Transitioning to Sippy Cups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by elhardy26, May 16, 2009.


If your LO wouldn't take milk from a sippy but will take water, and you wanted to transition, WWYD?

  1. Offer only milk in sippy until they took it, knowing their fluid intake would go down for a few days

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  2. Offer milk in sippy first, if they didn't drink it, then offer water in sippy

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  3. Offer water sippy with meals, milk sippy in-between

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  4. I wouldn't go cold turkey, but instead still offer a bottle in am or pm

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  1. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    My 13 mo old LO's will drink water from a sippie but will not drink milk in a sippy. In the next few months I want to get rid of bottles, I'm wondering how to make the transition...
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    We went cold turkey to cold milk in sippies just over 11 months. My girls' milk intake dropped drastically for about a week and then after that it built back up. It did take about a month for them to get back up to 12-16 ounces per day though. I just made sure to have other calcium/dairy choices for them in the meantime, as well as water for hydration.
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I went cold turkey, but my girls were small so I was told to do 1/2 pediasure 1/2 whole milk. That got the girls used to chocolate flavoring and now one of them will only drink chocolate milk. The pedi says it's fine, to just buy chocolate milk and make sure it's not "chocolate drink".
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We did a transition and once they finally started taking some milk in their sippy we went right over to sippies. You can also try a straw cup or different sippy to see if they prefer something else.
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    It might take a couple of types of sippies to find out which work for your kiddos. GL!
  6. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    We went cold turkey. The boys switched over to sippies a week after their 1st birthday and Katie on exactly her 1st birthday!
  7. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I started the transition from bottle to sippy and from formula to whole milk at 11 mos. At this time they were still on 4 bottles a day. I cut out the middle 2 bottles and replaced it with a snack and a milk sippy. It was rough the first several days. I think they were better than I was. I was really stressed about their intake. At this time I didn't know that the recommended milk intake was 16-24 oz. So by still getting their morning and evening bottle, they were definitely meeting it. Plus they love cheese and yogurt, so I made sure they got daily servings of these too.

    Maybe 3 weeks later I decided to replace their morning bottle with a milk sippy (I used a straw cup for this because it's less messy, since they would run around and play in the morning and then go back for a drink when they wanted it. They did this with their morning bottle too. They eventually drink it all. But over the course of a half hour going back and forth.

    Just after their first birthday I replaced their bedtime bottle with a milk sippy (straw cup) as well. They get their cup while we sit on the floor and read books before bed. They hardly drink any at this time, but I still give it just in case they want it.

    So currently they get milk sippies with lunch, snack and dinner - and they pretty much drink the entire cup (about 6 oz) each time, and they get a sippy in the am and pm. They finish the am, and hardly drink the pm. They're pretty good milk drinkers now. It was just rough the first week or so. I never added anything to it, because I was afraid they wouldn't drink regular milk then. I didn't want to start the habit.
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