UGH! Toddlers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KYsweetheart, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Well... they have really been getting to me the last week... I mean climbing on top of cabinets climbing on the dining room table... seriously, they are monkeys not children.

    Well, I made Katie a bottle this morning and set her formula back in the cabinet above the stove (I figured hey, thats high enough they can't get to it, right?) well, I started feeding her and Zack climbed up the cabinets on top of the stove (good thing I wasn't cooking) and opened the cabinet, took out her formula, and dumped it in the floor! I had just opened it too!!

    He got sent straight to his room, where I made him pick up his toys, and I placed the hamper of toys in the closet and they are currently going to stay in there for the biggest part of the day.

    Its not just things like that, but... my guys are into EVERYTHING and doing ANYTHING for attention. I know a part of it has to do with the baby being here... but they did A LOT of what they are doing before she got here as well...

    I really want to pull my hair out!
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh no, I'm sorry Jamie!! :hug99:
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Oh, crumb.

    Climbing on the counters is a big issue for us as well. Obviously, I don't let them stay up there when they're discovered and if I'm right there they don't get up at all but those few moments when I'm trying to do something around the house is when all heck breaks loose and man are they fast! Just today, they've helped themselves to 2 pears and a banana, soaked the kitchen floor with the dish sprayer (which they cleaned up after and then put the wet towels back into the towel drawer on top of the dry ones), and gotten out every sippy cup to use at the water dispenser and leave empty elsewhere in the house. That'll teach me for trying to catch up on the laundry on a day they take half a nap.
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    That sounds like my two!!

    I just have no idea how to put an end to it... its been going on for MONTHS now!
  5. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    Mine too! I thought you were describing my two little monkeys! If you have any tips or suggestions about post-baby adjustment, I'd like to know because I'll be in the same boat as you really soon. (I guess I will keep the formula in a locked cabinet.) :)
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