Traveling with Twins

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by AandWmom, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. AandWmom

    AandWmom Member

    My twins were born a month early and weighed 4lb7oz and 4lb11oz. We are lucky to have family that wants to be involved in their lives but are struggling with some requests they've made. They would like us to travel 4 and 1/2 hours (time without stopping) when they are 6 weeks old. I am overwhelmed with the idea of even packing for such a trip (we would be down there from Wed-Sun) and let alone how long it will take to drive once we add in stops for nursing. We are still nursing every three hours, even during the night. Are my worries unreasonable? When did you start traveling with your twins?
  2. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I visited my parents when mine were a little younger. I drove 1.5 hours by myself each way. If you are visiting relatives who will take care of the twins while you nap the whole visit, then do it!! You can stop once and do a quick diaper & feed--ideally you will be able to have a bottle for at least one so your DH can help feed and make the stop shorter. Even better is to stop, change both diapers, one adult gets into the backseat with the babies and feeds both bottles while the other adult continues driving.

    Where would you be going? Babies don't need much stuff at this age. And in summer, they can just wear diapers most of the time so you don't have to worry about laundry.

    Quite honestly, I would not make the trip if the relatives aren't going to be pitching in to help you out a lot.
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I travelled the first time wiht my twins when they were 3 weeks old. They were born Dec 4th and I went to my mom and dads Dec 26th, which is a 5 hr drive. I stopped once for a feeding and a diaper change. It can be done.
  4. rosenschaf

    rosenschaf Well-Known Member

    I traveled with mine alone at three weeks -- and I felt I could do anything after that! I remember having the same feeling of being overwhelmed and not knowing how things were going to be on the other end was just daunting. But if you are visiting family and they are willing to pitch in, then do it! It's such a confidence booster!!
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My concern for you would be that at 6 weeks typically there is a growth spurt for nursing babies. If you left very early in the morning, be prepared to stop more than every 3 hours (maybe every 1.5 hours?) then when you get there, nurse every hour. I wish I were exaggerating, but fortunately those growth spurts don't happen too much after 6 weeks. Personally I would not go at that time, but a few weeks later if possible.
  6. lizzbeech

    lizzbeech Guest

    What matters most is if YOU *want* to travel with them at that age.......

    It certainly can be done.... prepare to stop when needed and take your time--leave early enough that you are not feeling rushed. And keep in mind that when the babies are newborns, it definitely IS a LOT easier traveling with them as they do sleep usually for 3 hrs at a time.......
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