Twin Pregnancy Vs. Singleton

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tulip1981, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    For moms who've also had a singleton, what were the differances that you noticed carrying your twins vs carrying a singleton?

    I'm curious about everything from symptoms to movement to delivery.

    Also curious about any intuitions about being a boy or girl for both your twin and singleton pregnancies.

  2. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    A singleton pregnancy was a lot easier on my body, I wasnt as tired or as crabby. I was able to drive (since my belly wasnt as much in the way). I spent alot less time on bedrest. But I did carry my singletons for less time than my twins, which is really wierd, but Im grateful for that. And I peed alot less than with the twins and got alot more sleep since I wasnt up every 5 minutes during the night.

    As for guessing what the babies were, for ds I was sick, vomiting all the time. With dd I was just nauseas all the time, which was alot worse than vomiting because at least after I did it, I felt better. So once I started getting nauseas all the time, I knew I was having 2 girls [​IMG]
  3. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I had my singleton's first then the twins.

    With the twins I was a lot more sick and exhausted. I was also starving all the time.

    With the singletons, I got sick too but not nearly as bad as with twins (although I thought it was bad at the time). otherwise, it was a non-event. It didn't stop me from doing anything I was doing while not pregnant. The body discomfort was so minimal compared to a twin pregnancy.

    No premonition about sexes with either pregnancy although my oldest ds said to dh and I when we first started trying to get pregnant (5 months before we conceived) that we were going to have 2 babies, a boy and girl and he was right!!!
  4. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    I find it interesting how much sicker you guys were with your twins.

    I honestly wasn't that bad with the boys and this pregnancy feels pretty much the same. I remember with the boys still having strong food aversions at this point and throwing up in the morning occasionally if I had an empty stomach, but that's about it!

    I'm looking forward to not being as tired at the end(even though I only made it to 34 weeks with the boys)
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had my singleton first. That pregnancy was very easy, no morning sickness, no PTL, and she was a week late. I just felt huge.

    The twins pregnancy was very easy as well and I felt great just bigger than before. I was even feeling great when I went to the dr. and discovered I was 2 cm dilated, having contractions, and there was a foot in my cervix. My DD was born 10 days later. So despite feeling great, bad things were happening. No one can tell me what happened, but the drs. have said well you were pregnant with twins, but I don't buy it. So for some reason the twin pregnancy was a lot harder on my body.
  6. pam2baby

    pam2baby Well-Known Member

    Well I had girls first, then my little guy 4 months ago, and both pregnancy's were almost the same.
    Both times I started showing around 7-8 weeks, had morning sickness starting at 6 weeks lasting the entire pregnancy(s), and I was almost as big with my singleton~ measured 9 weeks ahead at the end, which is why they did a planned c-section 2 weeks early...he was a lb bigger than the twins together, so much for an easy 1-baby pregnancy!!
    The heartburn was a tad bit worse with the twins, and I had pre-e also, so I was on bed rest for the tail end of that pregnancy.
    I only had slightly higher BP ( no pre-e) with Stone & no bed rest.
    So basically not alot of differences with the 2 pregnancies.
    My hubby and I have a inside joke that Stone started off with a twin and ate him before the u/s, cause he's so big.
    The latest weigh in he was 22 lbs 28 inches long ( just turned 4 mos)
    The girls are 29 & 30 lbs and 3 years old.
    Looks like I'll be shopping at costco alot in my future!
    Congrats, do you know it's 1 only this time?? P[​IMG]
  7. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I had 2 singelton pregnancies first. The twin pregnancy to me was more eventful. I felt movement a few weeks earlier with the twins. I was also diagnosed with mild gestational diabetes with the twins and had it with no other pregnancy. At the end with the twins it was a lot harder to get around. There was a lot more tightness and pressure and urge to deliver already!

