travel sleeping arrangements

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by piccologirl, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    we're probably heading up north to attend my family reunion in august. the boys will be just shy of 11 months at that point. it's not unlikely that we'll stay with my father since he's offered us the use of his master suite to accommodate our needs. the thing is, he's a retired man who doesn't typically spend time around babies, thus no cribs. and he lives so far away that i don't want him to feel like he should run out and buy a pair.

    so i'm wondering what we should do for travel arrangements. we're not co-sleepers and our guys don't settle well with us in the bed if we try. they like sleeping on their own so it's unlikely they'd quietly share a space, either.

    i've been looking at the travel baby beds on but most of them look too small for 11 month olds. plus the sides are so low that i'm afraid these guys will just crawl over the sides in the middle of the night and get in trouble. i'm not sure what our best options are here. we have one PNP but i really don't want to buy a second and there's no way they'd sleep peacefully together in there.

    suggestions? recommendations? is there a simpler solution i'm not thinking of?
  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    We always use two PNPs when we travel. That is the only thing that works for our boys.

    Can your dad borrow one from a fellow grandparent who lives nearby? Or maybe purchase a cheap one and then resell it at a consignment store or on Craigslist?

    Sounds like a fun trip!! :)
  3. rmcobb12

    rmcobb12 Well-Known Member

    We use two PNP when we travel. We bought one new but once the boys got bigger and we realized we needed two I got a newly used one really cheap at a babies consignment store.
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    We go camping a lot and still use PNP's and they work great! Do you know someone that you could borrow one from so you don't have to buy another one?
  5. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    i didn't think of getting one at a baby consignment store.... :fool:
  6. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    There's a number of baby equipment rental companies. They tend to only be in bigger touristy areas, but it's worth a shot to search for the town name+baby rental to see what pops up.

    Here's a good list, maybe there's something nearby?
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ditto pnp's! :D
  8. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    you could also check craigslist, or does your town have a yahoo group like freecycle or garage sale??
    Our does and theres stuff on there all the time!!!!
  9. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(bekkiz @ Jun 4 2009, 10:28 PM) [snapback]1341697[/snapback]
    There's a number of baby equipment rental companies. They tend to only be in bigger touristy areas, but it's worth a shot to search for the town name+baby rental to see what pops up.

    Here's a good list, maybe there's something nearby?

    thanks for the suggestion, but no dice. we're heading deep into podunk michigan territory. :p
    edit: wait a second! i found a rental service literally down the street from us! thank you so much for the suggestion!

    QUOTE(E&Msmom @ Jun 5 2009, 01:54 AM) [snapback]1341887[/snapback]
    you could also check craigslist, or does your town have a yahoo group like freecycle or garage sale??
    Our does and theres stuff on there all the time!!!!

    fabulous idea! i didn't think of freecycle!
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