Traveling with Twins

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by [email protected], Jun 18, 2010.


    [email protected] Active Member

    It's travel season, and I figured you all would have some great tips for traveling with twins. We're taking a road trip to see relatives, and we'll be staying in a hotel for a few nights and then with in-laws for a few nights. What have you done that has worked? What should we bring? What should we leave behind? Our twins will be 8 months.

  2. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    i hope you get some good feedback. we did a road trip with the boys at 10 months (8 1/2 adjusted) and it was awful. There was lots of complaining and crying. one change i would make next time would be to break the travel days up into smaller chunks, and leave in the evening so they'll sleep for part of the drive. we did that on the way out of town and it worked like a charm. for some reason we decided not to do that on the way home and ended up with hours of cranky, bored crying in the back seat.

    i'm sure there are others here who were smarter about their planning than we were! :wacko:
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't know how long your drive will be but we have always found that it works best to plan the bulk of the driving around times they will be sleeping. Early, early morning, into the evening, whichever works better for you. Also, stop often & get out of the car when they are awake.. Walk around & get them a change of scenery. Good luck!
  4. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I road tripped 7 hours by myself last weekend. And it went great! I packed everything I needed for the drive into a separate bag that was easily accessible, so I could just grab stuff. I placed a paper grocery bag on the floor of the back seat for trash, so I didn't have to go hunting for a way to get rid of dirty diapers. I had all my formula in those powder formula dispensers. When they got hungry, I pulled off the highway, mixed the formula, and kept them in the car seats while I stood outside the car and reached in to feed them one at a time (I have an SUV and the weather was nice so this was doable). I do wish I had brought a cd of their lullabies, cause I got a bit bored of singing to them.
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