    I delivered all 4 babies vaginaly but I was a bit stressed with the twin delivery, scared to end up with a c-section and vaginal healing as well.
    The singleton pregnancies were not monitored as closely, I had no issues at all. I think it was also easier for them to tell the sexes on the singletons, but they were right with the twins as well.

    The singleton pregnancies were much easier, IMO.
  8. jacob+twinsmom

    jacob+twinsmom Well-Known Member

    The biggest difference was fatigue. I was EXHAUSTED when I was pregnant with the twins. Napping everyday and going to bed early at night. I was convinced I was so lazy and would never be able to care for the twins because I would need naps. Little did I know my body just needed the rest. I actually felt more awake during those sleep deprived first few months then I did when pregnant.
  9. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    With the twins, I had more "evening sickness" (mine never came in the morning) and I had to do bedrest, while with the singleton, I had no premature labor concerns at all and worked until the day I went into labor. Also with the twins, they dropped much earlier, and the pressure was very uncomfortable. I also had some trouble breathing as I neared delivery (35 weeks) because they were running out of room, and the pressure on my bladder caused some trouble as well.

    The actual delivery was MUCH faster (about 2 hours start to finish) and the recovery was MUCH easier, even though one was breech, because they were 5.5 and 6 lbs. as compared to almost 9 lbs. for my singleton.

    As for intuition, I was certain we were having one girl, until the 22 week ultrasound showed 2 boys. [​IMG]
  10. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by pam2baby:

    My hubby and I have a inside joke that Stone started off with a twin and ate him before the u/s, cause he's so big.
    The latest weigh in he was 22 lbs 28 inches long ( just turned 4 mos)
    The girls are 29 & 30 lbs and 3 years old.
    Looks like I'll be shopping at costco alot in my future!
    Congrats, do you know it's 1 only this time?? P[​IMG]

    LOL, that's so funny!

    My boys were only 16.5 and 17.5 lbs at 13 months and I think this baby will be bigger than them pretty quickly!

    We found out around 10 weeks that it is only 1. Before I got pregnant I said I'd want twins again, but not this close together!!
  11. MellysLittleBoos

    MellysLittleBoos Well-Known Member

    My morning sickness was a lot worse with my twin pregnancy. So was the rib pain. And I was miserable at the end of the pregnancy. I was never *that* uncomfortable with my first two pregnancies. I don't remember ever being in a hurry to have my older two either. But I was so sore and uncomfortable with the twins, I couldn't wait til they were ready to come out lol. I used to lay in bed at night and cry because they were in my ribs and it hurt so bad. I had preterm labor with the twins from 33 weeks til I delivered at 37 weeks. Never had any issues like that with my other pregnancies.

    On a good note, my c-section with the twins was my best delivery experience. I managed to make it to the scheduled c section without going into labor early (pregnancy #2) and everything was so calm and relaxed leading up to it. My other c-sections were emergency so this was a welcomed change.
  12. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    For both my singleton and twin pregnancy I was sick for the first few months almost all day. My twin pregnancy I was very unconfortable and got really huge. I ended with pre-e before I delivered and a few contractions on and off but nothing serious where I needed bed rest for. I was constantly hungry and could never seem to eat enough.

    Then my singleton pregnancy I ended up in the hospital for dehydration and had to take Zophran because I was sicker than the twin pregancy. Then I ended up with gestational diabetes (didn't have with twin pregnancy)so I didn't end up so big since I had to watch what I ate. But I would say my singleton pregnancy was worse than my twin. My repeat c-section was easier to recover from the second time around though.

