Travel Tips

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mary2bmeg, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. mary2bmeg

    mary2bmeg Member

    We are going on our first vacation w/ our girls in March and I have no idea what to expect. They'll be turning 1 while we're away so I'm having to plan something special for them while we'll be there. We'll be flying w/ them for the first time as well. We did not buy them their own seats, but have opted to have them sit in our laps which I hope doesn't turn out to be a huge mistake. I've read up on some of the rules and regulations for carrying on baby items such as formula and food, but will it be a pain to gate check our Maclaren? It's a necessity for navigating the airports and I don't want to check it w/ our regular luggage. Any other tips and advice for us?
  2. rtj

    rtj Well-Known Member

    I'm about to take the twins on their first trip too. With our singleton, we always gate checked the stroller and car seat and it was a breeze. You can roll them right up to the plane. With son plus twins (6 months), we're planning on not bringing car seats (borrowing when we get there), using the stroller and also bringing the ERGO and Baby Bjorn for carrying.

    Make sure you call about seats. They won't let two lap infants in the same row b/c of oxygen masks (only 4 to every 3 seats) so make sure you can get something either across the aisle from each other or right in front/behind of each other.
  3. MrsBirch

    MrsBirch Well-Known Member

    We just flew from BC to Ontario a few weeks ago so I have tons of advice - haha

    Pre book your seats, have aisle seats beside eachother. But when you check in ask if it's a full flight, if not ask if the 4 of you can get a row of seats for yourselves. We got this on our way home and it was wonderful. Have something for them to suck on for the take off and landing...we were told the landing is the most important though. Get some new toys for the flight to entertain them, I also held off on them watching tv (mine are younger than yours) until we flew so that would be new to them as well, DS had more fun playing with the touch screen tv than any toy we brought. We planned the flights for when they were to nap, one did and one didn't, but we didn't get any dirty looks so I guess DS didn't make too many people mad. We dressed them in sleepers so we didn't have to worry about shoes, socks and had gender neutral clothes in our carry ons in case. You can bring your stroller right up to the plane, and don't be in a rush to get off the plane because the strollers take time to get up to the door. For security I was a bit stressed out, especially when they started to open DH's carryon, but then another lady saw we had kids so they let us go on, we had formula, cereal and fruits for them to eat on the plane. Ended up only doing the fruits because it was quick and not as messy as cereal can be.

    Good luck and enjoy your trip!!!
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We flew to Italy when our boys were nine months old. I just got two cheap single strollers for the airport/Italy and just left them at the gate when boarding(I think). It shouldn't be a problem.

    What pp said is true-you can't be sitting in the same row with the other baby. So... make up two diaper bags with the essentials(or backpacks, whatever). Wipes, diapers, food, toys, formula, bottles. It will make life easier than having to pass bags over everyone's head if you don't sit near each other. If you get there early enough(try to), ask for bulkhead seating-there's more room, and there's a spot for a little bassinet thing they hook up, if need be.

    Bring new toys...not noisy Books. Snacks. Maybe wear a big chunky necklace for them to play with-I've heard of others do that. Basically anything new they will(hopefully) love. LOL! Bring a pacifier/bottle, etc for them to suck on while taking off/landing. It will help with their ears.

    The biggest piece of advice-have NO expectations. Just go with the flow.

    We are going back to Italy in April. I will have two 3 1/2 year olds and a 22 month old. I'm NOT looking forward to that trip...or the three planes we need to get there! LOL!

    Good luck on your trip!
  5. traciwinkler

    traciwinkler Well-Known Member

    Have you visited There's also a book by the same name that I have found to be very helpful in planning our upcoming trip. You may also want to check the TSA website again right before you go to make sure that there aren't any last-minute changes to what can be brought on the plane.

    I agree with PP's to call the airline and see what their rules are for flying with twins (and in my case a preschooler too). When I did I also asked about changing tables on the plane, just so I would know what I'm dealing with.

    I would say go ahead and gate check the Maclaren. You'll be happy that you did I'm sure.

    Good luck!
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