Twins, playdates, martinis, and Julia Roberts - you must read this

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by RachelJoy, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    For those of you who don't already, I highly advise that you start reading Looky Daddy. Very funny entry for Dec. 11. I think I've even seen The Dad himself on these boards occasionally (are you here The Dad?).

  2. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    For those of you who don't already, I highly advise that you start reading Looky Daddy. Very funny entry for Dec. 11. I think I've even seen The Dad himself on these boards occasionally (are you here The Dad?).

  3. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    I Love it! thanks for sharing the link.

  4. TruBlessings

    TruBlessings Well-Known Member

    Too funny!!! [​IMG]
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness, he's funny! Thanks for sharing!
  6. Sher@5

    Sher@5 Well-Known Member

    Wow, that was great! What a man, a manly man, a funny man, and a man I should read every day (but not over hot cocoa!)
    Thanks for the link!
  7. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing- too funnY! I think I'll pass it along for DH to read, too.
  8. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] too funny!
  9. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    2nd thing I read everyday.
    He reads this site as well. He has it need a sense of humour to have and raise kids and twins in general.
    All of these movie stars having twins lately ...where are there middle of the night rants.They might have 1 but there nannies have more. Not all but most.
  10. scruffycat

    scruffycat Member

    Hi Rachel and everyone else,

    I'm a frequent lurker here at TwinStuff but I rarely post. Writing Looky, Daddy! pretty much uses all of my twin's naptime and every minute I have left over goes into cleaning up after my girls. Glad you liked the Julia Roberts post and thanks for posting about it here. It's one of my favorites.

    Keep reading,

    The Dad from
    Looky, Daddy!
  11. scruffycat

    scruffycat Member

    Sharon with J & N,

    Your comment on the site almost made me fall off of my chair. Thank God I am surrounded by dirty laundry or that could have been dangerous!

    -The Dad
  12. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    I want to join the 3 martini club!!!! great reads Mr dad!!!
  13. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    What fun!! Thanks for the link!! [​IMG]
  14. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    It's a daily read for me. [​IMG] Glad to see The Dad on here! [​IMG]
  15. mommybellew

    mommybellew Well-Known Member

    I want to join the martini club as well.... Ha ha It was a great read, thanks for sharing it. I will have to continue reading his posts :) it makes me smile even in the roughest days!!
  16. morgan

    morgan Well-Known Member

    thanks for sharing the link, and thanks The Dad for writing. very funny...just linked it to my husband.
  17. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    That is really funny! I can't stop reading... [​IMG]
  18. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] That was absolutely hilarious. The line about rescuing "one child who was being sat upon by the other three" along with the fighting twins had me laughing out loud. [​IMG]
  19. scruffycat

    scruffycat Member

    You guys are all invited to the next 3-Martini Playdate. You are responsible for your own ride home, though, and you can't sleep here.

    Neither can your kids.

    -The Dad from
    Looky, Daddy!
  20. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    [​IMG] DARN HIM ANYWAY! [​IMG] with his humor, and wit, and creative writing talents and the ability to make the job look easy AND get on TV! [​IMG]

    [​IMG] Thanks for sharing! I've bookmarked it! [​IMG]
  21. jacksmom05

    jacksmom05 Well-Known Member

    I added it to my favorites!! Terrific writer.
  22. matwetwins

    matwetwins Well-Known Member

    I added it to my favorites and I absolutely LOVE it. I will have all my friends reading it too. I want to start my own martini playgroup.
  23. Marian

    Marian Well-Known Member

    I'm also reading this now, and have shared it with my husband and a few of our friends.

    Amazing talent :) I have been giggling ever since.
  24. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    Good news: I love the site! Thanks for sharing [​IMG]
    Bad news: I was enjoying myself so much reading, laughing, and reading some more...that I almost forgot to pick up my big kids at school! Whoever said giving a cell phone to a 13yr old was a bad idea?

  25. All Boys

    All Boys Well-Known Member

  26. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    I want to join the next 3-Martini Playdate. [​IMG]

    Love the humor, I can't wait to read more.
  27. scruffycat

    scruffycat Member

    We should have a virtual 3-Martini Playdate.

    Everyone except for Kimberly, of course, lest she forget her kids at school again.

  28. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    Everyone except for Kimberly, of course, lest she forget her kids at school again.

    I suspect the "3-Martini Playdate" is why the carpool was invented.

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