Trying to decide if we're done with 2

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ssb2e, May 3, 2010.

  1. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    My twins are 18 months old and I'm hitting the stage where I'm really thinking about having another. For those with twins first and then a singleton, I'd love to hear anything at all that you have to share about the experience, including the age difference. I have a boy and girl, so of course everyone says "so you're done, right?".

    One of my bigger concerns is that I was put on bedrest at 17 weeks for a short cervix and then developed pre-e at 21 weeks. I almost made it to 32 weeks, with 15 of that on pretty strict bedrest. I just couldn't do that with toddlers! I know I need to talk to the Dr about the chances of those problems with a singleton pregnancy, but just wondering if the problems you had in your twin pregnancy were vastly different than the singleton pregnancy.

    Not really sure what I want to know, just looking to hear others stories. Thanks for any info you offer.
  2. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I had pre-e, too, though not as early as you did. According to my OB, there was a 20% chance of having it again. I didn't with either of my pregnancies. I had no issues. Delivered both fullterm (twins were too at 37 weeks). I experienced NONE of the issues I had with my twin pregnancy (severe edema, pre-e, PUPPPS). Singletons were a relative walk in the park even chasing after 2-3 other kiddos. All I can say is that you will never regret having another but you may regret not having another.
  3. GirliesGalore

    GirliesGalore Well-Known Member

    I had very mild pre-e with the girls, but absolutely none with the others. My singleton pregnancies were far less taxing than my twin pregnancy it was very uneventful as well. Just wanted to chime in on the idea of having #3. I think my sig is having issues, so we have 4 (Ava & Bella 5, Jax nearly 4, Lola 2).

    As for the age difference, the girls were 19 months old when Jax was born. That was challenging, as the girls were still "babies" and really coudn't understand why I couldn't hold them immediately, or why the baby was always on my chest. :wacko: Plus, I had 3 kiddos to diaper. Looking back, I might have spaced them out a little more just to make things less chaotic.

    Although, we welcomed Lola 20 months after Jax, so we were kinda on a roll. ;) Plus now that they're getting older, they all play really well together and having them so close has it's conveniences. They are all interested in mainly the same things. We can take a trip to the zoo or Sea World and they all want to see the same types of things.

    So there are so experience from both sides, but either way it will work out for you. Happy deciding!
  4. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good luck deciding. I can't comment on the 3 babies for hopefully another 6wks but as far as pregnancies go, I was put on "light duty" around 22wks for shortened cervix and bedrest at 28wks. I am 34wks with this single baby and feel like I did when I was 20wks with the twins! Besides being more tired bc I have 2 toddlers to chase after so I can't just nap or relax when I want to, this is so much easier than carrying twins:)
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