are biting. They have slowly stopped, but still do it once and a while. Patience and love!!! good luck :)
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