Twins outgrowing double nursing pillow

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by momof6, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I have been using the EZ twin nursing pillow since the beginning. I nurse them at the same time almost all the time. However, I think they are getting to big. We have spaces in our head board on our bed and their feet slip into the spaces. If I try to wrap them more around, they hit heads. What do you do as they out grow the nursing pillow? I don't want to stop tandem feeding, especially at night. We can feed and have them back to bed in less than 30 min. If I have to feed separate then that time goes up. I am also very visual so if there is another way to tandem nurse them a picture would be very helpful! Thanks for your help!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I think the older mine grew the further forward I would sit. I nursed mine until 26 months and they were of average height. Their legs would find a place. I know some would nurse with the twins sitting up in front. In the stickies of this forum there are links to websites that show musing positions that may help!
  3. BubbleDragon

    BubbleDragon Well-Known Member

    Can you get a backrest pillow to use at night, and maybe move to a boppy or other pillow that isn't as long in the back as the EZ? I used a "cudoozle" in that "too big, but not strong enough to sit up" phase. Then eventually they started each sitting on a leg. I sometimes did have to put a bit of a blanket or something in between their heads lest they conk against each other.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we nursed on the pillow until well after 2 yrs too! their legs just went somewhere! I think they curved around back behind me... because I'm tall, and long waisted, I typically leaned forward... I tried to keep my back straight just leaned at the waist, so I think that it gave their feet a place to be... behind me...

    good luck! that pillow should last a long long time!
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i also used an EZ2 until the girls were done nursing just before their 2nd birthday. they used to lie on their backs, latch on from underneath my boob (sort of) & sit with their legs going up the back of the couch/wall, in an "L" shape.

    at the age of your LOs, i found it helpful to prop the ends of the EZ2 with rolled up towels underneath & then i put an extra pillow or two behind my back to give a bit more space. HTH.
  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I smiled when I saw your topic- I posted the very same thing about your babies' ages! We continued to use the EZ 2 Nurse until they were 15 months old. It was as a pp described- their torso eventually grew enough that their legs would be up at the back of the pillow. I would put a couple of pillows behind you in the gap of the headboard so that their legs don't slip and they should be supported enough. It's weird but that pillow will surprise you how it fits them. ;)
  7. annahs

    annahs Well-Known Member

    I'm glad to see this post! Our little ones are the same age and we've been having the same trouble, I usually sit on the couch, but their legs are long enough now that they push off the back and try to launch themselves off the pillow. Sitting forward more helps, but it's less comfortable for me. I'm glad to hear that it'll get easier as they get bigger and can bend their legs up behind me.
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    haha! I'd forgotten about them pushing off the wall/back of couch! yep!!! that would be another plus of leaning forward.

    actually where I ended up nursing was inside our gated play area... so I either was up against the wall or in the middle so they couldn't launch off the back. note the reason I went to the gated area was at some point they start moving... and I used to nurse on my bed or couch and when one was done they'd end up crawling off the bed/couch... ugh!
  9. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I tried sitting more forward but I guess I didn't have enough pillows behind me because my back was killing me. I guess this will be a learning curve. I am trying to figure it out during the day because at night I am half asleep nursing and that is not a time to try new ideas :)

    I just saw your blog and think it is so cool that you live on your boat! How awesome! And the babies are adorable!
  10. annahs

    annahs Well-Known Member

    I find sitting forward hard on my back too, I've tried a pillow behind me, but with limited success. At night I just feed them individually, they've been sleeping pretty well so I don't mind the extra time too much. Of course if they wake up together we do tandem, but for us it's a bit of mayhem :p.

    Thanks! We really like the boat, there's a great community at our marina and living on the water is fantastic.
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