Trying to pick a stroller...Graco Quattro Tour Duo or Graco DuoGlider Stroller or Contours Options

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kitkat72783, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    A group of my mom's friends are gonna pitch in and get us the double stroller for our shower :D another one of her friends has boughten us the combi side by side umbrella type which I plan to use when the get a bit bigger and for when we travel to brazil so the airport wont be as hectick. But I need a bigger one for walking and I like the idea of front to back for shopping so I'm excited that both will be out of the way once I decide on one...Lol

    I'm thinking about one of these three right now....(there isnt much of a selection compared to singleton strollers :angry: )

    Contours Options

    Graco Quattro Tour Duo

    Graco DuoGlider Stroller
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I believe the contours options one is really heavy, and doesn't fold up with both the seats on it, you have to remove at least one seat for sure before you can fold it up....might even be both seats I can't remember! :)

    I personally can't help you decide because I don't want one that big, but I did read that about the contours one and thought I'd throw it out there! :D I personally went with the double snap-n-go for when they are little, and then the combi side by side for when they are older :) But I wanted something lightweight and simple!
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I had the Graco Quattro Duo & LOVED it!
    I did only use it for about 7 months though.
    It was really easy to get around places (especially shopping) and the girls were always comfy in their car seats (Graco SafeSeat) that attached.
    I only used it a few times w/out having the car seats attached with them actually sitting in the seats.
    By the time they reached about 7 or 8 months it seemed like having a SBS (side by side) stroller was more convenient for us.
    Good luck!!
  4. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    We have decided to go with the contors stroller. The big factor for us was the carseats. We have an Evenflo carseat and several bases from our daughter. We didn't want to start over or buy 2 strollers. This does not weigh much more than other double strollers. One of the PP was right and you do have to remove the seats to fold it. To remove the seats you push a button on each side and they pop off. Have you gone to the store and looked at them? We went to BRU and test drove it and folded it, moved the seats around and just got a really good look at it.
  5. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(tamaras @ Feb 17 2009, 04:01 PM) [snapback]1193669[/snapback]
    I only used it a few times w/out having the car seats attached with them actually sitting in the seats.
    By the time they reached about 7 or 8 months it seemed like having a SBS (side by side) stroller was more convenient for us.

    How did you maneuver stores and such w/ your sbs, though? I love the thought of the boys both getting a good view of the world, but weren't there instances where you pretty much needed a narrower stroller?

  6. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(newpairofschus @ Feb 18 2009, 10:52 AM) [snapback]1195136[/snapback]
    How did you maneuver stores and such w/ your sbs, though? I love the thought of the boys both getting a good view of the world, but weren't there instances where you pretty much needed a narrower stroller?


    I have yet to have a problem getting in/out of places w/ my SBS (its the Combi TwinSavvy).
    The front back stroller was great for shopping (for narrow areas), but also was just as much of a pain to turn around because it was so long :)
    I couldnt live w/out my SBS now & the girls would hate to be in a front/back at this point :)
    BUT it was perfect for those first 8 months.
    Hope that helps :)
  7. h2believe

    h2believe Well-Known Member

    We are getting the contour one! We got to test it out in the store and really loved how the seats could be changed to face you, or have the twins face each other, etc. Good luck deciding! It is definitely a tough decision :)
  8. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I got the Graco Duoglider and I really didn't care for it. It was really heavy and bulky! If I could go back and do it again, I would have just gotten a Double Snap and Go, and then move onto the SBS once they were out of their infant carriers. I also have the Combi Twin Saavy that Tamara mentioned earlier and I LOVE it!! It fits through doors, it's easy to maneuver and I have never had any problems with it. Good Luck with your decision!!
  9. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(tamaras @ Feb 18 2009, 01:58 PM) [snapback]1195153[/snapback]
    I have yet to have a problem getting in/out of places w/ my SBS (its the Combi TwinSavvy).
    The front back stroller was great for shopping (for narrow areas), but also was just as much of a pain to turn around because it was so long :)
    I couldnt live w/out my SBS now & the girls would hate to be in a front/back at this point :)
    BUT it was perfect for those first 8 months.
    Hope that helps :)

    Thanks, Tamara!
    Yes, it helps...sort of. :) (I'm obviously still torn.) I guess there's just plusses and minuses either way, isn't there. Ideally, I'll find 1 (or both) cheap used and then I can have options. I just hate to dump hundreds into strollers alone, esp. since these peeps will be my last, kwim?

    I did wonder about that turning issue. Looks like a giant (literally) pain. I tell you, I have a new found empathy for wheelchair bound people since having a child. There are many stores that you literally can't wheel your child anywhere near a display in because there is NO floor space...with a SINGLE stroller!! And wheelchairs are wider than strollers. Ugh.

    Thanks again for the input!!
  10. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    We are getting the Contours one, it is fab IMO
    DS2 was bron when DS1 was 18 months and we had a similar to the duoglidder and hated it with a passion, we then bought a Maclaren SBS which was great but sometimes difficult to manoeuvre around some shops.
    What we really like about the Contours is the variety of seating you can have, it's really good that they can face each other, me or the world.
    I would agree with one of the PP about going in BRU and testing them all out so you can really make up your mind :cool:
  11. RG215

    RG215 Well-Known Member

    After looking at all the models offered, we decided on the BabyTrend Snap and Go. This stroller is simple and very lightweight. We too had two different infant carriers so this was perfect since it will hold both of them. Once they grow out of the carriers we plan on switching over to the combi.

