Twins taking turns waking up at night

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by deniseandtwins, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    For the past month our twins have been taking turns waking up during the night. Usually between 1:30am -3am! Last night my dd woke up at 1:30 and only went back to sleep before 4am! They are cutting molars.....

    My son usually wakes up when he is very wet, but last night he slept right through. He woke up very upset this morning as he had wet through everything! We couldnt get him to calm down, even after changing him and giving him some milk. He has become my little tantrum man of late <_< Throws tantrums for almost everything. Also doesnt want to be shown how to do things, little mr has to figure it out for himself..but that's a whole different matter..!

    How do we get them to sleep through the night again? Do we live with this until their molars come out? Or is that a stupid question?! :rolleyes:

    We are desperate for a good solid 7 or 8 hrs sleep a night!! can dream.. ;)
  2. Tizzylish

    Tizzylish Active Member

    Just chiming in to say we feel your pain! We can almost set a clock that our girl will be up around 1:30--she is cutting these teeth late and she's so loud she wakes her brother...
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Can you get larger diapers for your DS? That way he will make it through the night? How about no drinks before bed?

    We basically have a no tolerance policy in this house. If you cry in the middle of the night, unless you are bleeding or barfing, you don't get to see us. :blush: We need our sleep TOO much (we both work daily too), so CIO is really our only option. They do pretty well at night because of it also.

    :hug: Wish I could give you some more advice. Let us know how it goes.
  4. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member


    Actually I was thinking today we need to go up a diaper size at night. Ds wears #5 Huggies as it is, although lately they are looking a little loose on him as a result of his continual growth spurt! lol! I have put off on buying a bigger size because of this..but it may just help at night..will try it!

    Everyone I know warned us about these dreaded molars..we had no clue could we of known or understood fully...just another thing people (those friends who had kids before you fell pregnant) don't fully explain before you have your own

    Hope this post makes sense, I'm so brain aint functioning at optimal preformance!

    Oh regards to not giving drinks before bed..let's just say NO one will get any sleep if I removed that night time sippy!!!
    Tried it once but we (the parents) were exhausted and worn out by 10pm!! We decided that's a battle we don't want to fight right now..or ever lol!
  5. Merijo

    Merijo Well-Known Member

    Try the nighttime huggies. They really help with leaks at this age. Also, we got a little more liberal with using motrin at bedtime when the teething was bad. I don't remember using it as much with our first ds but these two get it if we even think they will need it. Ugh, at this age it does become a matter of waiting them out for a set amount of time (10 minutes at least) to see if they'll settle on their own. If it's a frantic cry I do tend to get up but if it's intermittent whails then I wait them out for a while.
    GOod luck!
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    motrin, motrin, does wonders for molars...oh and Huggies overnights are also very helpful for the heavy wetter...
  7. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    Thanks all!

    Much appreciated!

    Now it's off to watch DWTS! Love this show!!
  8. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    My friend is going through this with her DD and she cut her molars and said it was horrible (not looking forward to that) and she keeps getting sick on top of it so she is up constantly with her. She has yet to figure something out but if she does I will let you know.

    Also, it must be a full moon because ours have been waking (taking turns too) and we just let them cio except DD she only needs the paci to fall asleep so we have to go in and give it to her.
  9. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Personally, I would let them CIO once you have the diaper issue solved. Before you know it you're in for weeks of night time entertainment. All my children have teeth but it hardly affect their sleep. I know all kids are different, but maybe putting them down a little earlier in the evening (they may be overtired from their night entertainment and overtired children have more problems falling and staying asleep) with a dose of pain killer and let them figure it out ... I know it sounds harsh, but this is what I personally would do, have done and it solves the problem way faster.
  10. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    The twins have never really been kids that cry a lot. When they do there's usually something up. When those molars move in my son's mouth he's usually the one to scream and go ballistic (ok, maybe not that bad). My daughter on the other hand gets very clingy, a little cuddle will usually soothe her back to sleep.

    Last night she was up for only 15 min...Today we feel a little more human! lol
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