Twins sleep in separate rooms

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marijanad, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    When we brought our girls home from the NICU, one developed colic for 6 weeks and would cry/scream every night, so we
    ended up putting them in their own rooms from that moment forward and it's continued, now they are just over one year (corrected).
    I just wonder what other parents of twins do...I feel a bit bad about putting them to sleep in separate rooms, even though they are side by side. They do everything else together though, we follow the usual routine most parents seem to follow on here in terms of naps, meals, etc. They are ALWAYS together. I am hoping that later once they are ready for beds they will want to sleep together again, which would be wonderful if they would like to.
    Anyone else have ideas on this?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: They may want to share a room when they get older but don't feel bad about them not doing so now. My two have been in separate rooms since they were 6 months old. Their rooms are right next to each other as well and they like to go bed and nap at the same time.
  3. HoneyBear23

    HoneyBear23 Well-Known Member

    We moved DS into our room (in his crib) at five months old. DD is in the nursery right next to our room. DD was (and sometimes still is) a crier and would protest going to bed or would cry in her sleep. I would love to get them back to sharing a room again (and to get our's back!), but I have no idea how to do it. Plus, I don't want them both waking up, etc because the other one is crying.

    Don't fret about it. When the time comes, I bet they'll love sharing a room again. :)
  4. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I separated mine at 6 weeks as DS was such a restless sleeper and would constantly wake DD up. At 3 months, we had them both in our room for nights but in separate cribs. They have always slept separately, in different rooms, for their nap. At 5 months, we moved them into their own room in separate cribs. It´s been that way ever since and they sleep through each other´s cries.

    If you want to put them together, you could try it at nights. The first couple of nights may be a bit restless as ours took one night to get used to the new room. Mine dont sleep together at nap time (DS needs more sleep than DD) and they are fine with that. Do what works for you as a family and don´t feel bad, your LOs don´t know any different. :hug:
  5. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I´d go cold turkey and put your DS in with DD. Im pretty sure you´ll have some unsettled nights as your DS is used to having you close by plus he will have to get used to his sister´s cries, but I´m sure it´ll work out. Better sooner than later! :) GL!
    edited to add: let him play in the room he´ll be sleeping in so he knows he´ll be going in there and show him his crib in there. Encourage him to and say how lucky he is to be sharing with his sister :ibiggrin: I love hearing my two in the mornings as they make each other giggle and they chat too. I have no idea what they say but they seem to understand each other perfectly! :rotflmbo:
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I can't wait to be able to separate mine! So I would definitely not feel bad about it! One of them is always waking up the other and I bet my DD would be much less grumpy overall if DS stopped waking her up in the morning...

    If it isn't broke, don't try to fix it!
  7. Lindae73

    Lindae73 Well-Known Member

    Hi there,

    Just thought I'd share my experience with this issue. DD had terrible feeding issues when she was first born. DS did not. We separated them strictly for convenience for us at first because we had lots of help the first few months. At 4 months DS started crying at ALL bedtimes and would carry on like someone was trying to kill him. At 5 months, at the advice of the Early Intervention team, we started putting them in the same room to sleep. First we did it only at night bedtime. I was amazed that DS completely stopped crying at bedtime once DD was in the room with him. We could not fathom that little 5 month old DS could know that his sister was with him! :) So cute. Anyway, after a week of that we started putting them together at nap times as well. For the first month or so, nap times were the only ones that got messed up due to one of them waking the other, etc. However, it was not that often, maybe 5 times in a month. By the end of the first month it was so rare that I would say it might happen once per month.

    I have to say that for us it was the best thing we could have done for ours. At first it made me feel sooo guilty for separating them in the first place, but now I'm smart enough to know that those first few months were just 'do what you have to, to survive!' :)

    I can personally attest to the fact that little ones get used to each others noises, for the most part. Both of mine now sleep through it if the other wakes and cries...and I mean my DS is a screamer! I don't know how DD can stay asleep, but she does!
  8. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    Mine have been in the same room from the get go. We co-slept with them in our bed until they were almost 6 months, every night, then moved them into a crib to share. At 9 months they went into their own cribs but right next to each other in their bedroom. They have,on occasion, woke each other up, but not very often at all. Actually, DS will point as his sisters crib and say "Tarlet nore"(Charlotte snore, and BOY does she ever). If one gets up before the other, the second one to rise asks as soon as they are awake where the other one is. If you want them in the same room, I'd just go for it and move them in together. I'm leaving mine together until they want to seperate. We have a 5 bedroom house, so I have the space for them each to have their own room, and still have a spare, but I will often have lots of house guests(most was about 16 for 1 night) so I like to have the space available.
  9. gustketwins

    gustketwins Well-Known Member

    Mine have been in separate rooms for about 7 months and it has been great. I am now i am teaching them to go to bed with out a lot of fuss on there part and mine. It seems to be doing well. Dont feel bad I have a sound sleeper and a restless sleeper. so it works for them and that is what is important
  10. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    Ours our in the same's a huge room....but sometimes i wish they were in their own rooms....b/c if one cries they eventually wake the other up, or if i sneak in to get the one who is up, i sometimes end up waking up the other baby....sigh..

    We do have another smaller (much smaller) room that we use as an office/spare guest room, which will probably end up being one of their rooms...but for now, glad they have each other to keep them company...they talk to each other in their baby babble talk when's tooo cute.,..
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