transitioning to table food

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinsohmy, Jan 30, 2007.

  1. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I know this has been a popular topic in the past. We are still BFing and I am trying to add table foods.
    Could you please post a sample day of your babies' diet if they are around this age?

  2. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I know this has been a popular topic in the past. We are still BFing and I am trying to add table foods.
    Could you please post a sample day of your babies' diet if they are around this age?

  3. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    Breakfast: waffles, pancakes, chunks of fruit (pears, peaches, kiwi, blueberries), yogurt, applesauce, toast w/jelly

    Lunch/dinner: macaroni & cheese, hamburger helper, meatballs, gerber meat sticks, chunks of fruit, peas, green beans, brocoli, chunks of cheese, cottage cheese, carrots, gerber graduates soups and pasta pickups, spaghetti noddles w/tomato sauce, chicken nuggets

    Snacks: gerber arrowroot cookies, puffs, cheerios, graham crackers

    I also give them a sippy cup with 4-5 oz of formula/milk for meals, and juice/water with their afternoon snack.

    Hope that helps [​IMG]
  4. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sara. I feel like a worry-wart. For instance, you said toast with jelly. So now I think- do I use wheat since that's healthy, no probably not because the "no wheat until 1 year" rule. And I feel like I need to read ingredients like crazy because of eggs, wheat, etc.

    They have no alleergies as of yet.
  5. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    11 months:630 Bf
    730 baby oatmeal, maybe a banana cut up
    930 BF, 2-3 crackers
    1200 lunch - yogurt, sometimes a jar of Gerber 3rd foods, sometimes something homemade like plain pasta.
    3pm or whenever up from nap, BF, avocado or something for snack
    530 dinner, usually another bowl of baby cereal plus small bites of whatever we were eating for dinner like chicken, green beans, carrots, etc. usually another jar of baby food.

    I kept the girls on baby food until 13 months, then started giving more table food.
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by twinsohmy:
    Thanks Sara. I feel like a worry-wart. For instance, you said toast with jelly. So now I think- do I use wheat since that's healthy, no probably not because the "no wheat until 1 year" rule. And I feel like I need to read ingredients like crazy because of eggs, wheat, etc.

    They have no alleergies as of yet.

    What I give my girls to eat is similar to Sara. I just stopped worrying a lot about what they should or should not have. I try to keep it whole grain, low sugar, low salt. Otherwise it is fair game. We have no history of allergies in the family and they've shown no signs of allergies either.

    I do not give them any baby food at all anymore. Closest they get to it would be yo baby yogurt and applesauce. Any other fruit/veggie I give them in pieces now instead of puree.
  7. daniellecic

    daniellecic Well-Known Member

    i am a big advocate of introducing table food when ever possible. the more that they are expossed to (texture wise) the less adversion they will have to trying new textures. also, different textured food helps with speech development..i.e..many children with food adversions have delayed speech.

    mine are 7 months now and are starting on avacado, yogurt w/ fresh smashed fruit, well cooked veggies, etc..
  8. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member

    We've stopped pureeing fruits and veggies - just steam and dice
    Added in cheese (string and cheddar), yogurt
    Tofu in pieces
    Wheat Bagels (frozen so they can gnaw on them)

    Plan is to introduce toast, waffles, pancakes, real oatmeal - and so on...

    I do wheat but try to avoid egg whites - made a mistake and tried a nutrigrain waffle that had egg in it before we knew - and they were fine - but don't know if I want to again... Our Pedi okayed wheat after we tried all the other baby cereals...
  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You have gotten so really good ideas. We do all those. I just try and give them anything that I think they can handle. Although my son only really eats puffs, cheerios, and toast. I did get a few bites of grilled cheese in today. But he knows if it's not one of them and spits it out. I will keep trying with him though, he'll eventually get tired of me putting it on his tray and just eat it. [​IMG]
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