Two questions about car seats/ car rides

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MeredithMM, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    I have been wanting to put some mirrors up in the car so I can see the babies while I am driving, but I can't find any that work for our car because the only ones I have seen for sale attach to detachable headrests in the backseat. We drive a Malibu and there are no detachable headrests in the back seat. But surely there has to be something I could use.
    What kind of mirrors do you use? Are you happy with them?

    Also, I have always wondered about this, but how dangerous is it when they fall asleep in the car and their heads fall forward? Sometimes they fall forward and it looks like it would be impossible for them to breathe like that. And in fact their breathing gets very heavy when this happens. It scares me every time, and I have been known to pull over multiple times just to sit their little heads back up...only to have them fall forward again in a few minutes. When we go on trips of any distance I often sit in the back with them, but when it's just me driving there is nothing I can really do. We have those foam/padded headrest things in their carseats, but that does not keep their heads from falling forward when they are in a deep, deep sleep. Is there any way to prevent this? Is it dangerous?

  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have yet to find a great baby mirror that works fantastically. I've tried so many between my 4 kids (buying 1 or 2 different ones with each kid) and none of them work great. You can try just safety pinning one to your seat back if it's cloth, if it's leather, not sure what you could try, hopefully someone else can recommend one for you!

    As for their heads, all you can do is wait until they are old enough to hold their heads back!! :hug: It's frustrating but nothing really helps until they get older. Rest assured they can breath (unless they are tiny preemie's, and then the hospital should have done a carseat test on them, sitting them in a carseat for several hours with a breathing monitor on them), and though it looks horrible, they will be okay! :hug:
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've never had a mirror so no advice there. But for their heads, it looks horribly uncomfortable but it doesn't seem to really bother them & I've never seen a baby have a problem with breathing because of it. I would make sure the buckle thing that goes across their chest is pulled up properly and if the carseat adjusts make sure it is tilted as far back as possible so that they can't slump too far forward, but other than that, there isn't much you can do.
  4. danabd

    danabd Well-Known Member

    Can't answer #2 but my old honda had same seats-no sep headrest-i got the grey circle eddie bauer ones from target and they work great!
  5. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    I had one of these with dd and if I remember correctly it had a way to attach it to the back of the car on the rear window ledge area.

    As for their heads, make sure your car seats are reclined back enough, it should be at about a 45 degree angle when they are in the bases. I don't think their heads should be falling forward, maybe to the side...
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