Turning one soon, new car seats, can't walk yet

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Saramcc, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    My babies are turning one in a few weeks, Yeah!!! And we are going to be switching to convertible seats at that time. They don't walk yet on their own so I'm just wondering how you managed this by yourself? I mean, it was pretty simple to just carry two car seats (although it's getting really heavy) so now for example you are home, do you bring one in at a time?

    And when it comes to the store, was it exhausting to constantly put them in a stroller whereas before you could just snap their carseat in the stroller?
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    MY girls have been in their convertible car seats since they were about 4 months old (adjusted)...long before they were walking. Now that they are pretty stable, I just carry them both out and buckle them in. I use the grocery carts over bringing the stroller (I put one in the seat part and the other in the basket). I always bring everything I am going to need out to the car first (diaper bag etc...) and then get the babies last.
  3. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Kyrstyn @ Nov 5 2008, 09:46 AM) [snapback]1057480[/snapback]
    I always bring everything I am going to need out to the car first (diaper bag etc...) and then get the babies last.

    I do this too when I leave home, it's when I get back. I guess carrying them both in may not be as hard as I am imagining. Thanks
  4. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    we just switched ours to the convertible carseats, theyre getting too tall and they looked uncomfy. it is a pain, especially when they fall asleep and then i have to take them out and buckle them in, or when we get home and theyre asleep and i wake them up. when i go somewhere i just do 1 at a time, it takes prolly 5-10 min for me to get the stroller out, take a kid and buckle him/her into the stroller, get the diaperbag, switch sides and get the other one. alot more steps then just sticking the carseats in the sng! im adjusting though, and i guess it's okay? they seem to like the new stroller (aria twin, and a duoglider) better than their infant seats, and they like the convertibles better too so we usually get through a whole grocery trip without TONS of fussing.
  5. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    If you are determined, you will figure out how to get one out, hold him/her while unbuckling the other and picking him/her up (particularly if you are used to carrying and picking up your two at the same time). This is what I did before they were walking or even walking very well.
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Even though my girls did walk when we moved them to convertible seats, I didn't let them walk to the car for a long time (they just weren't THAT steady). So I would put one in the exersaucer, run out to the car and buckle her in and come back for the other. I did the reverse coming home. It was more work, but you quickly get used to it. I know some people who have to park far from their homes (like if you live in an urban area), use the stroller to get them to and from the car.
  7. GenandThadsMom

    GenandThadsMom Well-Known Member

    When T and M switched to convertable car seats it was a huge pain, so I got one single umbrella stroller (small, folds up easy, and light weight)I would put one baby in a front pack and one in an umbrella stroller. It wasn't too difficult, and not too heavy. In hindsight I think it was actually easier than carrying two heavy carseats.
  8. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    My girls have been in convertibles since about 7mo, I put one in the bumbo next to the door while I bring one out and then grab her, my car is about 15ft from the side door.
    When I go to the grocery store I will put one in the front of the cart and put the other in the back in the bumbo (I got the idea from these ladies!). I also keep my tandem stroller in the trunk for all other indoor places, if we are going someplace big or outdoors then I will switch to the SBS stroller but I keep that in the garage for walks most of the time.

    I think its going to get tough when they can walk and when they figure out how to get out of the bumbo (which they are VERY close to figuring out! :eek: )
  9. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    I am lucky enough to have a drive-under garage, so I just leisurely bring them down to the car one at a time, and vice versa. However, when we are out and about, we use the stroller, grocery carts, or I wear them, and that can be harder, for sure.
  10. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Consider yourself lucky they stayed in the infant seats so long! Although honestly I hate those seats, and I was glad to get rid of them (DD could probably have stayed another two months in hers).
    I just pack the car, grab a baby, put the baby in, and get the other baby. And on the way back I take one baby out, put him/her in the play pen, and go get the other one, then whatever I bought. The car isn't far from the door though, just a 5 seconds walk, lol. When we stop putting them in the play pen (in a long time I hope), I'll just put them in their high chair.
  11. angeez78@hotmail.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    We haven't made the switch yet, but I am dreading it becuase I have 3 under 2. What on earth do you do with them when you go out to eat? Seriously 3 highchairs, I don't think so. People will look at us like we're nuts, which we are. LOL!
  12. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    I procrastinated as long as possible. We just made the switch to convertibles, and while the boys like the seats better I really hate them. No more putting them to sleep in the car and having them sleep through the outing. I always wake them up getting them in or out.

    Most of the time I carry both at the same time, though if they are particularly wiggly or uncooperative I take them in and out one at a time. I typically set one down in the floorboard while strapping/unstrapping the other. It is working fairly well thus far although I can tell my time is limited they stand up and start looking for other things to get into fairly quickly.

    Getting into daycare has been the hardest thus far. Because I have to get them and all their crap into the school each morning. The entry way is packed with crap and super busy so there isn't room for a stoller. I typically end up carrying the boys first and then go get their stuff in a second trip. Same on the way back out. I carry their stuff out first, and then come back for them.

    And instead of the SNG we either use our SBS or in places with bigger carts like others I put one in the top and one in the basket or both in the basket and use the top for shopping items.

    It certianly has made getting around with them harder, but still doable. You will find something that works for you!
  13. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    PP's have given you great advice! When they start walking is when they can get difficult! :)
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