Twin comments

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by vharrison1969, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I know we hear bone-headed comments 247 times per day ("are they identical?" (to a mom of B/G twins), "I'm trying to have twins!", "you must have your hands full", etc.), but I thought I'd share a few comments that were really nice.

    Last year DH and I were pushing the boys in 2 grocery carts and doing some shopping. A woman stopped and said "Twins?". I braced myself for the typical inane comment, and instead she said "You two are so blessed; may you be blessed throughout your entire lives". :cry: That one made my day, and still makes me tear up to think about it.

    A few weeks ago I was in Costco with the boys in the dual cart, and another woman stopped me and again asked if they were twins. When I assented, she said "Mine are 7 years old. Isn't having twins the most awesome thing ever?" :wub: She went on to say how her twins (B/G) were still so close, and had an incredible bond. Thank you for sharing, fellow twin mom! :good:

    So tell me about the *good* twin comments that you've heard! :D
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  2. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    When we moved into our new place earlier this year and got our cable reconnected the cable guy told us that we were blessed twice as much. I think about that comment a lot when we're having bad days around here, but also because normally people don't think of it that way. Now that the girls are older I do get more comments from fellow twin moms which is always nice. I would still like to slap those who say, "double trouble" because one, that's annoying to say to a stranger and two, if they knew my girls they wouldn't being saying it. grrrr
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have heard every imaginable thing.. my favourite funny one was "how many weeks apart are they?" :wacko:

    And I get "what a blessing to have two such happy boys" quite a lot.. they're little charmers when we're out and about, and every time I hear someone compliment them my heart swells.
  4. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    About a month ago, I had a woman say, "look, a stroller full of blessings." It warmed my heart and I thanked her for saying something positive about the boys instead of the usual negative comments.
  5. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    When my guys were pretty small, maybe 4-8 months or so, an older lady stopped me in a store and told my they were the most beautiful babies she'd ever seen, and "I've seen a lot of babies in my day!" :wub:

    Whenever I see mom's of twins now, I always make sure I say something nice and encouraging.
  6. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    I saw a twin mom in Walmart the other day holding one who was crying. You could tell they were little and she was getting frazzled. I went over and told her that I promised it got better as they got older. I really hope that helped her.
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  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    For some reason, older gentlemen usually give the best compliments. I have had several older men....70's or so, come up to me and say that my girls were just the cutest little things and I must be so blessed to have such beautiful girls.
  8. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I was going to say that one of my favorite comments is when a parent of twins sees us with our boys and comes up to tell us that things do get easier. It's just nice to know that somebody has been there and they can offer encouragement. Of course, we still eat it up anytime somebody tells us how cute our boys are too :wub:
  9. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I'd stopped for a bottle feed in the middle of lawn and garden at Target and the MOST obnoxious couple had come up and hit all the high notes: Double Trouble, Better you than me!, etc etc. The topper was, "You wait til they're mobile, it'll be hell."

    As the couple walked off, another walked over and I braced myself. And she leaned in and said, "Forget them. It is amazing and you'll love every minute. Mine are two and they're the light of my life."

    I coulda kissed her!

    Another time I had a cashier note my duplicate outfits and she went on to tell me about her collegiate valedictorian daughters who had shared a bed until the day they left for their separate colleges. Her advise was, "Let them be twins."

  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can honestly say I've gotten more good comments about the twins then the annoying ones.

    One time we were out grocery shopping and we had both kids with us. An older gentlemen was standing behind us and playing with my DD (who was just chattering his ear off) and then he noticed DS, who was in a separate cart with my DH. He said, "TWINS?" I replied, "Yes" and he just smiled and said, "You are twice blessed. Enjoy every minute with them." :wub:
  11. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i often get comments on how happy my girls are. :wub: i hope their happiness brings a smile to others.

    i also offer the "it gets easier" comment whenever i see young twins out and about. i loved hearing that when i was out with my newborn girls, so it's good to be able to pay it forward.
  12. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    I often get the 'twice blessed' comment. A senior gentleman was also very kind the other week, told me he just had to come over to see them, patted them both
    on the head and said may God always bless your beautiful girls. I think those are 'twin' angels in disguise, telling us we are all doing an amazing job and we have twins because we can handle them!!!
  13. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    We actually get positive comments a lot.... which is nice b/c when you get the negative ones you can let them roll off your back a little bit easier. I love the ones who remind me how blessed I am ♥
  14. aimeemorgan1218

    aimeemorgan1218 Well-Known Member

    Wonderful post! Makes me as proud as ever to be a Twin Mommy! Nothing irritates me more than "double trouble." NO they are not! God chose me to doubly bless, thank you very much!!! We do get a lot of pleasant comments and it means the world.

    I love it when both girls are crying in public and there is one me and I am trying to console them when people give nasty stares, make rude cooments or just look at me like "what will she do...." Its then when I snap their direction, "I can tell you don't have twins" or "All moms aren't as brave as I am...."

    Twin Mommies Rule!!!!!!
  15. roadtocalvary

    roadtocalvary Well-Known Member

    We have gotten our fair share of "negative" cause not only do we have twins but we have a total of 7 children. So we get ALOT of looks and comments usually not always the nicest. But we had taken our children on a little vacation to Pigeon Forge and we were putting the little ones on a ride, and the sweetest old man said "are they all yours?" and we were prepared for what we normally get..but he when we said yes he said "you have your quiver FULL of BLESSINGS" oh how it made our day!

    My funny twins comments are the ones who ask are they twins? I guess I find it so funny since ours are identical and once they even had their twin shirts on.. then we get are they girls? ummm we have their ears pierced :lol:
  16. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I must live in a crappy place because I rarely get good comments! :lol: Especially when I'm out with the twins and my 4 yr old dd grocery shopping every friday! ;)
  17. LuciG

    LuciG New Member

    My favourite is 'Double Love'! :friends:
  18. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I got the "it gets easier" comment twice this week. (Supposedly 3 is the magic age).
  19. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I hate to burst the bubble but the insanity for us stopped at 5 with the oldest. :wine:

    I got a "Oh bless you" this weekend and I can't remember where I was. I had the babies in the stroller and a lady asked if they were twins. I usually get "wow your hands are full" and instead she said "oh bless you."

    I did get a "wow they are so well behaved" comment but they were sitting in their stroller so I am not sure if that person just expected their heads to be spinning and steam coming out of their ears or what.
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