    Congratulations on your little one. Oh and I felt like the singleton was a boy but didn't have any preminition for my girls. I did feel my boy move before I felt the girls but that could be because I knew what it felt like since I already went through it before with the girls.
  13. SandyKay

    SandyKay Well-Known Member

    I had five singleton pregnancies and then the twin pregnancy. I was nauseated/vomiting (felt like I had the flu bug) from week 5 until week 22 with the twins. I had that with 3 of the singleton pregnancies but it was not as bad or as long. I had bleeding at 13 weeks with the twin pregnancy and had no bleeding with the single pregnancies. I had preterm labor at 33 1/2 weeks with the twins. I went full term with all of the single pregnancies. I ended up weighing 10 lbs less after the twins were born than before I got pregnant because I just couldn't eat enough and had trouble keeping it down anyway. I could not get off of the couch by myself with the twins and would feel dizzy if I bent over. Did not have that with the singletons. I had a c-section with the twins while the single deliveries were all vaginally. So there were quite a few differences for me.
  14. Seacon05

    Seacon05 Well-Known Member

    I am also really curious about this question. I am fidning it harder this time actually. I was just more uncomfortable with the twins...bad pregnancy itching, and that sucked. I dropped at 37 weeks with the boys and I am curious about what will happen with this one. I am also attemting VBAC with this one. I hope it goes well for you...will you be finding out the sex?
  15. JeanieM

    JeanieM Well-Known Member

    I thought my twin pregnancy was actually even easier! My singleton was easy. But, I had some food aversions and easy gag reflex. Other than that, my singleton was easy. Delivery was a NIGHTMARE with my singleton!
    With the twins, I never had any issues. I was bigger. That was it. I felt fab and was on my way to a shopping marathon when I went to an OB appt and was told I was in PTL at my appt! I had a very easy vaginal delivery too.

    I was lucky!
  16. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    My singleton pg was so easy that I couldn't understand why so many women whined about pg. When I was nine months pg I looked more like seven months..the twins were harder b/c I already had a child and obviously with twins I got much larger, more pain and discomfort and lots more heartburn...didn't have too much morning sickness with either pg.. although I almost passed out several times with both pgs...I think my blood sugar was low...
  17. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    I think there are so many variables that go into a pregnancy, it's hard to compare...
    1)Singleton (boy) I was 24, and worked full time. I was exhausted, very nausious, and ate all the time to fight nausia. I felt like I had PMS for 9 months. I never really went into labor by myself.... walked around dialated to a 5 for a week. Afterwards, tore really bad, had a bad reaction to the stitches and bled forever!!
    2) Twins.....(B/G) I was 30 and a SAHM. Didn't even find out it was twins until 20 weeks. No early US, didn't measure big, one good heartbeat. I exploded once we found out.... but did really well. I was tired & really glad my oldest was in afternoon kindergarten that year. We laid around every afternoon. Other than tired, I felt really good. I'm not braggging, I actually think this isn't necessarily healthy, but never wore some of my maternity clothes from the first pregnancy, b/c they were too big. I only had 2 days of bed rest before being admitted to the hospital & delivering at 35 weeks & 6 days.
    Eventhough I delivered one twin vaginally & one by C-section, I felt I recovered much more quickly.
  18. mama3

    mama3 Well-Known Member

    I think two things mattered for me.
    With my singleton, I was 25, unhappily married, bankrupt financilly, and so depressed and worried. I had Horrible PG symptoms, vomited day & night, only gained 25 pounds total, was constantly in tears. (My G-mother kept bragging that she'd only gained 17 lbs with my dad). I had pre-labor & was on bed rest for many months. Thankfully,the delivery was a piece-o-cake. My DD#1 was large & healthy. The hospital nurses asked me to stay in my room as I felt good and kept going to the nursery to see my baby. (PS: Got rid of hubby, which made life much better)

    With the twins, I was 39, married 7 years to an angel, financially stable, and in much better mindset. I was much less nauseous, tho much more exhausted. I had family support, so I worked part time, rested the rest of each day, ate everything, and prayed a lot & surrounded myself with positive influences. The vaginal delivery was difficult for me, with extensive tearing, but the babies were 5# each and in perfect health. I believe my symptoms were greatly affected by my support system and my mindset. SO, keep thinking positively!
    God Bless!!
  19. Inlowtwins

    Inlowtwins Well-Known Member

    My singleton pregnancy was much easier than my twin pregnancy. I think it was partly because I didn't have any anyone else to take care of besides me. I had no morning sickness with either, but PTL and bedrest with both. With the twins, it was easy until 20 weeks and then ended up delivering at 27 weeks.

