Trouble Feeding Solids at Nine Months (7 months corrected age)

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MaKettle, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. MaKettle

    MaKettle Well-Known Member


    My twins are not eating solids at the pace the American Association of Pediatrics book describes. They still push it out. The only want one or two bites and they're done. They're not interested at matter what I fix for them. And I have prepared a lot of different foods (peas, carrots, beans, bananas, yogurt, peaches, rice cereal, oatmeal).

    They are preemies. Seven months corrected age.

    l feed them solids after their 10am nap when they have not eaten for three hours, I give them two or three bites, they turn away, they fidget, they complain, so I assume they are not hungry. I clean them up, set them in their pens, and they cry for a bottle.

    Argh. Maddening.

    Any thoughts? Observations?

  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would try doing solids about 1 hour after their bottle, not before the bottle. They aren't going to associate the spoon with hunger. If I tried to give mine solids when they were actually hungry they threw a fit. So maybe after the 10 am nap give them their bottle and wait 30 minutes - 1 hour and then try solids.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    maybe they just aren't ready?? I know many people who say that if they aren't interested yet, just wait a few weeks and try again... what's the doctor say? and like the pp said, maybe a different timing would be better... its so hard to figure it all out isn't it?! good luck.
  4. MaKettle

    MaKettle Well-Known Member

    You're right. They just were not ready...consistently. The doc said it would come, and sure enough tonight one of them ate all of his bowl. A first. And asked for there it is.
    But tomorrow...he may not. It's hit and miss with babies...thanks for the words ladies.
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