Traveling with 2 sets of twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AFMOM, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. AFMOM

    AFMOM Well-Known Member

    OK. I come here in my time of desperate needs.

    I am traveling in 2 weeks with both sets of twins. Now are 2 1/2. And the babies are 10 months.

    I bought 4 tickets and one lap baby.

    I need thoughts first on how to keep the crazy two year olds occupied.

    I also was told by the airline that the 2 year olds do not need car seat on flight. I am thinking that I might not bring there car seats because how am I going to carry diaper bags, strollers, all 4 kids, and 3 car seats?

    How can I minimize what I brining with out needing a U-haul sent with us?

  2. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    First let me say that you are a braver woman that me! I had my mom fly to Colorado to fly back to her house with me and just one set of twins!! I think it is awesome that you are going to do it!

    I would call the airline and see if they have someone who may be able to help you navigate through the airport or is there someone that can go to the airport with you? I believe that they still issue gate passes. One of the hard parts may just be getting on the plane. The flight attendants have been really helpful when we flew even carrying the babies for us while I put the car seat in.

    If neither of these are an option I would say bring 1 car seat for the plane (for 1 of the 10 month olds) you can either wear it as a backpack or get one of those bags that allow you to either roll it or wear it. Are you flying a airline with tv service? Frontier has the cartoon network which seems to keep a lot of kids happy. If not a portable DVD player and a Disney movie may get you an hour or two...look for one that you can plug 2 sets of headphone into. Snacks - they don't serve food anymore.

    Pack smart - the bare minimum that will get you though the flight.

    Gosh - I am really at a lose trying come up with ideas...I hope that the much wiser ladies have some great ideas for you...
  3. AFMOM

    AFMOM Well-Known Member

    I called the airline and thet said they would not help me in the airport. My DH will get a gate pass o help me get through. And my Mom will get a gate pass to meet me at the airport.
    The airline we are traveling on does not have TV service or a movie. I just do not want to drop alot of money on a portable dvd player.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Heather, I had a whole big huge reply and I accidentally hit the button on the bottom and lost it!! WAHHH!!! :cray:

    Ok, I buy small things that they will like and haven't seen before or in a really really really long time. If you can find the portable little magna doodle things, those are great and my 2 are really into them right now.

    Have all your snacks and sippys avail. change diapers before you get on the plane. Take minimal supplies on the plane unless the weather is severe or any threat of lightning.

    I think you would have to put the one in the carseat in the aisle across from you, and then lock the older set in your aisle with you on the outside. Get there early and take your time getting through security etc....

    :hug99: Good luck! Good to see you!! You'll have to share with us about life with 2 sets more sometime!!
  5. herself

    herself Well-Known Member

    How long is your flight?
    When I travelled with my 2yr old boys (5 hour flight) last summer I nearly died. I had bought seats for them and I still could not contain them. They threw things over the seats, whined, jumped, threw their toys and food everywhere that I nearly cried many times. When we landed they were so tired that on a touchdown one of them passed out asleep. It was the most calmest 15 minutes out of the whole flight. When I walked out of the plane and saw my husband (he was picking us up) I cried so much. My body ached for 2 weeks from the stress and the workout the boys put me through.
    I'm sorry if I'm the only one that tells you don't do it. Drive if you can or get a relative to come with you. I had such a bad experiance with my boys the two times I took that 5 hour flight that I will not do it again until they are 3 or 4 or older. I think you might have your hands full with holding one of your 10 month old that you may find it difficult to chase after your 2 y/o.
    But of course my boys might be much more energetic then your girls and my flight might have been much longer then yours will.
    either way GOOD LUCK!
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I travel with my one set by myself a few times a year, but that's a workout too!! I would actually think if you had 2 contained you would be in great shape.

    I forgot to ask why you are going alone and where are you going?
  7. AFMOM

    AFMOM Well-Known Member

    We are flying to Ohio. It is in 2 stretches. The first plane is 2 hours, one hour layover, and then another 2 hour flight. We are going because my grandmother has cancer and I want her to meet the babies before she passes. My DH is military and is out in the field, he can not go with us.

