Twins at 4, and thinking of having another baby

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by YBM, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. YBM

    YBM New Member

    Our twins turned 4 recently, and besides their fights with each other (siblings!) and the mere fact that they're so "grown" up now, we are really considering having another child...

    Do you guys think this is crazy? That this is just a faze and life is too expensive?

    One day i am sure, the next i'm not. I know who provides in our lives, so i don't care about the money.

    Will the twins adapt to having another child in the house?
  2. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Yvonne.M @ Apr 2 2009, 04:23 AM) [snapback]1255487[/snapback]
    Our twins turned 4 recently, and besides their fights with each other (siblings!) and the mere fact that they're so "grown" up now, we are really considering having another child...

    Do you guys think this is crazy? That this is just a faze and life is too expensive?

    One day i am sure, the next i'm not. I know who provides in our lives, so i don't care about the money.

    Will the twins adapt to having another child in the house?

    I dont think ur crazy.. i think its sensible... and if that wat u really want.. then go for it. Yes and I agree with "we know who provides and looking after us in our lives." So i dont think its crazy.. I think they would adapt. and since they are older they would be a great help and great siblings to the little one. If thats what u want and would love.. then i say go with your heart. :)
  3. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    We had our twins with our older DS was 3.5. It has been a wonderful transition for him, he loves his baby brothers so much. He's also old enough to understand why babies take up so much time, he's a great helper - and enough older that we can do fun, special things just for him.

    If you want another, go for it! Your twins are at a good age, I think. :)
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I don't think the age gap is that big of a deal. My girls were three months short of turning 4 when my son was born. My one daughter gets along with him great the other one only sometimes since her and my son have the same personality and sometimes they just can't get along. When he was younger they loved doing things for him and helping me. I did want mine closer together but it didn't work out that way, but they do get along and it's nice to see them all playing together. I would also love another child but my husband got snipped so we won't be having anymore. If you want another one then go for it.
  5. MeldieB

    MeldieB Well-Known Member

    I just had another baby (she's 4 wks old) and the girls are nearly 4. I think the age difference is great, actually. They can play so well together, are fairly independent ... so they don't really notice that I am spending so much time taking care of the baby. It's been a lot easier than having the twin babies, that's for sure. I don't think you're crazy at all ... if you're thinking about it, I say go for it. You won't ever regret having a baby once she/he is there ... but you could regret not having another down the road.
  6. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Mine just turned 2 and I'm due with a baby girl in August. So I don't think you're crazy. I think the singleton experience is going to be a breeze compared to twins! Just make sure you have a good support system in place to help you juggle everyone's needs. I think a younger sibling is a wonderful thing for twins. Good luck!
  7. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    Actually I think 4 is a GREAT age. Since I had the girls I've always said IF we have another I want the girls to be 4 first. They are starting school so your not home with all the children everyday, they are potty trained so your not changing 3 kids, and they are becoming more independent so they don't need as much help with small tasks, like they do at 1-3.
  8. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    My baby after the twins has been wonderful all around. The twins love her so much and didn't really go through the usual sibling jealousy period. I think the additional sibling has been good for the twins' relationship because they have learned to extend their tight circle to include someone else. My boys have so much fun with each other but sometimes get too focused on each other. Having another sibling creates a different dynamic.

    Also, after going through the busy busy babyhood with twins, it was sheer pleasure to have just one baby. Sure, there have been some tough days with 3 little ones running around, but overall, having this baby after twins has felt more like a reward than anything else.
  9. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We are kind of in the same boat and deciding if we should have another one or not. Thanks for asking the question! I think the overall response is that it's a good age! :)
  10. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BRMommy @ Apr 2 2009, 03:09 PM) [snapback]1256133[/snapback]
    My baby after the twins has been wonderful all around. The twins love her so much and didn't really go through the usual sibling jealousy period. I think the additional sibling has been good for the twins' relationship because they have learned to extend their tight circle to include someone else. My boys have so much fun with each other but sometimes get too focused on each other. Having another sibling creates a different dynamic.

    Also, after going through the busy busy babyhood with twins, it was sheer pleasure to have just one baby. Sure, there have been some tough days with 3 little ones running around, but overall, having this baby after twins has felt more like a reward than anything else.

    This is exactly how I feel! Good luck with your decision. You won't regret it!
  11. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Think of how much help they'll be...I think they are at a great age to have another baby.
  12. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They will be a big help to you with the baby. My twins were almost 2 when we had Liam and Meghan needs to be reminded at times that he already has a mother. Good Luck with your decision!!
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