Trying to get them to nap together

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmberG, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I have been trying to get my kids to nap together in the same room. (They are used to napping separately in different rooms). They are on one nap a day. I am hoping to eliminate the need for a PNP in our office. Plus I think it will be easier to visit family if they are used to napping together.

    Week 1 went really well. Week 2 has been more challenging. DS has been waking after 45-60 minutes with lots of crying. This wakes DD up to, but luckily she has gone back to sleep because either DS went back to sleep or because I quickly removed him from the room. What do you do if one wakes early? Do you remove the child from the room? Do you just let both of them wake up early? Do you let the early waker CIO? DS was in such a horrible mood today after he woke up early that I quickly set up a PNP in another room. He's in there now, but not sleeping, just talking to himself. Any advice?
  2. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    DD normally wakes up earlier and if it's really early I try to let her CIO and she'll usually go back to sleep. If it's not crazy early I'll try to run in and grab her before she wakes up DS who is CRABBY when he doesn't get enough sleep. If it's something you really want just keep with it and they should adjust. Good luck!!
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys have always slept together and I pretty much do the same thing as Lisa. Nate usually needs a lot less sleep than Jack, so when I put them down for their nap, Jack dives for the pillow but Nate needs some time to wind down. I leave a board book and a stuffed animal in their cribs so they can amuse themselves. Nate usually wakes earlier. I will let him fuss for a bit if it's been less than 1.5 hours, and sometimes he'll go back to sleep. If not, I go get him. For some reason Jack doesn't usually wake up when Nate does. :pardon:

    As always, when my guys nap poorly, I usually move bedtime back a little bit so they can make up the sleep.
  4. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I have so been there. We have had 2 mos together, 2 mos separate with PNP, etc, etc. I think you just hold your ground and keep practicing...hopefully they will get in the rhythm. Mine finally did (for naps not for morning wakeup.) If it went well one week, you may need to hold out on your early riser another week or two if you can stand it. I think we have the same children!
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    All 3 of my young ones nap together so there is always one that wakes up early but I don't go in unless there is something seriously wrong. They have soft books and some toys in their cribs and they usually just hang out until the others wake up. If it's really early into nap then they usually fall back asleep.

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