Transitioning to one nap

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tracymcg, Feb 12, 2008.

  1. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    I know, another nap question, right? But I could really use some guidance here. My boys are 15 months and have been transitioning to one nap for the last month or so. I'm just trying to figure which is better for them, to try and establish a schedule (12:30-2:30 nap) so that they build up the stamina to not totally fall apart in the earlier part of the day, or to play it by ear and put them down for a morning nap if they seem to need it. For instance, they've only had one nap per day for the last two weeks, but then yesterday they started getting a cold so they took two naps.

    The big problem is that if they DO take an a.m. nap they very often refuse their afternoon one. Then the rest of the day is a disaster because they're up from 11am to 6:30pm. I know some suggest moving the a.m. nap later, like to 11:00am, but then that still doesn't solve the problem of them being awake for like 5-6 hours in the later part of the day. Sorry, this is getting long! We following HSHHC up to about one year, and had amazing success with it. I lent it to a friend though, and don't remember what it says about this phase. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :) .
  2. hezza12

    hezza12 Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to be much help here (since we're in the same boat as you), but figured I'd let you know what we've been doing.

    We're also transitioning to one nap, and I aim to keep it to a pretty strict schedule... they go down around 12:00 every day. If I feel they need two naps, I try to stick with the noon nap as the first nap (i may move it up slightly to 11:30), and then put them down again around 3:30 for 45 minutes or so. Even if they don't sleep for that second nap (and they generally won't) just lying in the dark in their cribs for that time seems to give them– and me– a second wind that tides them over till bedtime.
  3. BBCanadianTwins

    BBCanadianTwins Well-Known Member

    Hi - my sons are 1 year 9 months and we still haven't done this. I just wanted you to know you don't HAVE To do it :)

    My sons get up between 6:00 - 6:30 am, and LOVE going to sleep around 8:30 - 10:00am for a nap and then from around 1:00 - 3:00 every day. Everyone told me I had to squish it into 1 nap, and we tried for about a week but everyone was miserable.

    It works for us, especially now that I am pregnant again.

    Don't stress if they want to sleep let them... they're just babies :) You'll know when they're ready to give it up! I think with my guys they're just so darn active and so stimulated by each other that they like the break.

    Good luck!

    :itwins: BIG HUGS!
  4. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    We went to 1 nap per day early (Syd wouldn't nap twice a day before she turned 1!). Anyway, we stick with 12-3. We have a prenap routine (milk sippies, change into sleep sacks, read books - similar to bedtime routine). I occasionally shift it up or back depending upon wake time or sicknesses. But we haven't gone back to 2 naps since before their first birthday. I LOVE it. It gives us more flexibility in AM and PM to get out and do things. And I get a nice long break in the afternoon.
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We went to one nap a day at about the same age yours are at now. My two nap from 11:00 until around 1:00 sometimes later & then they are up until bedtime. Sometimes it makes for a long afternoon but it's the only schedule that seems to work for me so far.
  6. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    That is one thing I like about 1 nap, you can play with the day. If they are supper fussy they can go down around 11am, and may have an earlier bedtime. Or if they are busy and doing good we do naptime at 1pm.
    I have had the most success with the one nap if I watch thier cues, but always "aim" for around 12:30pm.

    Once we went to one nap they started sleeping in a lot later too (used to wake at 6:30am and now wake at 8am), so that made it easier to do one nap also.

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