    Do you think that I should put the babies in car seats and put one of the 2 year olds in my lap?
  8. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    I am sorry I don't really have any advice for you other than what has already been said but I just wanted to say that you are a brave woman!!!
  9. mom2znl

    mom2znl Well-Known Member

    Wow, that will be an impressive acomplishment. I hope you meet some nice fellow passengers to help with getting on and off the plane.

    Personally, I would keep both 2 year olds buckled into seats. With my guys they did well behaving on the plane with the novelty of their own seats. But, if one was out and on Mommy's lap, the other would whine. In fact, I think I would impress upon them that the plan can't fly (at least take off) unless they are buckled into their own seats.
  10. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    ASk when you are at the airport if there is anyone on the flight that would want to help.

    Maybe there is some relative that is flying to that would want to fly to Idaho first and help you get to Ohio. I would start asking around because I really think this is going to be more difficult than you think. Ask someone to go with you. A younger sibling, a friend someone that could help you with the kids.

    I would invest in a DVD player because it will be worth ever penny because it will help set the 2 year old still while you deal with the others. We have two sets of twins too and a 7 year old and would NEVER take them by myself on an airplane.

    God luck keep us posted how the plane was.

  11. Renald99

    Renald99 Well-Known Member

    Just a thought because nobody has mentioned it (that I found upon skimming anyhow):

    You say you have 4 seats. I'm assuming 1 each for you and each 2 yr old...and one to split with the little twins (the other being a lap baby). You might want to check with the airline regarding seating requirements. You need to be on the side of each plane with a spare air mask (for the lap kid). Also, they will likely require the carseat to be by the window (so as not to impede exit of your other kids). I'm guessing they'd want you on the aisle with the lap kid, then the 2 two yr olds, then the baby in the carseat next to the window.

    I would call your airline to confirm. When you get to the gate I'd let the agent know you are traveling with 4 little ones. Ask for help in boarding & for someone to make sure you have them seated in the order required by FAA.

    Obviously you'd want to pre-board with that entourage, so be sure you are at the gate 30 mins before departure.

    Good luck :bow2:
  12. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    Is it at all possible to buy one more infant seat for the other baby? I think the hardest part will be always having someone in your arms and not be free to deal with the toddlers - who will be the real worry. Not sure how the seating works - the baby in a car seat must be at a window, so you would have those three seats and then put the toddlers behind you so you know at least they're not kicking stranger's seats. Then I would leave the babies in their car seats sit in the row behind with the toddlers (who are seated on the aisle and middle seat) keep one in your lap and work on keeping them happy.

    If you can not buy another seat, at least bring the other infant seat with you to the gate, in case there's an empty seat, they'll usually give it to you. If not, they'll gate check the infant seat.

    If you only have four seats, you'll have to put one toddler in aisle across from you.

    Please tell me you don't have to change planes on the layover...

    It will be difficult, but the really hard thing it saying goodbye to someone. If the flight is miserable, at least you know it will pass. Strangers are wonderful - I bet they will help. Don't be afraid to tell everyone around you why you're doing what you're doing, and accept their help. There's always someone who wants to hold a baby.

    You and your family have all my best wishes.

    - Mia
  13. AFMOM

    AFMOM Well-Known Member

    I know! This will be an act of Super Strength. I just need as many prayers as possible and maybe a few nice people to help me along the way.

    I was unsure if I should keep the 2 year old in car seats or just let them be in normal seat with a lap belt. they have never been in a seat with a lap belt so I am unsure of how they will respond to that.

    Also, do you think I should get the kid harnest for the older set and put the younger set in the stroller while walking in through the airport? Or should I put the younger set in a back carry and a front carry and the put the older set of twins in the stroller? Or should I just take 2 strollers?
  14. KellyJ

    KellyJ Well-Known Member

    Is there any way you can get a direct flight? That layover is going to be the worst of it in my opinion. If your older set hates flying, they certainly aren't going to want to get off a plane and then back on one. I know the last time we flew with our oldest, he was 2 and the first flight was great. He sat in his car seat and watched his DVD player, ate snacks and had a blast. We got lots of compliments on how well behaved he was. Then came round 2 and he wanted nothing to do with the car seat, being buckled in a regular seat, eating, watching a movie- nothing. It was a very long 4 hour flight and everyone on the plane wanted to kill us.

