both kids are sprouting eye teeth - they just finished molars about 2 weeks ago and now we're on to eye teeth...DD is getting her bottoms and DS is getting his tops (both at once too)....I see I'll be the Tyelnol queen again for a few weeks!
It gets harder and harder to recognize the signs doesn't it?! I have to go fishing when something changes that I can't explain!! The molars are the worst!!! I would actually recommend Motrin!! Lasts longer and at night, that's a good thing. You could do some tylenol in the day and then do Motrin at night!! :hug99:
Not to sound completely ignorant, but are the eye teeth the ones that look like fangs sometimes? Mat has her bottom two, her top two and the ones beside those are poking through now. Does that mean molars are next?
Brandy - yep molars are probably next, followed by eye teeth (fangs) and then 2 yr molars and then nothing I guess till they start losing them....I do give them motrin occasionally but I have to make sure they get it on a full stomach - it bothers DD something fierce (me too if I take Advil on an empty stomach)
We are too. Both boys got all 4 molars at once...seemed to be a month-long process. Now, a couple weeks later they are biting us, themselves, and each other, so I know those eye teeth are working their way out too.
Ugh, the eye teeth were WAY worse than molars for us. Hang in there!!! Keep the teething tablets and motrin handy!