Turned carseat to forward facing

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AimeeS, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    I've debated for a little while - the girls are almost 14 mos and really bad in the car lately...so we did it. THey're over 10 lbs and everything. Well, it's AWESOME! We went to the grocery store this morning - they loved it! Kicking their feet..."talking" to each other - I can't stop smiling!!!!! :)
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I felt the same way when we turned our girls around. :Clap: It IS awesome!! :Clap:

    BTW...you need a new ticker! :D
  3. ehm

    ehm Banned


    I am hoping the 10lbs is a typo??
  4. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    funny!! yeah, i meant 20lbs :) ;)
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Maybe she meant 10 lbs over the 20 lb minimum?
  6. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    I was torn as well. With all the it is safer rear facing info out there it was hard for me. In the end we decided forward facing was best when Elizabeth learned to unbuckle her chest clip. At least forward facing, I can see what she is doing.

    They love facing forward and I feel they are safer because at the very least they are buckled in.
  7. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Isn't it wonderful! It makes such a difference! :Clap:
  8. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    We just turned ours yesterday! I took the van to the fire station and they did it there. (Our seats say min. 22 pounds, it took Lily a little while to reach it!)

    They love facing forward! And I love being able to see them in my mirror!
  9. DianaG

    DianaG Member

    I cannot wait. Our doctor told us that we can change them the day they turn 1 and I will. Cate will likely a year and a half before she hits 22 lbs, since she is only 17 lbs now. She told us to do it and make it easier on ourselves.
  10. ehm

    ehm Banned

    I would follow the instructions on your seat. If she does not meet the minimums then I would not turn. I know this is going to sound harsh but I would rather be a little inconvenienced (referring to the word easier) than to have no child to buckle at all. I couldn't turn one of mine until they were almost two because of the weight. I remember being at a well visit and my husband said something about their legs being squished and how that couldn't be safe. She said well, if you believe the legs are an issue, rather a broken leg than a broken neck. She didn't have to say anything more!

    Sorry that I am being harsh but I don't think docs have the ability (unless there are extenuating personal circumstances of some kind) to superceed all of the other recommendations.
  11. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    I keep my kids RF until a minimum of 30 lbs. It is easier with the twins because they have older sibs in the back seat to watch, which is better than looking at the back of my head.
  12. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Mine ar 19 months and STILL rear-facing, which is where they will stay until they reach the minimum 22lbs. and probably longer. Yes, we will be extremely inconvenienced,e specially with a new baby coming and 3 carseats across the rear (the most difficult will be the middle seating older child) but I would rather to be inconvenienced than to be planning a funeral, and spending the rest of my life wondering, "what if I had just kept them rear-facing a little longer?"

    I've seen some pretty damning videos put out by car crash testing people that have convinced me to leave them rear-facing not only until they reach the MINIMUM weight standard, but also until they reach the MAXIMUM weight limit. They have DVD players hooked up to the headrests which they watch when we go on anything longer than short, in-town trips. That keeps them entertained. And also sitting them next to each other (middle and side as opposed to both sides) they can hold each other's hands, trade toys, etc. and that seems to keep them entertained enough......

    Just my .02 cents worth. Check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRP7ynNI8mI
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was happy to turn my two as well, we did it at 18 months. Glad it's working out well for your family. :)
  14. caba

    caba Banned

    QUOTE(ScrapbookingMOm @ Jul 27 2008, 10:53 PM) [snapback]899444[/snapback]
    I cannot wait. Our doctor told us that we can change them the day they turn 1 and I will. Cate will likely a year and a half before she hits 22 lbs, since she is only 17 lbs now. She told us to do it and make it easier on ourselves.

    I don't get this ... are you saying she won't be 20lbs but you will still turn her? That's not safe ... Everything says 1 year AND at least 20lbs (i think it's 20lbs)

    Mine are still rear-facing ... so be honest, I have no idea why one would want to turn them around! haha ... the seats are much more reclined in the rear facing position, so they sleep better in the car ... I'm afraid when I turn them around, I won't have bubs that sleep in the car when we go for long rides!!