    So, take your stroller for the 2 yr olds if they ride well. (If the younger set also will ride well in the carrier, that is.) Gate check that. If you can get some kind of help at the gates, I would suggest car seats for all. Tell them it's just like traveling in the car, they have to remain seated and buckled with no excuses. I would borrow or buy a DVD player if at all possible and bring headphones for it. The airlines wouldn't let Aaron play his on the way home because we didn't have any and passengers were complaining. Not as much as they were when he was losing his mind bored to death later. If they like to draw, bring lots of stuff to color and draw on and with. Snacks are a must! Bring whatever you can to keep them occupied, even if it's something you wouldn't ordinarily let them eat or play with.

    Good luck with your trip. I'm so sorry you have to go alone and I'm also sorry about your Grandmother.

  15. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    You can see about renting a DVD at the airport, I know they do it in Denver.

    If you have car seats most airlines will make you put them in the window, if you have 4 car seats they will all have to be in window seats, same if you had 2.

    I am sure there will be kind strangers who will help you - if I saw you I would offer my help.
  16. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    How would you manage two strollers by yourself???...yikes..I just cannot imagine trying do do this on my own. Do you have any friend at all that you could beg to come with you? If you've already bought the 4 seats, then your friend could just take one of those and hold your other 10 month old. I just don't know how those four seats could be arranged in any airplane so that you could realistically monitor all four children... 2 in front and 2 behind, will leave you trying to watch your 2 year olds over the seat....that won't work...3 on one side and 1 on the other will either leave a crying child or an empty chair that doesn't get used anyway! I know it'd be more expensive...but what about a family member who could fly into your airport, meet you and then fly to your grandmother's with you?... I think I'd be willing to pay a significant amount of money to have help on a venture like this. Even just a regular babysitter that you might trust who could come with you.... Hope it all works out. Honestly, there is no way I would try to take both my 2.5 year olds and my four year old on a flight by matter how short. And my kids are pretty well behaved... you just can't predict what might happen...I'd be terrified of losing track of one of them.
  17. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Hillybean @ Oct 24 2007, 11:42 PM) [snapback]466004[/snapback]
    If you have car seats most airlines will make you put them in the window, if you have 4 car seats they will all have to be in window seats, same if you had 2.

    This hasn't been my experience, and I've flown with my twins tons of times. The rule is a car seat can not block a passenger, but I've always had one car seat at the window and one next to it in the middle seat - otherwise I would have one baby flying by itself in a row.

    AFMOM - A DVD player really would be worth it if at all possible. It makes a big difference. Do anything you can to borrow one.

    I would bring two strollers just because the harnesses don't help if someone decides they're not walking anymore - and those can be looong walks through the airport. Also, if there's a delay or you're using the bathroom, etc., it's best to have a place for everyone to be locked in - and to have a nap if the time comes.

    The nightmare about 2 year olds and car seats on airplanes is that it forces their feet against the seat in front of them - but in your case, I think they're a great idea since you have help getting to and from the gate. Just make sure they're in seats behind you. The problem will be that because in car seats they'll have to be at the window and middle seat, someone else is going to be sitting next to either the baby or the toddlers. The baby is probably best (the stranger in the seat in their row is not going to be happy - I would explain the situation to them and offer to buy them a drink. People usually just want to know that you're doing the best you can).

    This is not a time to be shy. I would tell anyone who needs to hear it that you are flying alone because your husband is serving our country and a family member is ill. That will make a big difference. (Though strangers have always been kind to me during our pleasure travel).

