Tylenol for Insomnia

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Katheros, May 17, 2011.

  1. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I have chronic insomnia that I've been suffering through for just about forever now, I normally take stuff that I can't take while pregnant. So I haven't gotten any sleep since mid-February. :crazy:

    A couple of times I've taken Tylenol and that seems to knock me out well enough. Anyone know if it's safe to take religiously? Like two a night, every night? I have an appt with the doctor tomorrow so I'll ask him but I don't know if I'll make it there if I don't get any sleep tonight! :laughing: My husband is on travel this week so the insomnia is even worse.

  2. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I don't know about long term but I've known other pregnant women to take tylenol PM to get some sleep.
  3. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Unisom is safe. YOur doc can also rx Ambien.
  4. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    Unisom and Ambien give me headaches. :(
  5. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    To update this thread, I saw a midwife the other day and complained about the insomnia and asked if Tylenol was safe to take every day. She recommended that I not take it every day. She did, however, prescribe a low dose of Zoloft (or the generic), told me it's a Class B drug and that I'm out of the first trimester so no worries. So I go to the pharmacy to get it filled and talk to my friend who works there as a pharmacy tech and she gives me a funny look and tells me to talk to the pharmacist. Pharmacist tells me that it is in fact a class C drug, and that the problems come up in the third trimester. She prints out stuff for me to read and sends me on my way. I dig around on the internet and everything substantiates what the pharmacist told me.

    So the moral of the story is if you have insomnia and are pregnant, no sleep for you!! :laughing:
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My dr told me that I could take Benadryl to help me sleep. I wouldn't take it every night either but maybe you could ask about it for occasional use?
  7. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    Ditto. Have you tried Benadryl, I don't understand what about Tylenol makes you sleepy. I had to take Benadryl for my nasal allergies and it is considered safe during pregnancy.
  8. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    My OB told me last week I could take 2 Benadryl every day to sleep. Good luck!
  9. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    There is A LOT of unnecessary panic out there about drugs that have NOT been proven "unsafe".

    I've been on Zoloft all my life and am still on it. 200 mg per day.

    I take Unisom EVERY SINGLE NIGHT (was rx this for extreme morning sickness).

    And Benadryl is absolutely safe.
    Tylenol has zero properties that would make you tired. You may mean Tylenol PM which is a combination of Tylenol and Benadryl's active ingredient (diphenhydramine) which is an antihistamine. Might as well take Benadryl if you are not in pain.

    I don't suffer not sleeping because I'm pregnant. That part comes AFTER baby arrives! :)
  10. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Some people do respond to tylenol with sleepiness. My son is like that and always has been. It is an atypical response, but everyone is different.
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  11. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    My 17yr old is the same way!!!! Tylenol knocks him out! It always has, I thought I was crazy! I am glad to hear that it does the same to someone else! Actually Tylenol knocks him out and Benadryl makes him hyper!
  12. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I have taken Benadryl in the past and it doesn't help. I've been battling this for over 20 years, so there isn't much I haven't tried.

    I'm not really willing to take something that hasn't been proven "unsafe." I've tried anti-depressant medications for insomnia before (before my twins were born) and I've never liked the way they make me feel. Kinda fuzzy and not all there, I sometimes have gotten a feeling of not really giving a crap about anything.. :lol: So it's not my favorite type of meds to try.

    My problem is I can't fall asleep on my own, but once I'm asleep I'm dead to the world. So I usually just catch up on sleep on the weekends when I don't have to get the kids up for school or work.
  13. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ask your doc about melatonin. It's a hormone that you produce naturally that signals the body its time for sleep. It doesn't keep you asleep but does help you fall asleep. It doesn't have any side affects that I'm aware if but I don't know if that applies to pregnancy.
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