    As far as knowing what we were having, since both of my grandmothers were twins and both had brothers, we just knew that we were having one of each. Funny thing is we got identical girls!! [​IMG]

    Congrats and good luck with your pregnancy
  20. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I'm 39.5 weeks with my singleton right now and this pregnancy is a piece of cake compared to twins. I can still do almost everything I could pre-pregnancy except for stand in one place for a long time and take long walks and I do have a little heartburn that Tums clears right up. I also need about an hour more sleep than previously. I like being pregnant with this baby and I hated twin pregnancy.

    The hardest part of this pregnancy was the 1st trimester because I was really tired and had all-day morning sickness. While I was tired when pregnant with the twins, there was no morning sickness and there also wasn't two kids to take care of so it was manageable. The 1st trimester of this pregnancy was definitely harder than my twin pregnancy.

    At 39.5 weeks with this singleton, I'd probably compare myself to about 26-28 weeks or so with twins. My blood pressure hasn't been an issue in this pregnancy, I can eat healthy and gain the proper amount of weight without working hard at it (not so with the twins), every time I go to the OB it's a very fast appointment with few questions or concerns, I got bigger much more slowly (although I was still in maternity clothes at about the same time), I'm carrying the baby in my tummy rather than bloating all over my body, and I have no signs of cholestasis or HELLP which were both problems with the twins. My OB actually just switched me to a midwife because everything is so perfect, even though I'm going to be having a VBAC.

    As for premonitions, I'm not sure what I'd call it during the twin pregnancy except for "hoping". I was "hoping" all the way up until the moment before my first u/s at 19 week that it would be twin girls. I didn't have any indication that we were carrying twins before that though. With this singleton, I really wanted another girl but I had a suspicion that it was a boy. Of course, once I found out it was a boy I was happy with that. [​IMG]
  21. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I was horribly sick with my son. I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks and had to get fluids. Although I was sick with my girls, it wasn't nearly as bad--I could function at least.

    During the first two trimesters the only differece between the singleton and twin pregnancy was the bleeding I experienced. After a vaginal ultrasound I started gushing blood. It lasted from 12 weeks until about 20 weeks. I never found out why it happened.

    The last trimester with the girls was especially hard. I couldn't stand up for more than 10 minutes without my ankles growing two sizes. I felt like I had to constantly hold my belly up because of all the pressure--I carried the girls really low. I wore a pregnancy belt constantly to help hold the girls up. And going to get ultrasounds every two weeks was really difficult. I couldn't lay on back without getting really sick and I started to dread going and getting an unltrasound because of the severe nausea.

    As far as movement, I felt the girls really early and often. I knew I was having girls, just like I knew that I was having a boy. Don't know how--just had a hunch.
  22. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    The only differences for me, were how big I got (bigger with the twins), how soon I got big, heartburn and I was uncomfortable sooner... Other than that, it was the same for me.
  23. abbymarie

    abbymarie Well-Known Member

    I just had my only singleton. The pregnancy as a whole was not as hard as the twins. No Pre-E, only lost 15lbs. initially as opposed to 25 with the twins. No High BP, and while I was anemic with the boy, it's was't NEAR so bad as with the twins. The nausea didn't last as long, but I still had to take Zofran with the singleton as with the twins. In general, it seemed to be just as hard on my body as with the twins, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that the twins came first. =( Anyway, all that being said, I look forward to more singleton pregnancies! The delivery was SO wonderful! I could do that 10 more times!!

    I would take twins again too. They are amazing and wonderful!! SO worth the suffering!
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