  18. jennyj

    jennyj Well-Known Member

    Buy a ticket for a FRIEND or Family member and have them go with you... wow thats all I can say... and I hopethings go well
  19. marose

    marose Well-Known Member

    I agree with Susanna+3's idea about begging a friend to travel with you since you already have 4 seats. You can put your oldest girls in your row and have your friend in the open seat so she is only taking care of one child.
  20. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Ok.. you are sooooo brave. I agree with trying to get anyone you know to come and help you, buy their ticket and beg. We just flew with our 2 from Seattle to TX. Snacks were great and also some new little toys. Stickers are a big hit and will keep them occupied. If you are going to attempt this on your own I say definitely invest in a DVD player and try to schedule the flights so that the older set nap during at least one of the legs of the trip. If you can get a direct flight that will be my recommendation to you, lugging them in and out of the airplane will be your biggest challenge. In my experience the pre-boarding gives you about a 1 min head start before they start boarding the other people and next thing you know there are tons of people behind you waiting to get through as you are just trying to herd the kids and all the stuff through the plane. The problem with seating will be that you can have 2 car seats immediately next to you, 1 in the window and 1 in the middle with you in the aisle. The third car seat will have to be on the other side of the aisle but it has to be in the window seat so that it doesn't block other passengers. So I'm not sure how easy it will be for you to have one of the babies with 2 strangers in between you. I wish you the best of luck, please let us know how it goes.
  21. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I really don't think it is fair to rely on strangers to take care of/watch your kids. It's nice if they help but shouldn't be expected. A DVD player will be worth every cent!!!

    QUOTE(AFMOM @ Oct 24 2007, 03:23 PM) [snapback]465865[/snapback]
    Do you think that I should put the babies in car seats and put one of the 2 year olds in my lap?

    No, they won't let you do that once they hit 2 y/o.

    QUOTE(Mia D @ Oct 24 2007, 05:17 PM) [snapback]466079[/snapback]
    AFMOM - A DVD player really would be worth it if at all possible. It makes a big difference. Do anything you can to borrow one.

    QUOTE(jennyj @ Oct 24 2007, 05:51 PM) [snapback]466126[/snapback]
    Buy a ticket for a FRIEND or Family member and have them go with you... wow thats all I can say... and I hopethings go well

    I agree. I am surprised the airline is allowing you to fly with 2 babies under 10 months and 2 2 y/o alone. I fly a lot with all my kids and wouldn't do that with out help, not becasue i don't think I could do it but because I don't think it's fair to those paying for seats around us to not be able to stop the kids from kicking and pulling on the seats and getting out of hand.

    good luck.
  22. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    You are far braver than I am, I would never attempt that. I'd rather drive them there than fly. I don't have any good advice as I've not even flown with my duo yet. Can you call the airline and ask for some assistance (kind of like the employee who helps children traveling alone)?

    And I think that investing in a DVD player (or two) would be very wise.

    Honestly, I just would not attempt this unless I could get someone, anyone to go with me.
  23. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    I agree. I am surprised the airline is allowing you to fly with 2 babies under 10 months and 2 2 y/o alone. I fly a lot with all my kids and wouldn't do that with out help, not becasue i don't think I could do it but because I don't think it's fair to those paying for seats around us to not be able to stop the kids from kicking and pulling on the seats and getting out of hand.

    I would drive!

  24. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    I was also really surprised that the airline is even letting you do that -- that means you will not be sitting right in the same row with at least one of the kids. Will the airlines even let a child that small sit unsupervised (even if it's just on the other side of the aisle) next to other passengers? I can't even imagine trying to keep my two corralled as it is (though I know lots of people do it), so I can't even imagine it with two more! Personally I wouldn't make the trip if I had to do it by myself; I think that is just asking too much! Unless it were some real emergency that REQUIRED all of us to make the trip, I would sit this one out and stay home if I couldn't get someone else to accompany me.
  25. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    Yes - airlines allow this. There are some parents who sit together as a couple and put their kids together behind, in front or across from them. Not that this is fair, but it is done all the time - I've seen it.

    My thinking is that this mom deals with her two sets of twins every day, so in my opinion she's the best judge of whether she can handle it. She was asking for tips on how to do it, not whether or not she should do it. She never said she was going to rely on strangers or allow her children to kick seats and annoy other passengers - I (and others) just assured her that anytime we travel, others are happy to help. And we suggested that the toddlers be seated behind her babies, so no other passengers would be affected by them if they kick. I just know that if I had listened to all the people who told me not to travel alone with my girls, we all would have missed out on a lot of extraordinary adventures and some priceless times with family.