    I could think of very few instances where those "big" strollers would come into play, not to mention how heavy they are!! With our first son we had the peg plinko 3 and even though it was a great stroller we found ourselves using the umbrella stroller soon after he was out of the carrier......especially through the airport!

    The other bad thing about the countor is the fact that you have to remove the seats before you can fold it down to store in the car...that seemed like a lot of extra work while trying to wrestle twins!!

    .....just some thoughts.... :D
  12. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I was a bit of a stroller fiend during the first 14m. I have had:
    Double Snap-n-Go
    Graco DuoGlider
    Chariot Cougar 2
    Jeep Wrangler Side by Side
    Maclaren Twin Techno
    Graco Quattro Tour Duo

    I had the Double SNG when they were infants and a gently used DuoGlider. The DuoGlider was a beast (though a utilitarian one). I honestly cried when I had to give up my SNG...that thing was AWESOME (and held enough groceries to last us 4-5 days). We got the Chariot at about 6m old.

    I Craigslisted my SNG, Duoglider & Jeep just after they turned one and got the Quattro (which was brand new at the time) & Maclaren. I LOVE the Quattro. My boys will be 3 in a few weeks and I still use it regularly (much to their dismay ;) ) It also has great storage, folds compactly, and I LOVE the additional basket under the front child's seat. I can't speak to how well the Quattro would be with infant seats, but it has served our purposes perfectly since 14m.

    The MacLaren worked well for vacations and family outings (fairs, etc.) where we wanted something light weight, but in hindsight selling my completely useful Jeep for a pricey replica with smallish, completely useless storage basket (my reason for the upgrade :rolleyes: ) and no cup holders, but better sun shades was a dumb move. Luckily, they have strong resale value and, since we have hardly used the thing :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: , should recoup at least 60% of the cost. I will say the Maclaren doesn't require a stick of butter to get through a standard doorway, unlike the Jeep model, which is marketed to fit through a standard doorway (they don't mention anything about the necessary stick of butter in the manual).

    I love our jogging stroller too. If you're a multi-sport person it makes great sense as it functions as a jogger, town stroller (like a Mountain Buggy), bike trailer, even x-country skiing.

    Okay, so I'm not succinct, but my vote is go for the QUATTRO, and if finances aren't an issue, get the snapngo for the first should be able to find one gently used through your local twin club or craigslist. Your back will thank you!
  13. lorinboyett

    lorinboyett Well-Known Member

    For those of you who have the Combi Twin Savvy where did you get it from because it seems to be discontinued?
  14. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    I am another one who is going to buy Kolcraft Contours Tandem
    because it is the only one stroller which car seat adapter works with Maxi cosi car seats.
    and I like the idea of taking off all seats to fold it so it will fit in the car without a problem.
  15. JenCE

    JenCE Active Member

    We bought the Contour here's why

    1) Both seats fully recline (The only tandem I could find that did this other than a peg preggo $800)

    2) It comes with a car seat adapter- (Had to order a second one). The seats come right off and adapters snap in. I think they accommodate pretty much every car seat out there. This eliminates the need to buy the snap and go in addition to another stroller.

    3) Every seating combination possible- facing parent, facing world, facing each other back to back.

    4) If I'm out with all three kids I plan to- SLing one twin, carseat other twin (or regular seat) and toddler in the regular seat. There are also handle on the side for older children to hold onto as they walk along side.

    I saw a gal at Burlington coat factory using this stroller with an infant and toddler. I asked her how she like it and shesaid she loved it; A little long but "turns on a dime". She even offered to let me push her little ones to prove how great it is. She said her 3 yr old doesn't mind riding in it at all.

    That all said our twins aren't here yet so this is all speculation. I'm hoping it'll work out as well as planned.
    Good luck.
  16. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    We got our Contors Tandem stroller this week. We haven't used it yet but, it does fit in the trunk of our car. We drive a Nissan Altima. I am pretty sure that the Graco ones would not fit in the trunk. Our single Evenflo barely fit. This is a huge thing for us because we need to wait on the minivan for awhile.
  17. sreal02

    sreal02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kitkat72783 @ Feb 17 2009, 11:34 AM) [snapback]1193115[/snapback]
    A group of my mom's friends are gonna pitch in and get us the double stroller for our shower :D another one of her friends has boughten us the combi side by side umbrella type which I plan to use when the get a bit bigger and for when we travel to brazil so the airport wont be as hectick. But I need a bigger one for walking and I like the idea of front to back for shopping so I'm excited that both will be out of the way once I decide on one...Lol

    I'm thinking about one of these three right now....(there isnt much of a selection compared to singleton strollers :angry: )

    Contours Options

    Graco Quattro Tour Duo

    Graco DuoGlider Stroller

    Can't comment on the three you mentioned, but have you checked out the Baby Trend Double Snap-N-Go stroller? It has awesome reviews too. I purchased it, but haven't had the chance to use it yet. ;) I've put in the carseats & it seems like it's going to be extremely handy. It's very easy to fold up & the seats snap in so smoothly--it's also not obnoxiously gigantic. I also love how big the basket underneath is. Good luck with your decision!!

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