Troubles with two nap to one

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nicolepag, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    I am having a really hard time going from two naps to one. We are are attempting a 1230 downtime for nap. And I am still trying to figure out/understand how to get in lunch and potentially 2nd bottle. Also, with the one nap, we wouldn't be able to leave the house for events until 3ish and wouldn't get there till 4ish. We don't have too many events but enough that it's stressing me out. Their bedtime is 730. On those times we head out, should I push bedtime back a little bit so we basically don't have to turnaround and go home so shortly after we get there? And move from car to crib? And what do I do when we HAVE to be somewhere during naptime? I am just so confused.

    Also, for those with twinkies that still need a highchair to eat... how do you handle it when you go to other peoples homes and it's dinnertime?
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine eat lunch at 11:30 and go down at 12:00. They sleep until 3:00. If I need to be somewhere I will occasionally wake them a bit earlier, but I don't like to, but that is only on the weekends (since I have an older DD in school during the week) and only for b-day parties or something of that nature. Therefore we don't go anywhere on weekends until after their nap. Or we may drive during nap time and hope they sleep. Emilie and Trevor's bedtime is 7:30 as well and I do push it back a bit if we may be out later, or we plan to leave around 7:30-8 (and have them dressed in PJ's and give a sippy of milk before we head home) and they will usually fall asleep in the car on the way home and then we just put them in their beds. They usually wake up when we move them from the car to crib, but they go right back to sleep once they are in the crib. We take their booster seats with us to someone's house if we are going around any meal time. We never had regular high chairs, only the booster seats that attach to the chairs and we take them everywhere!

    I don't plan to be anywhere during nap time! There is just no way they can skip a nap. We may drive during nap time and then they will sleep, but it's never enough time. Mine nap from 12-3 and we don't plan anything until nap time is over, I don't mess with naps, unless it is a special occasion or a holiday, then I will adjust it, but other than then that they need a nap.

    You may want to try putting your two down a bit earlier than 12:30 while they are getting used to one nap. You could even do it at 11:30 and then gradually push it back to 12:30. Just give an early lunch.
  3. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    Sometimes it takes time to adjust to the schedule. Play around with it until you find something that works. Mine weren't ready to give up the second nap until they were 19 months old. We started with eating at noon and then going down at 12:30 and it has moved to more like 1:00 now.
  4. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    My kids went from two naps to one around 16-17 months old. At that point, they were completely off the bottle, so I only had to worry about squeezing in lunch before the afternoon nap. I just moved up lunch time to about 11 or 11:30.

    Also, if I had to take the kids out somewhere in the afternoon, I would get them into the stroller or the car immediately after lunch. They would fall asleep right away and get their nap. I would just sit in the car and read a book until they got up. Or if I was pushing them in a stroller, just sit at a park bench or inside Starbucks and read a book until they got up. Either way, we would already be close to the destination when they got up, so that there was plenty of time to do what we needed to do before we went home.

    I hope that helps.
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