transitioning to big boy beds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kerilynh, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    So from my last post about getting the boys from cribs to "big boy beds" all is going well to a point. Did any of you have a problem with earlier waking times and harder nap times? They go to bed at night Perfectly. Knock on wood. But nap time is a nightmare. I have to stay in there til they fall asleep or they get back out of bed to play. And they have been getting up an hour to two hours earlier than normal and getting out of bed to play. We live in an apartment so keeping their toys out of the room is not an option. Any suggestions. Or are they just transitioning and will go back to normal?

  2. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    We had to resort to taping cardboard to the inside of their window to keep it dark in their room. Even with that, they continued to get up and tear their room apart. It really took a good two weeks of consistently putting them back in bed to get naps back, but they are back. They hardly ever get out of bed now. I think the Dr. Phil method works well. The first time they get up, tell them it's time for bed, then after that, no reaction and no talking. Just stand outside their room and if they get up, put them right back in bed. It's heck on your back, but after a few days, they'll figure out that you aren't going to give in.

    Good luck,
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    When we switched, naptime was a disaster for about a month, and mine were 2 1/2. I went back and read your previous thread, sorry I missed it. I would convert them back to cribs and get crib tents. I think the parents have more issues with them then the kids. I only needed one, since I only had one that climbed out. Everyone thought he would hate it--he absolutely LOVED it!--and he was 23 months at the time.

    For the same reason that time outs and other discipline techniques aren't really effective (by effective I mean have a long term result, not just a short term stopping of behaviour) before 2 years, I believe that at 17 months, they really don't have the cognative ability to understand from one day to the other why they stay in bed--so you have to do the same thing over and over--especially with a distraction in the room. There are quite a few people here who tried to switch with kids as young as yours, and went back to cribs with tents until they were closer to 3. Good luck.
  4. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    I appreciate the advice but unfortunatly crib tents are not an option for us. Dakota would accept it but Logan there is no way he will go for it. He flips out when he feels confined like that. And since they are both in the same room, we can't have one with a crib tent and one without.
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    we can't have one with a crib tent and one without

    Actually, mine always shared a room, and one did have a tent, and the other never did. They never even questioned it.
  6. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    I transitioned mine at @20 months. They did great at bedtime, and only woke early a few timws. I had to start locking their bedroom door becuase they learned how to open it. For naptime, I had to childproof every drawer, and closet, otherwise, I would spend 30 minutes a day putting close back into their drawers just to be ripped out the next day. I also had to put blankets over our room darkening shades becuase the sun would still peak in at the corners and they could see enough to move around. I had to take out their toybox and all their books, and animals had to be put away every naptime. That didn't stop mine though, they still often play peekaboo with each other on the side of their beds. I also bought a video monitor just for my peace of mind, and I moved their naptime back to 1 from 12pm. Ocasionally, they will fall asleep within 15 minutes from me trying to wear them out. Someday they will fall asleep after 1:30 minutes of playing. I also had to start pinning their diapers on becuase they would take those of also! I wish I would have kept them in their cribs until they were older, however, it's to late now, sold them both, but it is starting to get a little better. Good luck!!!!!!!!!
  7. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    Well After Logan's Fourth temper tantrum since 6AM this morning, I gave up and put the crib rails back on the crib. I can't take it. At night they DO AWESOME. Fall asleep faster than they did in the crib. But they won't nap plus they wake up way to early for them. They are miserable. So well see how this goes again, if I catch them trying to climb out, I guess I am going to have to try the tents. Logan just seems a bit clautraphobic or something cause he hates anything over his head and he is the climber. Any ideas on how to get around that one? Dakota I think will think it is fun so I don't forsee a problem with him. Also any place you know to get them cheap?

    Thanks again for all advice. Hopefully in time we will find something that works.

  8. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Keri, NancyO just posted in this forum that she is selling hers.
  9. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    Is there any reason you want to transition them so soon? I didn't get to read your first post. Are they climbing out?

    I think it may still be a little too soon. I've heard of people moving them out of the cribs that early, but most of those stories involve lots of patience and usually resort back to the cribs. If I were you, I would just put them back in cribs until they were a little older. I know you said crib tents aren't an option but it can't hurt to try. If they don't work out, you can sell off the tents.

    Mine don't climb out...yet. They try if the sides are down, but we have the mattress completely lowered and don't have any problems....yet.
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