ugh...yeast infection?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by newtothis, May 22, 2009.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    yesterday my urine came back with white blood cells. they asked me if i had any symptoms of a kidney infection or a UTI.
    could white blood cells also be a yeast infection? i think i might be getting the start of one.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I don't think so, but I am not sure. I think it would be more likely a UTI.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Not sure, but I got a horrible YI when I was about 35w pregnant with my singleton, the pregnancy totally aggravated it and made it ten times worse. So if you think you are getting one, get it checked out sooner than later.
  4. fancybeltran

    fancybeltran Well-Known Member

    I had them so so so bad with my last pregnancy but I started to drink 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with a glass of water like my DR recommended and I havent had a yeast infection since 7/07 . The reason is that the ph levels in the ACV helps recreate the proper levels of ACV in the Vagina. It also cleans your veins, liver, and helps you lose weight.
  5. dutree123

    dutree123 Well-Known Member

    Are you feeling the symptoms of a UTI or a Yeast infection? UTI for me causes me to have frequent urination and it feels that the urine is coming from a different tract ( not coming out as normal) and pressure down there. Whereas the yeast infection you can feel that deep in your vagina (like an irritation of some sort) you actually can feel that coming on the inside of your vagina before it actually manifests on the outside.Once it manifests on the outside you will have a discharge that has a smell to it whereas with the UTI the urine has the loud smell.Also, the yeast infection itches and is irritable especially after urinating.But good luck although I don't like either..I'd pick a UTI over the yeast infection any day.(lol) That was one of the symptoms of my being pregnant (an yeast infection) I had not had one in years...I thank God that I have not had one since...I would'nt wish that on my enemy. Hope I helped.
  6. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    I'd get UTI's and not even know I had one. I've had 4 this pregnancy.
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    During my last pregnancy I had a yeast infection every month!!!! It was like my period... predictable! I hope you figure it out.
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