    My biggest concern is the layover - if it is a change of planes, it just adds more chance of something going haywire - like missing the connection if the first plane is late, etc. But I wouldn't skip the trip over this - just have plenty of snacks, diapers, etc. with you to allow for more time than you expect.

    I also would not attempt this for a pleasure trip - but that's not what this is. Regret is an awful thing. A difficult plane ride passes.

  26. AFMOM

    AFMOM Well-Known Member

    Mia, Thanks! I felt kinda attacked there for minute. I Appreciate the input.

    As I also appreciate everyones input. We all have free will to think and have opinions.

    I understand that this will be a difficult trip but it is worth it to go by plane to see my Grandmother. She is going to pass soon, and she is the woman whom basically raised me. She is like my Mother.

    I am also a Military Spouse. My husband can not go with us anywhere do to Mission essential personnel having to stay on the base. If I where to live my life around my DH's career I would never do anything but stay at home and wonder when I could go visit friends or family. As far as having someone else in my family help me grandmother is pretty much it. I have a sister whom I am not in much contact with. I am also unsure of anyone else, but the few personal friends that I have work, and have families of there own. They can not drop what they are doing to do a last minute trip across country.

    It is also much cheaper for us to travel by plane than car. It would take us 5 days by car, hotel stays, gas, and food all add up.

    If people do not want to deal with kids or other people they should not fly by plane.

    I feel like I digress by even responding, but I do care what others think. I want the people on these planes to not have a bad experience because of me. That is why I asked for tips not opinions. Thank you to everyone whom has offered some great tips.

    I did borrow a DVD player w/ headsets, and I am looking to buy some fun little toys on the plane.
  27. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I missed the post where you explained what the trip was for -- that certainly falls under the definition of what I would consider an emergency requiring you all to go! I know you are having a difficult time, and I really wasn't trying to attack you at all! I just think it is a daunting task, and I'm a wimp, so for me personally I would try to come up with any possible alternative! But you gotta do what you gotta do, so you will find a way to make it work, I'm sure, and even if it's a difficult trip, it will be worth it.
  28. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    My hubby thinks i'm brave when i take the twins out to the store by myself.. i think you are Wonder Woman :)
    I will be thinking of you for a quiet safe and uneventful trip. Good Luck
  29. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    I have the utmost respect for the task you will be undertaking. It will be difficult but it CAN be done. Do you have a Duoglider? or any double stroller that will hold an infant car seat? If you do I would suggest using it with one (maybe 2) of the infant seats...they can usually be buckled in without the base so you really wouldn't HAVE to bring it, and if you did you could check it with your luggage. You could use the stroller all the way through the airport and check it at the gate, then it would be available at the connection airport for you to use to get to your next flight. As for keeping the kids busy on the plane...lots of snacks, you will need drinks but you will have to purchase those after you have gone through security as the only beverages you can take through will be the formula/ EBM for the babies...don't forget the sippies. I know someone said to only bring bare minimum but I would be sure to bring a few extra really don't want to cut that too close and end up with a poopy, miserable baby. Are the older kids potty trained? If not, it is probably a blessing for this trip, at least you won't have to deal with a "Mommy, I need to go." mid-flight...if they are, I am sure that you will deal with it. I am confident that with all the attention you will get you will have some really nice person close by who will be more than happy to give you a hand if you need it.

    Just one last little thing...I know that there are fancy leashes/harnesses and backpack leashes out there. When I traveled with Micah I forwent those and picked up a dog leash, the kind that has a button to allow you to control how far away the dog can get...I attached it to his beltloop in the center of his back (made sure to put jeans on him that day.) At first he didn't like it much (tested before we traveled) but after about 10 minutes he thought it was so funny and he wanted me to "walk" him like we do the dog at Grandma's house...I got a few looks at the airport but when people saw that I was able to sit next to our bags and he could play for about a 15 foot radius, having fun and not bothering people and most importantly- not running away...they thought it was a great idea.