    Right now Jake is 28.5 lbs and Hailey is 21.5. I am going to turn them when they reach the upper weight limit for rear facing (33lbs in our carseats) ... jake is obviously going to get there first ... Hailey I will wait and see ... if you still remains a peanut, I may turn her prior to hitting 33lbs ... But I can't imagine why anyone would turn them around before it is safe too!
  15. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ScrapbookingMOm @ Jul 27 2008, 10:53 PM) [snapback]899444[/snapback]
    I cannot wait. Our doctor told us that we can change them the day they turn 1 and I will. Cate will likely a year and a half before she hits 22 lbs, since she is only 17 lbs now. She told us to do it and make it easier on ourselves.

    Dr.'s CAN NOT override the LAW! and that is not just written there as a suggestion it is written there for the safety for the child. ALSO not for convience sake.
  16. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    So, I wasn't looking for any judgements - I was just sharing my enthusiasm. I don't think anyone else who posted was looking for any judgements, either. I guess I'll just keep it to myself next time.
  17. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ScrapbookingMOm @ Jul 27 2008, 09:53 PM) [snapback]899444[/snapback]
    I cannot wait. Our doctor told us that we can change them the day they turn 1 and I will. Cate will likely a year and a half before she hits 22 lbs, since she is only 17 lbs now. She told us to do it and make it easier on ourselves.

    My pedi said about the same thing to us. At the 1 year visit, I asked about turning the seats around, thinking he would tell us to keep them rear-facing longer than the 1 year and 20 lb law. He said to go ahead and switch them around now, even though DD is only 17 1/2 lbs! He said it is important for them to be able to interact more by being forward facing. I was so surprised to hear this from him. I respect him as a doctor so much, but I don't agree with him on this.

    I'm keeping mine rear facing until 18 months or so. I am hoping DD will be over 20 lbs by then!
  18. caba

    caba Banned

    QUOTE(AimeeS @ Jul 28 2008, 10:40 AM) [snapback]900042[/snapback]
    So, I wasn't looking for any judgements - I was just sharing my enthusiasm. I don't think anyone else who posted was looking for any judgements, either. I guess I'll just keep it to myself next time.

    I honestly don't think anyone is judging! I was just worried that the OP didn't realize that those aren't just suggestions ... they are reasons why you should keep them rear-facing for 1 year and 20lbs ...

    I personally just choose to keep my rear-facing long, mostly because I'm afraid if I turn them around they won't sleep in the car! hehe ... but I have no problem with anyone turning their kids around sooner ... if it works for you then go for it!

    That being said, do your kids sleep in the car now that their seats are more upright?
  19. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    I am the OP and they are 20 lbs and almost 14 mos old, so I'm going by the recommendations.
  20. caba

    caba Banned

    QUOTE(AimeeS @ Jul 28 2008, 11:53 AM) [snapback]900187[/snapback]
    I am the OP and they are 20 lbs and almost 14 mos old, so I'm going by the recommendations.

    Oops that's right ... i should have said the other poster, thats was I was thinking in my mind when I typed OP ... I knew that you were fine ...

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    That being said, do your kids sleep in the car now that their seats are more upright?
    The above is a quote from Erica.... I am not good at this whole quoting thing yet... sorry.

    I can answer this one. My girls do not sleep very good at all forward facing. The only time they will fall asleep now is if it is very early in the morning or after we have been swimming at my mothers. They are not really used to riding further than 20minutes in the car either and when we have to be gone longer than that it is a nightmare. They cried friday night for 45 minutes on our way home from visiting a friend that had her baby.
  22. DarciH

    DarciH Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(AimeeS @ Jul 27 2008, 01:36 PM) [snapback]898554[/snapback]
    I've debated for a little while - the girls are almost 14 mos and really bad in the car lately...so we did it. THey're over 10 lbs and everything. Well, it's AWESOME! We went to the grocery store this morning - they loved it! Kicking their feet..."talking" to each other - I can't stop smiling!!!!! :)

    Good for you!! Isn't it great? We turned ours FF when M&A were 8 months and 25 lbs. It's so much easier and they are way happier being able to look around and see us. Before we turned them around they were super cranky and hardly slept at all in the car, now they are happy campers...
  23. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    I'm jealous! My girls still weren't 20 lbs at their 15 month appt.

    I know they will be much happier flipped around. Our doc said it's more about age then weight anyways and he actually said he'd flip them if he were us! (ella was over 20lbs, Addison was 19lbs 7 oz) but I certainly wont' until they meet the 20 lb limit. I know they are safer that way!
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