Two after 1 questions

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MarchI, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    1. For those with reflux babies, did it get worse with milk?

    2. When weaning/transitioning to milk, did you wait until their adjusted first birthday or do it earlier? I realize mine are considered full term but developmentally you can bet 3 weeks after they are supposed to do something, they do it.
  2. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We were actually somewhere in the middle. If I'm remembering correctly I think we finished the transition at thier adjusted first birthday. They were 7 weeks early. We might have done it sooner, but we had a big Christmas vacation right after thier real first birthday and didn't want to mess with diet/schedule until after we returned home. Mason would have been fine at their actual 1 yr birthday, and we did a quick transition with him (half and half for a few days then all milk). Logan had some milk senstitivity issues that he was out growing at the time. We switched him from nutramigen to milk very, very slowly, but it worked fine once we did that.
  3. Roo74

    Roo74 Member

    I just switched mine over and it was fine. My boy had major issues with formula when he was small (gas pains, vomiting, reflux etc.) and we had to try a few different brands before we hit on one that didn't cause issues. He had mostly breast milk (topped up with formula when needed) until 6 months, then was switched to straight formula. I started the transition to milk at 11 1/2 months, by adding an oz into every bottle, then gradually 2 oz, 3 and so on. Once they turned 1 they had their last few oz of formula and went straight on to milk. It has been a week of straight milk and they have been great. No issues what so ever.
  4. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    My girls were three weeks early too, and we just slowly weaned them off formula by doing half milk and half formula for a lil while and then slowly decreased the formula. They were bad reflux babies, and had no problem with the switch to milk. I would not worry about age so much as just getting them to drink the milk. My ped did reccomend that if by 13 months they were still not wanting to drink straight milk that we move the formula for toddlers because it has some different vitamins in it. We used that stuff with the milk for about a month. They were on only milk by about 13 and a half months.
  5. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    1) No. In fact, if we were low on milk and tried to give formula again (about a month after switched over) they'd spit up the formula.

    2) Ours were 4 weeks early but no. Dr. said NOT to mix formula and milk, so week 1 we 1st had 1 milk bottle, the rest formula, 2nd week we had two milk bottles, the rest formula... until all bottles were formula.
  6. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    1. No change in reflux with milk

    2. We switched about a week before their birthday because we were out of formula and I didn't want to buy more. We just switched cold turkey. As long as we warmed the milk they took it without issues.
  7. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I think we are going to start switching this weekend. THe milk has increased Jacob's reflux so the doctor upped his zantac. It helped a lot. We are also switching to one nap this weekend so it is a whole lot of fun.
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