Twins + More??

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kristy_Michigan, Nov 19, 2006.

    Hi. I have 20 month old boy-girl twins after IVF. We were told that we had less than a 1% lifetime chance of ever conceiving on our own, but I got the surprise of a lifetime this week when I found out that I am pregnant again.

    I went for a blood test and the doctor called the next morning and said he wanted me to come in asap because my BETA numbers are very high and he suspects that I am either much more pregnant than I guessed or there is more than one baby!!!!!

    It's been close to three years since I took the fertility medication for our IVF cycle, but I am freaking out and wondering if those drugs might have an afterlife which could be still stimulating ovulation.

    Anyone have any insight? Anyone with multiple multiples?

    Luckily I have an ultrasound Wednesday, so I know will know for sure either way soon.

    Kristy [​IMG]
  1. Hi. I have 20 month old boy-girl twins after IVF. We were told that we had less than a 1% lifetime chance of ever conceiving on our own, but I got the surprise of a lifetime this week when I found out that I am pregnant again.

    I went for a blood test and the doctor called the next morning and said he wanted me to come in asap because my BETA numbers are very high and he suspects that I am either much more pregnant than I guessed or there is more than one baby!!!!!

    It's been close to three years since I took the fertility medication for our IVF cycle, but I am freaking out and wondering if those drugs might have an afterlife which could be still stimulating ovulation.

    Anyone have any insight? Anyone with multiple multiples?

    Luckily I have an ultrasound Wednesday, so I know will know for sure either way soon.

    Kristy [​IMG]
  2. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    oh my gosh keep us posted. Don't have answer for you about the fertility drugs, but know once you've had twins, then chances of having again is higher than someone who had singleton.

    Keep us updated and Congratulations on being pregnant, whether it's "one" or "two"

  3. DeLana

    DeLana Well-Known Member


    congratulations! Don't worry about having multiples again, there is no way the fertility drugs could still have an effect (we did IVF too and I did a lot of research on this).

    Your chance of having twins is no higher than that of anyone who gets pg without "help"; that is, about 1:80 for fraternals and 1:250 for identicals. As for your beta, a regular OB isn't really that familiar with these values and they don't indicate multiples v. singleton very reliably.


    DeLana [​IMG]
  4. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Oh MY!!!!! I don't have any advice or info. but wanted to say Congratulations on your SURPRISE!! That is truly amazing. How exciting. Please keep us posted.
  5. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Wow! Keep us updated! Agree with PP there is no way those drugs are still in your system--if it is twins they are probably ID! Let us know!
  6. Tara F

    Tara F Well-Known Member

    WOW, Congrats. I do have multiple multiples but not through treatment. Keep us posted!!!!!! Tara
  7. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    Wow! That is so cool! I think you are so lucky! I had 7 treatments and finally got my 2. I don't think I will ever get pregnant the regular way. Congratulations! And if it is twins again, God gave you a wonderful gift!

    I'm so excited for you!

    Bridget [​IMG]
  8. mesamama

    mesamama Well-Known Member


    The same thing happened to me: years and years of infertility, told no way would we ever conceive, IVF, twins- the whole thing! I found out I was pregnant in August (ended up having a miscarriage :-()- I was SO in denial that my period is late I took 4 pregnancy tests- we were convince that we were reading the results worng! I just simply could not believe it after all we had been thru. I know how you are feeling and it is wild. Just wanted to say congrats! [​IMG]
  9. Thanks for the responses. Found out that it is "just" one baby after all. Whew!! I was having dreams daily until the ultrasound that I was having multiples again. Still a bit shocked and overwhelmed, but I know I will manage it all somehow.

    Kristy [​IMG]
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