Twins first plane ride...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by vivalalexa, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    Okay. So word on the street is that it's a good idea to give twinfants a little benadryl before they fly. To calm them down/possibly have them sleep the entire trip...

    NORMALLY, I would never consider this because they are what they are. If they cry, they cry. If they don't, the don't.
    But I'm thinking about the other people on the plane...
    Although I find it incredibly inconsiderate when people get irritated at a loud child...I'm putting my own feelings aside so that more people can possibly enjoy their plane ride! ugh...I'm getting soft.

    ANYWHO- I would like to test the benadryl out before putting them on a plane and not knowing whether they would have an adverse reaction (considering my mother and I both get very irritable and discontent on benadryl)

    How much (how little, I mean) should I give them? I have a mini dropper from the Mylicon that is 0.3ml and 0.6ml, I believe.

    Also is it safe to even give them benadryl at 5 1/2 months?
  2. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't. . . it's not even recommended for children under one not to mention for A LOT of children it causes opposite effects and actually causes them to become more excited or irritable.
  3. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    We did a bunch of research on this before our first plane trip for EXACTLY the same reasons: I couldn't bear the thought of people around us having to suffer through 5 hours of screaming (or 1 hour).

    What we found out was that it really isn't safe to give benadryl before 18 months or 2 years, which is why it's so hard to find dosing information. The other thing we read in a lot of places is that kids reactions to benadryl are unpredictable - some kids get hyped up rather than nice and drowsy. Given that you and your mom get irritable, there's a good chance that your babies would be the same way.

    Don't know how far you're flying, or what the seat situation is, but I would rely on making sure you're traveling with otherwise well-rested babies with full tummies. The cross-country trip we took at 6 months did involve some screaming - mostly during landing - but it was much more manageable than I thought it would be. Also, your concern about other people won't take up nearly as much of your energy as trying to keep the babies happy - sometimes it's nice not to have any clue about the faces that man behind you is making.

    The best advice about traveling with the twins was to smile at the babies, and smile at everyone else. It really does make the trip go more smoothly, and there will be plenty of people who want to help a brave traveling mommy.
  4. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Chloe took Benadryl for itchy skin about 3 weeks ago & the Pediatrician OK'd it - he told us to give her 2 ml ~ it worked GREAT (and she slept soooo good)!
    Ours are the same age so I dont think its a problem at all ~ If its just for flying I dont think there is anything wrong with that as a one time thing.
    good luck!
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(tamaras @ Jun 8 2008, 06:33 PM) [snapback]816441[/snapback]
    Chloe took Benadryl for itchy skin about 3 weeks ago & the Pediatrician OK'd it - he told us to give her 2 ml ~ it worked GREAT (and she slept soooo good)!
    Ours are the same age so I dont think its a problem at all ~ If its just for flying I dont think there is anything wrong with that as a one time thing.
    good luck!

    Every child is different, has a different weight, and has a different medical history. I would not give any medication without consulting your Pediatrician first.

    As for the plane ride, you might be pleasantly surprised at how well they do. We have been on planes at 3 months and 11 months and are about to do it again. They seem to do pretty well with some extra food, new toys to look at, and a walk up and down the aisle. Good luck.
  6. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    Thank you. I honestly had a lot of doubts about giving my babies medicine when they don't NEED it. It didn't sit well, so subconsciously I was hoping people would advise me not to! Haha.

    The plane ride is 3 hours. From Los Angeles to Houston...
    What's crazy is I was not a very nice person before I had the twins. And my sister thinks I am still a b-itch to people when they comment on the twins.
    Before having them I really wouldn't care at all about the other people on the plane. because GUESS WHAT- Mom's fly, too!
    But for some reason I am all of a sudden soft with the little ones.
    That will be changing come friday though :)

    Haha, thanks ladies!
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    QUOTE(Amanda @ Jun 8 2008, 02:32 PM) [snapback]816438[/snapback]
    I wouldn't. . . it's not even recommended for children under one not to mention for A LOT of children it causes opposite effects and actually causes them to become more excited or irritable.

