Twin Toddlers + Pregnant = EXHAUSTED

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by weegus, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    Hello, everyone! I am new to the forum and need some advice! My twin boys are 15 months old and I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with a third son. They are very mobile, high maintenance, clingy, and whiny at this stage and I am having a hard time keeping up with them. The weather is nice and they want to be outside ALL day… walks, bike rides, playing in the yard. On the few occasions when I do have help, I feel guilty for not being able to be there for them. My twin pregnancy only lasted 31 weeks before I went into premature labor. Like my twin pregnancy, I am having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions but am also having bouts of cramping. The best advice I get is “get some rest” or “put your feet up,” but this is nearly impossible with my responsibilities to them and my household. I am afraid of another preterm labor. I have NO idea how I am going to make it another 3 months!! My husband (who works late) is not very compassionate towards my situation and I am miserable.

    Anyone have any words of advice? Encouragement? Wisdom?
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls are a little bit older so they listen and I can put on an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and rest for 30 minutes or so. I'd get your husband on board with helping you, I wouldn't be making it right now without help from my husband. He takes over with the kids when he gets home from work so I can rest. Some nights I've gone to bed as soon as he gets home b/c I'm just so tired. Have you been asking him for help? If not, that's where I'd start.
  3. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    If it makes you feel any better, I had consistent BH contraction SERVERAL hours a day for my entire 3rd trimester with both my singletons and BOTH went past their due dates.
  4. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    My husband is a good man and he does help when I ask him too. He works until 6 and kind of helps when he gets home, he gets the boys ready for bed and we put them down by 7:30, and I'm asleep on the couch by 8:30. And of course he has his own list of chores to do on the weekend. He has also been hard at work redoing the "kids bathroom" and the twins' new bedroom... all of which have to get done (bathroom is finally done)... so he is not just a lazy sack. Maybe I am just being a big baby and need to take it one day at a time... I should be enjoying the time the three of us have together before it all changes!!
  5. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I know how you feel. I delivered by 4th when my twins were 16 months and my oldest was 3.

    I would try and make the backyard as safe as possible so you can sit and watch them play. Let them watch a movie so you can put your feet up... and realize real quick that everything you need to get done WILL NOT get done, so dont even worry about it. :D
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My twins were 21 months when my 3rd child was born so I can sympathize!
    Some of the things that helped us (and they may not work for you) is
    1.we transitioned to toddler beds early. It was hard on me lifting them in/out of their cribs for naps and bedtime.
    2. we got a little picnic table and thats where they ate thier meals- again so I didnt have to lift them in/out of high chairs.
    3. we babyproofed like crazy so if I needed to lay down on the couch for 30 minutes while they played I could do so.
    4. I took naps when they took naps.
    5. My husband took over a lot of the cooking or he would set out the kids morning drink cups and a small plate of fruit or soemthing for them to snack on so I didnt have to "rush rush rush" first thing in the morning and we could do things at a little slower pace.
    6. we bought some extra laundry baskets and although I washed. dryied laundry - I would often sort it to baskets and put the baskets in each persons room. I just didnt have the energy to fold/hang all the laundry too.

    Hope you get some rest its no fun being wiped! [​IMG]
  7. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    thanks for the ideas!! i thought about the toddler bed thing but am dreading it. the picnic table idea is genius!
  8. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    My boys are a little older, 2 yrs, but I agree with the babyproofing idea too. One of the ways I am able to sit down and even doze a bit is because all the boys can get into is stuff they are allowed to have. And if there IS available help, don't hesitate to ask. I nap when they nap and I have had my Mommy or MIL, come over when they could just to give me a break. Now that it's the summer, I have my older kids at home and they help. But there are a few of their friends that play outside with the boys too. Do you have anyone that could do that?
  9. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    It went AWESOME for us. They weren't old enough to open the bedroom door etc and they transitioned very easy. It set us up nicely. They went to toddler beds in October and I had the baby in December (so a few months before I had her), and now the baby is 6 months and we just successfully potty trained! It was great because there were a few months in between all the changes 1. beds 2. new sister 3. potty training.
    I never had to worry about them learning to climb out of their beds etc.
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