Travel sleep logistics

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sottovoce, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. sottovoce

    sottovoce Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm new here and anticipating needing to travel with my b/g twins shortly. I have them sleeping together in the bassinet of the PackNPlay but once they exceed 15 lbs combined weight Graco says they shouldn't be together in the bassinet. Right now they are 13 pounds combined so I have a little time. At home, when the get to 15 lbs they'll share a crib and then they'll eventually each have their own cribs.

    What do all of you do when you have to travel? Do you have 2 pack n plays or something else? Do you have them sleep in the bottom of the pack n play (30lb combined weight maximum)? Just wondering how you all manage???

    Thanks a bunch. Anne
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :sign0016: to TS Anne! Congratulations on your babies!

    We are traveling at the end of June and have 2 packnplays at our destination. Since they are still small, I would think you could just get away with one at this point. Good luck!

    We have a TS Big Sister program that I encourage you to join. We will match you with a mom of older twins. Click on the link at the bottom of my signature if you would like more info!
  3. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the babies! You'll find this site a great sourse of info and laughter! :sign0016:

    When ours were smaller, they shared the pack-n-play. Now they each get their own brought along if we are staying overnight somewhere.
  4. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    First off...CONGRATS on your new additions!! And, welcome to TS!! This is a great place for all of your questions...

    Anyway, we flew and traveled when mine were 2 months and they shared a PnP. They did wake each other up a lot, so if that is your case I would try to get two PnPs...But, for them being so young is actually a GREAT time to travel with them! Good luck.

  5. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    Welcome! For us at this point, I would take two but you probably could get away with one pack n play.
  6. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    I would say one pnp should be okay whether you use the bassinet or not is up to you and how you think your babies will be comfortable.
    If you are staying at a hotel you may also want ask if they have portable cribs available many nicer hotels do and will provde them at little or no extra cost. traveling with twins, even young ones, seems to require lots of extra stuff so the less you have to bring along the better!

  7. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    For traveling we used two pack n plays and they usually slept in the bottom. Only one of our PNPs had a bassinet so the "lighter" baby used the bassinet until she reached 15 lbs. Off the top of my head, I know we used the 2 PNPs when we traveled at 2.5 months, 5 months, 5.5, 8.5, 12-15 months (we were staying at my moms house), 17 months, and 2 years old. Then the girls learned to climb out of them so I got them little inflatable beds for traveling. My girls didn't fit well in 1 PNP after about 3-4 months old.
  8. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Hi there. I just wanted to say that I know the weight restrictions on those Pack and Plays are very conservative. My boys are 26 lbs combined and they still lay in the bassinet part. I've check it and it's not sagging or straining anywhere. I wouldn't do it every night but just while we're staying at my Mum's I don't worry.
  9. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    we travel regularly to visit my family (250 miles away). My girls sleep in a pnp together.
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