Transitioning to sippy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Cma, May 27, 2008.

  1. Cma

    Cma Well-Known Member

    I wonder if anyone else had this situation and how they overcame it. My twins both use sippy to drink water. My DS however is better at it and has mastered drinking from sippy well. DD however doesn't seem too good at that....she sucks....gets too much ....splutters and drinks...then repeats. They both take bottles of milk in morning and at night....during the day they might get a bottle but are on all table food. Now my issue is I am trying to move them to sippy...... DS does fine.....he fusses for a bottle but does eventually take the sippy. DD however becomes hysterical if I offer her milk in sippy. She won't even try it. Of course I gave in and gave her bottle, but if I give her the bittle DS regresses. He knows its very easy to go and grab her bottle and drink it and of course given the choice he'd want a bottle instead of a sippy.

    So my question is .....anyone else BTDT. Did you stick to your guns and transition them....just moved one to sippy and keep other on bottle or wait a bit longer for both to move to bottle??

    Also is there any particular kind of sippy that is easier to get used to. I think with DD the fact that she can't drink from a sippy properly freaks her out too. I have tried nuby, gerber training cups, use and toss kind, and avent ones. I am open to getting another type if there is possibility of her getting hang of it.
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I haven't dealt with this situation (haven't been brave enough yet to transition to milk sippies), but wanted to say that the Born Free sippies seem to be very easy to use for kids. They are designed with a special valve inside that helps with the liquid pressure. Babies/kids don't have to suck very hard to get liquid out, but the flow doesn't get overwhelming either. We have these and really like them.
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I would just keep trying with your other twin. Eventually, DD will have to drink out it. We had trouble completely getting rid of bottles (about 15 months for us) but I tried not to stress about it and just let it take its course. :hug99:
  4. delby23

    delby23 Well-Known Member

    We actually had that issue. Both DDs have been drinking water from sippies for a long time, but one DD took awhile longer to get used to it. So, once both of them had mastered the water in sippies I tried milk and one DD refused it. I got freaked out that she was getting little to no milk and ended up giving her a bottle. Of course, after I did that our other DD didn't want the sippy. I attempted milk in sippies two different times, gave it up because of one DDs refusal to drink and ended up back at bottles for both girls both times. Finally, I decided that I didn't want to have to tell the pediatrician at their next milestone visit that they were still using bottles at 18mos. So, I decided to just go for it! One DD, as always, did great. Our other DD either refused the milk or barely drank any for 2 days and then on Monday she came home from daycare with a great report...she decided to drink her sippies with milk and has done it ever since. Looking back, I could have probably done the switch sooner, but I didn't stick to it and DD knew she could get the bottle out of me.

    Also, both girls prefer their milk in the Nuby sippies and we put milk only in those. Water goes in the Playtex sippies. I think it helps them to know what to expect.
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    We had a similar situation. My dd was ready and willing to give up the bottle, and my ds was not. So she got her sippy and I let him have the bottle until he seemed ready, which was around 20 months. Then I just did it cold turkey. There were about three/four days that he didn't drink any milk, but I made sure to give him other sources of calcium. After a few days he realized the bottles were not coming back {and I threw them out to make sure I didn't give in :blush:} he did start drinking the milk and has been ever since. :good: Just do it when you can commit to it and don't worry about how many months they are, there is no reason to stress it. :hug99:
  6. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    My little ones are about the same age as yours (both actual and adjusted :) ) and we are having that kind of problem too. Not so much with the trouble drinking from the sippy, but they won't take milk from them. We still do morning and night bottles too. I have finally refused to give in to the one they want mid-day. So, i feel your stress. As far as having trouble drinking from the sippy, have you tried the straw sippies? Mine love those and i think it seems more like a bottle to them. They don't leak either.

    Good luck!

  7. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    One of my girls had a harder time with the transition and I know I was quite worried and stressed about it at the time. I just decided to stick to my guns and contine the transition. She had a couple of weeks with less milk than she was supposed to drink, but once she realized that was all she got, she gave in and there was no turning back. As for trying different types of sippy cups, we did that and we found that the ones that worked the best were the Nuby straw sippies. Good luck. It's amazing how stressful some of these transitions can be, but it's also amazing how quickly you forget about them after the fact.
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