    I agree. I would definitely consult your pediatrician if you are considering it. Have a great trip!
  8. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We just got back from our first flights (2hrs) and the boys did amazing. We did fly early afternoon so it was sort of nap time anyway though. On the way there we fed them bottles during takeoff then just held them close with their pacis and stuffed dogs and they went to sleep. They slept the entire way.

    We planned this for the trip back, but because of a plane delay we had to feed them before we got on the plane. They slept some but spent most of the time lsquirming around and ooking and smiling at the people around us. We took toys but they were just as interested in watching the people go up and down the aisle. My back still hurts from trying to hold onto DS2 the whole time, but he didn't scream.

    This is not necessarily normal behavior :) but we were extrememly happy with how they did and very relieved since we are flying with them again in July. I had baby tylenol just in case but didn't have to use it either direction.
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I say FROM EXPERIENCE....DON'T DO IT!! It has the opposite effect on mine on the plane! Also 5.5 mos. is too young...

    Have an organized plan for getting through security, plenty of supplies for diapers and feeding (if not bf'ing) and you'll be JUST fine. They could potentially have ear trouble, but nothing will help with that!

    You'll be fine!! :hug99:
  10. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    I also say don't do it. The dosage for any medicine is normally based on weight, not solely age, so please be careful and double check with your doctor.
  11. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    I just have to chime in here and say DON'T DO IT! It is NEVER a good idea to give meds specifically not recommended for young ones.....unless THEIR MD says to!

    We flew when the boys were first born and they did great....people around us were very helpful!

    Good luck to you....

  12. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I have flown with mine SEVERAL times on 4hr flights and I can tell you that at that age the noise of the plane puts them right out!!!! I never had a problem with my two until they could walk and were not happy sitting for 4hrs.

    I bet you will be pleasently suprised at how well it goes......and as I always tell myself, its only a few hours of your life it goes horribly wrong ;)
  13. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    Not trying to be rude but did ANY of you read the post where I said I wasn't going to do it??

    Thanks for your input on not to do it but please, read the posts!!! ****.
  14. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We flew with the girls at 5 months, 8 months and 13 months. The longest plane ride was 4 hours. I have to say traveling at 5 months was the easiest out of the three trips because they loved to sit on our laps and slept for most of the trip.

    Your kiddos will be fine, just keep your sense of humor and if they cry, they cry. Its only a couple hours out of everyone's lives and you'll never see those people again so who cares! Have a nice trip!
  15. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Jun 9 2008, 07:29 AM) [snapback]817351[/snapback]
    We flew with the girls at 5 months, 8 months and 13 months. The longest plane ride was 4 hours. I have to say traveling at 5 months was the easiest out of the three trips because they loved to sit on our laps and slept for most of the trip.

    Your kiddos will be fine, just keep your sense of humor and if they cry, they cry. Its only a couple hours out of everyone's lives and you'll never see those people again so who cares! Have a nice trip!

    Awesome. Thank you for the reassurance
  16. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(vivalalexa @ Jun 9 2008, 09:12 AM) [snapback]817328[/snapback]
    Not trying to be rude but did ANY of you read the post where I said I wasn't going to do it??

    Thanks for your input on not to do it but please, read the posts!!! ****.

    wow. . . I think people were just trying to help
  17. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    Yes I had read the post stating you were not going to do it....I just made my post, just for more reassurance...I am sorry if it offended you in any way...that certainly was not my intent.

  18. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    QUOTE(vivalalexa @ Jun 9 2008, 10:12 AM) [snapback]817328[/snapback]
    Not trying to be rude but did ANY of you read the post where I said I wasn't going to do it??

    Thanks for your input on not to do it but please, read the posts!!! ****.

    I read all of the posts before I responded. :unsure:
  19. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i don't think you should give them any benadryl.

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