Two Girls, Only Saying One Name

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by piccolo, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. piccolo

    piccolo Member

    So my girls are 18 months old. They are saying some words. Turtle and purple are favorites. But, they are both only saying one name. Ella. Ella points to herself and says Ella. Then points to her sister and says Ella. Chloe answers to the name Chloe, (and I don't believe Ella has, so that's good), but she will sometimes point to herself and say Ella.

    Now, I realize at this age, that Ella is a whole lot easier to say than Chloe. But I'm not getting ANYTHING that sounds like Chloe. My niece at this age was at least saying "lo-ee" but it is like my girls aren't even trying to say the name.

    Anyone else deal with this? Should I do a lot of games and pointing to everyone and saying their name and perhaps spending a lot of one on one time with Chloe to say her name over and over?

    Or should I just relax, not worry and assume all will be right in 6 months...

    Thanks, ladies.
  2. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    My girls do this too! They both call both of themselves Natalie (it's more like Na-knee :wub: ) I'm not worried about it though because if you ask "Where is Hannah? they will both point to Hannah, and if you ask where is Natalie they both (only) point to Natalie. They both just started saying Rachel (big sis) this week so I hope that saying Hannah will come soon! Do they respond correctly when you ask them to point and you say the name?
  3. hrichards

    hrichards Well-Known Member

    That is so funny! LOL
    My girls are 18 months and kinda doing the same thing. Audrey will run doing the hallway yelling for her sister (Caralina) but she will be yelling out "AAADEE" (We call her Audie). But if you ask her who she is she says "I Aaadee". For her sister (Caralina) she calls AAADEE, for her sister or she will call her SISSSSY. Neither one of them call each other Lina (we call Caralina, Lina) unless I am correcting them from calling Audie, then they will say "Lina". But they know other family members names pretty good, they usually use the correct name for their cousins. They do like to call their newest cousin (5 months old) "Pooper" his name is Cooper. Which I think is hilarious (I know real mature), my sis doesn't find it as amusing as I.
    They are so funny at this age.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Mine are two years old now. Lauren calls herself the right name, but Emma calls herself and her sister "Emma". :D When Lauren started to learn names, she did the same thing, they were both Emma. So I taught her the family nickname for herself "Lolo" and that stuck, since it was easier to say than Lauren.

    So in short, yep! My girls do this too!!
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Us too! Meara says Meara and Ana, but Ana says Ana for both of them.
  6. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    So funny that you posted this as I just posted the same question on my twin group message board. Hate to tell ya but even at almost 2.5, Lorien still has a hard time identifying herself as Lorien. If I ask her, where is Lorien?, she will point to her sister. If I say where is Arwen? she will point to her sister. I have been working repeatedly with her and tell her No, YOU are Lorien, THAT is Arwen. She will usually answer me when I call her name but still has a hard time actually permanently labeling herself as Lorien. I'm not worried though. She's a very smart girl so I'm sure she'll figure it out soon enough ;)
  7. Tripsmommy

    Tripsmommy Well-Known Member

    My boys did exactly this. They were both Petey (more like deedee) for a good while. Now at age 8 and for years now, they refer to each other as "brother" exclusively. I love that.
  8. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    My boys did that for the longest time. They were both Austin, maybe because it was easier to say than Ian? Or because Ian started saying "Austin" and talking in general, long before Austin was ready. Don't know. Ian would respond when I called his name, or if you asked either of them where is Ian, they would point to him. But if you were to ask who is this to either of them, they would respond Austin. That lasted a couple of months. We would go over and over their names. You are Ian and you are Austin. What's your name? Then when I was about to give up, they started saying Ian's name. It was as if one day it actual clicked, that there were 2 names for 2 kids...

    Now they are very good at identifying each other and each other's things. The only issue is when they are identifying their turns. Austin will say "it's Austin's turn" when he wants a turn at something. But Ian will also say "It's Austin's turn" when he wants a turn at something. Most people think "oh how sweet, he wants his brother to have a turn" but he really wants a turn himself...

    So I would say, keep at them, but don't get frustrated, especially if they respond to the appropriate names. I am so glad that you posted this, because I thought that this was unique to my guys. It is reassuring to hear other people experiencing this...
  9. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness!! We are having the exact same problem IN FACT I have an ELLA and they are both calling each other "La La". Must be the name!!

    I realize that my daughter Addison is harder to say but it was starting to freak me out!

    I'm going to hope that since they each answer to the right name, they must know it! They just like to call each other La La because it's easier to say!
  10. piccolo

    piccolo Member

    Wow. So we're not even remotely alone on this one. Good to know.
  11. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    since they were like 15 months old, they have been calling each other's their name for each took us forever to figure out what it meant.

    When I ask Jake to say "Becca" he says "Aaahda"...and vice versa.

    So you are not alone!
  12. happybearsfan

    happybearsfan Well-Known Member

    So funny! Add me to the list - first they were both "Wah-wah" (Ry-Ry). Then they both became "Rah-ree" or "Ry-ee." Then they both became "Mah" (Matt). Now they identify each other as "Ry-ee" and "Mah," except for when they switch names, as they do ever so often.

    Today, they were watching Super Why, and when the guy says, "Say your name!", my Matthew said "Mah Rah-ree," like it was his full name. I about died laughing. They're hilarious.
  13. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    An update :D My girls just today started calling Hannah by her own name...but it sounds like "he". With three girls it's weird to have a "he" in the family!!
  14. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    Mine to this too. My childrens names are fairly difficult anyway.. Jahnessa (g) and Jahsiah (b).. We typically call them shortened versions i.e. Nessa and Siah. Jahnessa knows her name and she calls her brother ya-ya, for Siah, (guess she cant get the 's' yet) But DS calls himself, or at least it sounds like he calls himself Nessa if you ask him his name. He is the less developed speaker (although he started talking first) so maybe it just sounds like Nessa to us, but everyone who hears him agrees it doesnt sound like Siah. But if you ask him 'where is jahsiah', he will point to himself. So, maybe he is saying Siah and we just cant hear! :D We also ask "where is your twin" and we have tought them they are twins, so they will point to eachother, wich I think is really cute!
  15. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    My two were doing this too. My dd called herself Angie and called her brother Angie. And my ds called himself Angie too. :huh: We went to My Gym and the teacher asked him what his name was and he said "Angie" :blush: By 21ish months they both started getting it right {eventhough my son called himself Toto for the LONGEST time}.
  16. hezza12

    hezza12 Well-Known Member

    We're in there too- we have two Theo's and no Jonah... hopefully they figure things out soon!
  17. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    mine aren't talking yet, but i know it's a family joke that when i was younger, i would say my brother's name when asked my own. funny to have a girl named it happens even with non-twins (my brother is 13 months older)
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