    While the trip isn't for the best of circumstances, I do hope that you enjoy your time with your Grandmother...I'm sure she will be pleased as punch to see all your children and so proud of you. Let us know how it goes.
  30. ohiomom

    ohiomom Well-Known Member

    I do not have any advice unfortunately. I could never in my life be so brave!

    I do wish you the best of luck though. I can't imagine it will be easy but the reasons you are doing it are wonderful ones and I'm certain that no matter how tough it is, you won't regret it!
  31. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    We just traveled with 3 kids 2 and under. The hardest part was keeping track of them in the busy airport. Bring atleast a double stroller and gate check it. Carry another baby on your back and then tell one of the older two that they HAVE to stay with you and hold onto the stroller. If your husband can help you to the gate then I think you will be fine. Ask the airline to sit you in the back of the plane so atleast you wont have to worry about the people behind you. Buckle the older two in and do NOT let them out of their seats. Put on a good movie and bring lots of snacks, juice, stickers, crayons, etc. I would also try to keep the younger two awake for abit so they nap on the plane. That is what we did and it worked out pretty well. Yes the kids will scream at one point or another. Hopefully you will be seated near kind people who do not mind, if not, screw em. You're doing the best you can with what you can and they can deal with a little fussing. My biggest mistake was letting every little cry or fuss upset me because I was so worried about what others thought. Chances are most of the other passengers have kids and admire you for your bravery. Tell them your DH is in the military and can't help you and I bet people will bend over backwards to help you, I know I would.
  32. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    Forgot to say that a lifesaver was me was a LARGE diaper bag that strapped onto the stroller. That frees your arms to chase kids. I have the Skip Hop Double. I believe they sell the smaller version at Target.
  33. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I also agree that you are an over the top SUPERMOM! Although in the same situation, I would have taken all of mine on the same kind of trip. I wanted to mention one thing a friend of mine did that kept her hyperactive four year old entertained on a flight from MD to Disney. Since your's are younger, you decide if it's helpful or not! LOL She got a big box of assorted character bandaids that she let Nikki use as stickers. It was something she always wanted to play with and was never allowed to. Every once in a while, every half hour I think, she pulled some out for Nikki to open and stick on her toys, herself, her mom, whatever she wanted! My friend said that it was the best thing she could have done! Good luck with your trip, and I'm sorry to hear the reason for it. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your grandmother.
  34. AFMOM

    AFMOM Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much, I just got an offer from one of my friends that she would lend her triplet stroller to me! That way i will wear one in a front carry and the other three will be in one stroller! Yeah! Plus my other friend is letting me borrow her DVD player, and the band-aids is a great ideal.
    I think that with some of this advice that I should be able to get through this with out a problem, or maybe just a few! but we will get through!
  35. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was just talking to my dh about your situation...he is a former commercial pilot, now works for the FAA and I am a former flight we were trying to figure out the logistics of where you would sit.

    First of can put kids in a car seat if they are over two. First of all I would call and see what type of airplane you are flying on both flights so you know what to expect. If you are on a small one, there may not be enough seats across. Gate check stroller of course so you can have it up until the plane and then once you get off. Most gate agents/flight attendants will help. They are not technically supposed to hold babies but I did it over 100 times. If you are on a big enough plane, I would personally put both two yr olds in a car seat, then you won't have to worry about them running around on take off/landing, or at least put the two yr old in the row across from you in a car seat and maybe leave the other one in your row to sit on their own. If you put one 2yr old by the window, 10 mo old in center, then you and lap child, then across the row the other 2 yr old in a car seat, that will be the best, just make sure it doesn't impede the way out for people seated in her row. Board early...tell the flight attendant your situation and see what they can do to help. I am sure you will get a lot of help that way. Glad you got the dvd player, that will be a great lifesaver. You could wrap up a new present and give it to them once they get up in the air. I love the color wonders for the airplane, the new ones are black paper and come out like a rainbow color.
    I think its so great what you are doing, and as hard as it will be, its a wonderful gift to your grandmother and to your kids!! You will get through it!
    Good luck!
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