Twin things you hope you never forget

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by geaemama, Feb 10, 2007.

  1. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies,

    I was just thinking of the difference between twins and a single babies. There are a few thing in my mind that I hope I never forget - even when I am old and forget where I put my teeth. I was going to post mine and I hope you post yours. Ours are still young, so there aren't that many yet, but here they go.

    1. The feeling of two babies curled up on your chest sleeping.
    2. Watching one baby try to nurse off the other baby's head (this one made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes!)
    3. The look on Ellie's face when she first noticed Allison (Allie hasn't noticed Ellie yet!)
    4. The look from both babies when you are tandum nursing with the football hold - how they look directly in your eyes with that loving look!
    5. The look of envy when you are holding one baby and the other one notices (I think it is kind of cute!)

    Those are the big things so far - like I said ours are still kind of young and not doing a lot yet. I would love to hear you guys chime in on what your favorite things are!
  2. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies,

    I was just thinking of the difference between twins and a single babies. There are a few thing in my mind that I hope I never forget - even when I am old and forget where I put my teeth. I was going to post mine and I hope you post yours. Ours are still young, so there aren't that many yet, but here they go.

    1. The feeling of two babies curled up on your chest sleeping.
    2. Watching one baby try to nurse off the other baby's head (this one made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes!)
    3. The look on Ellie's face when she first noticed Allison (Allie hasn't noticed Ellie yet!)
    4. The look from both babies when you are tandum nursing with the football hold - how they look directly in your eyes with that loving look!
    5. The look of envy when you are holding one baby and the other one notices (I think it is kind of cute!)

    Those are the big things so far - like I said ours are still kind of young and not doing a lot yet. I would love to hear you guys chime in on what your favorite things are!
  3. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    Watching your two babies "discover" each other, touch and feel, and smile and laugh back and forth.

    Seeing one baby "empathize" with the other by watching in wide-eyed serious concern while the other one cries.

    Seeing two babies rolling all over each other and grabbing each other and not even caring because they are used to being so close from the womb.

    Hearing your two babies laugh and babble back and forth at each other through their crib rails in the morning.

    Seeing your babies genuinely happy to see one another after they have been apart for a little time.

    Seeing one baby learn from the other baby how to roll over and sit up.
  4. twinduckmom

    twinduckmom Well-Known Member

    OMG... you are making me kvell! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] I can't help it, this is so sweet!

    * two babies in the cart being wheeled to me after delivery, holding hands

    * the concerned look they get when the other is crying

    * driving down the road and hearing them laughing hilariously at each other, just from looking at each other.

    * fighting over the same binkie
  6. Rhiannon

    Rhiannon Well-Known Member

    1. Seeing them hold hands.
    2. Laughing(me) as they hit each other in the head with a soft rattle.
    3. Watching them smile big smiles when they first see each other in the morning.
    4. Hearing 2 baies laugh at the same time.
  7. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    1. seeing the two of them the first time on u/s.

    2. nursing two babies at the same time as they lock eyes wth me.

    3. watching them learn how to play together.

    4. snuggling when it's bed time.
  8. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    *learning to feed two babies at once

    *seeing them hug while sleeping

    *bathing them together

    *watching them talk together or at their older brother

    Good thread!
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