twin language

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hikerkira, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. hikerkira

    hikerkira Well-Known Member

    Do yours have one? I never put much stock in it; I have ID twin cousins and they never had that "superbond" twin connection. However my girls have been doing some pretty strange things. The seem to have their own language and sometimes it is nonverbal! They will get up and switch chairs, binkies, etc. Yesterday Sophie came and gave Kate her blanket while Kate was on my lap. No fussing for one or anything, just "here, I thought you would like this" It is kind of creepy when they do this.

    Do your twins speak "twinese" and do you understand them?
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I think now that they are older I know what they are saying to each other, and they use more English and less gestures. My DH and his sister still have this weird connection where they call each other when they think something might be wrong and they are usually right! It's very uncanny, esp. since they are frats. :huh:
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My boys speak in a jibber jabber to each other and they seem to understand it. They have a table that they sit at and chat. It's really cute! I haven't noticed much nonverbal stuff though. When they are going down for a nap, they talk and laugh but I have no idea what they are saying.
  4. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I just recently started noticing some form of twin communication between mine. They are frats... and they both speak good English, but sometimes, like yesterday in the car DD said something to DS and he said something back, but it wasnt anything I understood. They dont have much non verbal though.
  5. hikerkira

    hikerkira Well-Known Member

    I just got this email from DH, he wrote it about this morning at the sitters:

    So Kate is sitting on a little red fire truck ride on toy at Jennifer's.
    I am looking at her and I don't think she said anything but she might have mad a small noise but this look of, not sadness, but disappointment came over her face as she was looking at one of the boys doing something. Sophie suddenly stops what she was doing, about 5 feet away, and walks over to Kate and pats her on the shoulder. Kate seemed to snap out of it and Sophie, seeing she didn't need to comfort Kate anymore, walked away.

    Normally I think most "twin" behavior can be explained, but that was just weird.

    I imagine that Kate made some small noise that attracted Sophie's attention and Sophie went over to make sure Kate was fine.

    They really seemed tuned to each other.
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :wub: Sounds like they are very in tune with one another. :wub:

    My two used to have their own language. :huh: Now that they are talking it's gone away, but I loved watching/listening to them at that time. They actually understood each other. :blink:
  7. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine definitely communicate and we don't know what is going on. They make up games (one of which involves removing their diapers and jumping up and down in their crib yelling "diapey" - needless to say we dont' like that game) and call each other 'ada.' That started around 16 months...

    They are so much fun to watch...
  8. hikerkira

    hikerkira Well-Known Member

    Yikes! Diaper games!! Those are never good!
  9. charlieshuman

    charlieshuman Member

    MY boys aren't talking yet, they do know a lot of signs though. But they talk non-stop to each other. My sister says why do they need to learn English- they have their own language going on. Every morning they just jabber back and forth in the dark, one will say something, the other will laugh like he just heard a joke and they will just go back and forth. I love to just lay in bed and listen to them- it is so precious. Lately they will just bring each other things for no reason, like one will have his sippy and go find his brother's and bring it to him(without the brother acting like he wanted or was looking for sippy), exactly like a pp said, "I think you wanted that- so here- I brought it to you". They will also bring each other toys and then just walk away and play with something else. They definitely have their own language and know exactly what they are saying. Oh, how I wish it could be translated!!! My husband's sisters are twins and one broke her leg playing soccer and her sister at a totally different location felt pain in her leg at the same time. Pretty weird.
  10. hikerkira

    hikerkira Well-Known Member

    My twin cousins never had any of the "my sister is in trouble/pain" thing so I've yet to see it to believe it myself. But it is SO cute like the PP said about them bringing things to their sibling.
  11. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    mine speak a strange dialect, but i'm not so sure it's "twin language" as much as it is "toddlerese". they sprinkle actual words in their jibber jabber conversations and both seem to understand each other...

    they definitely are in tune to each other and where they are and what the other wants, showing much more empathy toward each other than i think would be "normal" for their age, but i really think it's because they are always together. hopefully they WILL grow up to have a special bond for life.
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