Traveling alone with twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Mommy2ATeam, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    The girls and I are leaving Monday to visit my family in TN for a week. DH is staying home to work and then traveling to see another production of the show he's currently working on. At first, I was like, "I can do this. No problem." Now, I'm like, "Oh my God! What am I thinking??? When am I going to be able to pee? I can't run into a convenience store and get a drink during the whole 8 hour drive! I'm going to have to listen to Elmo and Jack's Big Music Show for EIGHT FREAKIN' HOURS!!!" [​IMG]

    In case you couldn't tell, I'm freaking out a little about this trip. [​IMG] Has anyone else driven such a long way with twin toddlers by yourself? Any advice or suggestions?
  2. orcoastmommyof2

    orcoastmommyof2 Well-Known Member

    I took the boy's on a 7 hour trip when they were just over a year. I made sure that I left really early in the morning. I think it was like 5am. I gave them a bottle in the car and they played for a little while and then were out like a light for a good 3 hours. I stopped and put them in the double stroller and took them into a Target and fed them leaving them in the stroller. Then I put on their monkey harnesses and let them walk around for a little while. Then went and changed them and hit the road again. About an hour later they were asleep again for another 2 hours or so. So they actually were only awake for 2 or so hours on the whole trip. I would defentily suggest if you don't have a dvd player in your car investing in one. I think it would be a lifesaver now that they are older. It can be done, just have to not let yourself stress out or they can sense it and make it worse. Hope you have a great trip!
  3. FAE1470

    FAE1470 Well-Known Member

    You can do it.... Make sure you get all the snacks/drinks your going to need and if you need to stop at a rest room go to fast food chain and use the handicapped bathroom (that way you can roll the stroller right inside w/ you).
  4. jacob+twinsmom

    jacob+twinsmom Well-Known Member

    I have done an approx. 6 hour drive (to my parents) alone a couple of times. Actually I just did it Tuesday. It is not so bad. If you are really nervous, bring the stroller with you into the bathroom, fast food etc. It helps to keep them contained. This past time I didn't use the stroller, and we still did alright. I also have my 5 y/o to help keep an eye on them though. I recommend stopping at a McD playland or somewhere similar to eat and plan on at least 45-60 minute break. We eat and then I let them run around for a long time. It helps to get out some energy. When traveling alone I can make the trip in about 5 1/2 hours, with the kids it can take anywhere from 6 1/2-7 hours. By far, the hardest point for me is getting them and tray full of food from counter to table, but we managed.

    The noisy DVD player is unavoidable!!!! Just think it is better than screaming and in about a year you can teach them to wear headphones. That's what we did with oldest ds and it was definetly a sanity savior!!!!!
  5. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Are the girls walking? Why wouldn't you be able to go into a store to get a drink? You pee when you have to! The drives I have done are typically about 5 hours, I do them a couple times a year and don't have a dvd player. Just pack your patience, some quiet toys and go have fun! Make sure the car if fully fueled around naptime, nothing worse than them just falling asleep and the gas tank runs low. Do your best to time the day and then let the pieces fall in as they may!

    Have a great, safe trip! Enjoy being with your family!
  6. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I've done it a few times. Make sure to bring a portable DVD player. Pack a little cooler with your drinks, snacks, etc. so that you can do beverages and snacks that way. Make sure your stroller is easily accessible and when you stop for lunch put them in the stroller and wheel them into the handicap restroom stall with you. You can do it! Have a safe trip [​IMG]

    Also, try to keep naptime after lunch. Don't turn the DVD player on and tell them it's naptime and they need to nap. That will give you a break from Elmo [​IMG]
  7. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I didn't have to do it totally alone, I had my 8 year old dd with me as well.

    I took all three of them (the boys were 6 months) to Oklahoma from Iowa. A normal 8 hour trip took us 11 down and 12 back. Just a head's up!

    I would suggest making sure you have your stroller. It's going to take you longer than you think to get there. Plan for that. You're not going to be able to drive straight through. Even if you could physically, they wont' let you!! They can't sit in one spot that long, unless you plan on driving overnight, and that's hard to do.

    I stopped at rest stops, let them crawl, roll around on a blanket outside just to let them get some fresh air and to be in a different body position.

    That's all I can think of right now. If i think of something else that helped, I'll pass it along.

    By the way, You CAN do it!
  8. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    I keep an eye out for fast food places that say "Playland" - like McDonalds - and use those for a break; I take them to the bathroom with me and then let them play a bit. Drive-thrus are a blessing for getting sodas, meals, coffee, etc. You can do it!

    Have a great trip,
  9. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    I travel alone all the time with the boys and my 2 huge dogs. I drive about 4 hrs. I try to drive after lunch and during nap time. I also stop at rest stops so I can pee and so they can walk around. Just bring your stroller.

    Also, I drove once in a snow storm and couldn't stop at a rest stop. I brought a tupperware bowl and peed in that. You do what you gotta do!!

    Bring tons of food and videos. And plan on pulling over on the side to get the toys and food once they drop them...

    Good luck - YOU CAN DO IT!
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    You can do it!! You need to plan your trip to include GOOD rest stops and get the kids out and load them in the stroller. They'll want a change of scenery too. You can let one walk and follow with the stroller and then switch them so that they stretch their little legs as well!! I just pull my double stroller into the wheelchair stall and go potty all the time!! YOU CAN DO IT!
  11. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for the advice and support!

    We're leaving around 6:00 tomorrow morning so they'll sleep for the first little while on the road. We've made the trip plenty of times, but DH is always with us. This is my first long trip with them by myself (the longest we've gone before this was 2 hours to Wilmington).

    I plan on stopping around 7:30 or 8:00 to get gas and breakfast. Hopefully, they'll "read" and play for a while before taking their typical 2 hour morning nap and then we can stop for lunch. After that, it might get a little iffy, but I'll just have to make do. I may stop at a mall and let them walk around with their harnesses. I'm nervous, but I think I can do this. I have my mp3 player so I can put one earpiece in while the girls listen to Elmo or Jack.

    I'll let you all know how it goes when I get up there! [​IMG]
  12. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Travel safe and go with the flow!
  13. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    I'm here! [​IMG] We made it in a little over 8 hours. The girls slept a majority of the trip. We didn't really have to stop that often. They did really well!
  14. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    That is fantastic, have a great time with your family!
  15. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I'm jealous! LOL

    I'm glad you made it in good time and safely!
  16. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    We're back home! We got back a little after 3:00 yesterday afternoon. They did really well again. They are SO off-schedule now though and I'm exhausted. It's gonna be an early night for me! [​IMG]
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