Two-year olds brimming with 'tude!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SweetpeaG, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    My boys are WELL acquainted with the concept of 'time out' :rolleyes: . Grandma calls it 'T.O.' at her house. Nick has picked up on this and has started mimicking her, but calls it 'P.O.'. Anytime we do something that he doesn't like he is now yelling [SIZE=18pt]P.O.! P.O.! P.O.! [/SIZE]. This is his way of letting us know WE need a time out for not giving him what he wants. :rolleyes:

    DH and I are having a hard time keeping a straight face when he does this because he is P.O'd about it and trying to put us on T.O., but his language mix-up comes with a double meaning that makes it too funny. I know laughing about it will only feed his budding exhibitionist fire (or piss him off more).

    [SIZE=18pt]What kind of 'tude are you trying to ignore?[/SIZE]
  2. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    Gurgling/spitting yogurt and applesauce! Porter does this weird thing with these foods were he just kind of gurgles it and spits it out a little, but lots of it stays in his mouth (it's a mess anyway). Whenever Porter does it, Bridger laughs his head off, and I find it so adorable that he's laughing that it's so hard for me not to smile and encourage the yucky behavior!!!

    And since our boys are still in the redirection (not time out yet) phase of their behavioral learning....I find that I have to redirect myself from the situation by going and laughing in the other room and coming back straight faced and without any encouragement.

    Okay, I have to admit another one now that I think about it....farting! :icon_eek: My boys are big farters and they're now starting to discover that it's funny and they get these proud smiles whenever they rip a particularly good one. It's so hard not to laugh and smile back! Especially when they do it at Kindermusik!!

    ETA: OMG, I just noticed the new pictures of Nick and Joe! What adorable little boys (definitely not babies anymore)!
  3. stephe

    stephe Well-Known Member

    We have been dealing with Eli's tude lately too!

    He all of a sudden seems to have developed his attitude. Before if he didn't get his way it was a sad cry. Now he gets this mean look on his face and tries to do something to us. He will throw something, hit us or just get irrate. The other night he wanted to do shut the bedroom door and got so mad b/c I wouldn't let him. Dh and I started getting tickled at his reactions and I kept stopping the door right as he was about to get it closed. He would get so mad!!!
  4. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    DS is the mean one who will pull his sisters hair if he doesn't get his way. DD will smile sweetly and say please over and over and over until you give in.

    DD is also a farter. I'm teaching her to say excuse me... so she says "Me, me fart!" Its too cute!
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BridgePort @ Apr 3 2008, 11:20 AM) [snapback]703141[/snapback]
    Okay, I have to admit another one now that I think about it....farting! :icon_eek: My boys are big farters and they're now starting to discover that it's funny and they get these proud smiles whenever they rip a particularly good one. It's so hard not to laugh and smile back! Especially when they do it at Kindermusik!!

    Well, I guess we're pigs at our house, b/c farting is funny 'round here. :pardon:. DH likes to rip a big one and then ask the boys, "what was that?" "Poo-poo sound! Poo-poo sound!" they respond, cheering. :p

    By the way, BridgePort, I don't know which one of your boys is in YOUR avatar, but I always have to pause and look at it because it looks EXACTLY like my brother did at that age.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Emilie has the 'tude around here!! She is drama queen #2 (following in her big sister's footsteps :lol: ). She puts her hands on her hips, puts her head to the side and says "uh" or "hey". :laughing:
  7. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SweetpeaG @ Apr 3 2008, 12:00 PM) [snapback]703240[/snapback]
    Well, I guess we're pigs at our house, b/c farting is funny 'round here. :pardon:. DH likes to rip a big one and then ask the boys, "what was that?" "Poo-poo sound! Poo-poo sound!" they respond, cheering. :p
    By the way, BridgePort, I don't know which one of your boys is in YOUR avatar, but I always have to pause and look at it because it looks EXACTLY like my brother did at that age.

    Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out how to teach 14 month olds that there is a time and a place! Actually, I'm trying to figure out how to teach a 30 year old daddy that there's a time and a place! And for that matter a 55 year old grandpa! (Clearly it's a losing battle)

    And as for my Avatar, it happens to be Bridger, but they pretty much look the your brother still cute?!
  8. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BridgePort @ Apr 3 2008, 01:59 PM) [snapback]703461[/snapback]
    And as for my Avatar, it happens to be Bridger, but they pretty much look the your brother still cute?!

    This is a picture of my brother with the boys when they were 2 months...not a great angle, but I think he's pretty cute.

    Oh's a better angle.
  9. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SweetpeaG @ Apr 3 2008, 02:41 PM) [snapback]703541[/snapback]
    This is a picture of my brother with the boys when they were 2 months...not a great angle, but I think he's pretty cute.
    Oh's a better angle.

    Yep, still a cutie! Just wanted to know what my boys would look like when they're older. ;)

    FWIW, now my avatar is Porter enjoying his chocolate easter bunny - have to give them equal time you know.
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